Sodomite "Pride"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I notice the vermin at Yahoo had a "rainbow" banner on their home "PC" of them.

Gay pride marchers celebrate with parades, parties

The Associated Press

NEW YORK â€" Thousands of marchers and a rainbow of floats filled the streets of New York and other U.S. cities on Sunday as people celebrated gay pride, part of a weekend of events marred by a shooting death Saturday at a street party in San Francisco.
FILE - In this June 28, 2009 file photo, Mike McDonald, left, and Joey Infante march on Fifth Avenue during New York's annual Gay Pride Parade. New York and San Francisco will hold their annual gay pride parades Sunday, June 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Yanina Manolova, File)
Shirley Tuygun, left, her partner Shawn Addison, second from left, and others react as they watch the Gay Pride Parade make its way down New York's Fifth Avenue Sunday June 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg)
Jackie Carlson, second from right, and her partner Cara Lee Sparry, both from the Brooklyn borough of New York, make their way down New York's Fifth Avenue as they take part in the city's annual parade celebrating gay pride on Sunday, June 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg)
Jackie Carlson, second from right, and her partner Cara Lee Sparry, both from the Brooklyn borough of New York, make their way down New York's Fifth Avenue as they take part in the city's annual parade celebrating gay pride on Sunday, June 27, 2010.

Participants in New York's annual parade, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Gov. David Paterson, made their way down Fifth Avenue toward the Greenwich Village neighborhood. Throngs of people turned out despite the heat and humidity on Sunday to watch the city's annual parade.

One of the parade's grand marshals was Constance McMillen, the lesbian teenager who sued her Mississippi school district over its policy banning same-sex prom dates.

San Francisco's 40th annual gay pride weekend started Saturday at Civic Center Plaza, where thousands converged as vendors sold barbecue and burritos and DJs spun tunes on a large stage. The party later moved into the city's Castro District for the "Pink Saturday" street party, where police said a 19-year-old man was killed and two others injured in a shooting late Saturday.

Police were investigating what led to the shooting but Officer Phil Gordon told the San Francisco Chronicle authorities did not believe it was a hate crime.

City leaders said based on the initial investigation they did not believe the violence would cause officials to cancel future gay pride events in the Castro.

A 2006 shooting at Halloween party in the Castro resulted in the halting of all subsequent city-sanctioned Halloween festivities there.

Thousands gathered to watch and participate in the city's gay pride parade. The Backstreet Boys were due to perform and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who represents San Francisco, was scheduled to deliver a videotaped address to revelers.

Chicago's parade included the first-ever float from the Cubs and an appearance by the Stanley Cup â€" NHL's championship trophy.

The Chicago Blackhawks won their first Stanley Cup title since 1961 this year, and the parade marks the first time the trophy has been on display at a gay-themed event, according to the Hockey Hall of Fame's Phil Pritchard.

"We are thrilled that it worked out as it's important for the city and important for the franchise," Blackhawks spokesman Adam Rogowin said.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
The G20 madness that made downtown Toronto look like Paris probably had a good gay and lesbian contingent as it was Gay and Lesbian Pride Week.....
Nice to see the Back Door Boys performing at Sodomite Week festivities in San Fran Freako...


Apr 22, 2006
Speaking of gay pride, CNN is running a special called "Gary + Tony have a baby" Of course it is pro homo-sexual program as you might have guessed...

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This is how bad things are in Toronto now. The chief of police has to attend the gay "festival" and make like he is interested in the freak show.....
I liked it better when the chief was public enemy number 1 to the anti-family crowd... Here is a story about this madness.... Gay activists challenge Blair

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Protesters group outside 519 Church Street Community Centre chanting against G20 policing. (JENNY YUEN/Toronto Sun)

Queer activists say they won't be "pink-washed"Â￾ by Police Chief Bill Blair's friendly attempts to rub shoulders with the gay community ramping up to the Pride parade with all the police brutality they witnessed over the G-20 weekend.

"Hey hey, ho ho, Bill Blair has got to go,"Â￾ the crowd of about 60 chanted Tuesday afternoon outside the 519 Church Street Community Centre, which is hosting a Pride public reception.

"He's got some nerve coming in here and acting like everything is back to normal and we're all buddy buddy,"Â￾ said protester Michelle Hill, 54. "You attacked our community this weekend, you attacked gay, lesbians and straight people out there who were exercising our basic democratic rights â€" at least we thought so before we were rounded up."Â￾

The 519 Centre said protesters are not shut out of the centre, but the reception is at capacity at 250 people, however, some protesters who did manage to sneak a peek inside said there was only 40 people in the room.

The centre's executive director Maura Lawless said the public function was for Pride Toronto and the police to celebrate Pride, not for the community to voice its concern at this time.

Lisa Walter, a journalist with Our Times, an independent labour paper based out of Halifax, said she was arrested Sunday afternoon and spent more than 12 hours in the detention centre, segregated by the fact she was a lesbian.

"They said, ‘Are you a woman or a man...but now I can't tell now by looking at you,'"Â￾ Walter said. "It was constant humiliation and there were washrooms with no doors, which males were walking up and down. My hands were cuffed for 12 hours I was there. I was segregated with three other prisoners who were gay and I was told it was for our protection. I had heard reports of women getting strip-searched."Â￾

But after protesters found themselves shut out from the reception after Blair's arrival at 5:45 p.m., they found an open side door and infiltrated the downstairs lobby.

Some of them said they saw Blair "smirking"Â￾ as he walked passed them while they yelled, "Shame."Â￾

Inside, about a dozen cops blocked their way up the stairs to the auditorium where Blair was speaking.

"Bill Blair come out or we'll continue to shout,"Â￾ chanted the crowd. "Billy, you're a bully."Â￾

The crowd booed and yelled, "Shame,"Â￾ as Councillor Kyle Rae exited the centre.

"Kyle Rae...sellout,"Â￾ they shouted.

At 6:33 p.m., Blair came down the stairs, but despite relaying a message he was considering speaking to the crowd, he shook a few of the guests' hands at the reception, smiled and then left the building.

"This is what pride looks like,"Â￾ the protesters shouted and clapped as they left the centre. No arrests were made.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Apr 14, 2005
Guys I'm sorry but who cares about these gay people and their little parades. I don't like the whole GAY thing shoved in my face like CNN and other media outlets love to do but all in all gay people I could care less about. They don't bother me and I don't bother them. Also I have a lesbian aunt as well as a gay cousin so as I've gotten older, hence my position on this issue has become more liberal. I support gay marriage on the basis that they'll probably right around heterosexual people with a 50% chance divorce rate. LOL. Additionally, I agree that the media coverage of "gay events" is WAY out of proportion to how many people are actually homosexual. I know the MSM tries to shove this agenda down all of our throats but keep in mind these people are human just like you and I. Don't let overhyped media coverage make you lash out against homosexuals. They just got the raw end of the DNA stick at conception.

I just had to post how I really feel on this issue even if it goes against the grains of posting that is done on this topic.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
whiteCB said:
They just got the raw end of the DNA stick at conception.

the notion that homosexuality is genetic is ludicrous. any middle school biology student with a passing grade should be capable of refuting such a premise.

that being said, if queers keep their business to themselves then that's their business, and i have no complaints. but if/when they make their deviant behavior public, it becomes our business. then i have a BIG problem. of course, i don't like public displays of affection between heterosexuals, either.


Apr 14, 2005
Jimmy Chitwood said:
whiteCB said:
They just got the raw end of the DNA stick at conception.
<div> </div>
<div>the notion that homosexuality is genetic is ludicrous. any middle school biology student with a passing grade should be capable of refuting such a premise.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>that being said, if queers keep their business to themselves then that's their business, and i have no complaints. but if/when they make their deviant behavior public, it becomes our business. then i have a BIG problem. of course, i don't like public displays of affection between heterosexuals, either. </div>

You're kidding me?? Really JC you're trying to say that homosexuality isn't genetic?!

Homosexuality is 100% GENETIC!! You don't learn to like a particular sex, it just naturally is what you're into. Let me ask you this: When did you know that you were officially "into" women? Can't remember?..oh yeah that's because you were predisposed from the time you were born to be hard wired to want to mate with the opposite sex. Do you really think gay people would want to choose to go against and be different than 98% of the population. Then go through their whole lives being made fun of and persecuted against. Yeah I'm sure that's why gay people love to "pick" the option of being homosexual.

It's funny growing up and now being a young adult I've noticed more times than not (not always) that it's the gay hating/anti-homosexual parents that end up breeding a gay child. It's that invincible force called Karma and I get a kick out of it!!

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i'll quickly refute your position, whiteCB. and without any exclamation marks, too.

the primary genetic imperative of all organisms is to reproduce, to make sure their genes are passed to the next generation. any DNA (genetic data) that inhibits the ability of an organism to pass its genes on is quickly eliminated from the genetic pool, because the parent doesn't have offspring (or not as many as its fellows who lack said DNA). therefore, that reproduction-inhibiting gene is less common with each passing generation of said organism, because the organisms who possess it don't have enough offspring to pass it on.

in humans, if homosexuality was indeed genetic, then it would have been bred out in ages gone by for the same reason (and due to the relatively small number of offspring each human has). each homosexual would have been inhibited from reproducing due to his/her inclination to only mate with a same sex partner.rare occasions that homosexuals would have been coerced into mating with the opposite sex would have not been as numerous as genes that drive heterosexual intercourse, and so the gene for homosexuality would be less common with each passing generation up until the point when it would no longer exist.

homosexuality doesn't enhance an organism's ability to reproduce, so according to evolutionary theory it would soon disappear in any species where it cropped up. thus, if homosexuality were truly genetic, then a homosexual person might pop up occasionally due to random mutation ... much like a person with 11 fingers (or some other such odd characteristic).however, there wouldn't be large numbers of a stable homosexual population, because of simple genetic imperatives.

there's no hate in that, mate. simply biological fact. you are free, of course, to disagree on philosophical grounds, and i'll harbor no ill will.


Apr 14, 2005
No I still totally disagree with you on scientific grounds as well as philosophical grounds. Also if you think homosexuality is not genetic then what causes people to be gay? Because I am dying to know why I have homosexual relatives who grew up in alpha male households with not a tint of gayness in their upbringing.

"Nature debates over sexuality center around a person's sexual orientation being decided by heredity and genes. As the American Psychological Association has noted, "Research suggests that the homosexual orientation is in place very early in the life cycle, possibly even before birth. It is found in about ten percent of the population, a figure which is surprisingly constant across cultures, irrespective of the different moral values and standards of a particular culture."Â￾ Studies conducted on the subject of homosexuality have focused on a range of possible genetic factors to link biological and hormonal factors to sexual orientation, from the size of one's finger lengths, to fraternal birth order, to the number of ridges on one's fingertips, to under-exposure (for gay men) or over-exposure (for lesbians) of prenatal androgens, among many others."

now listen I know a lot of you on here are going to come up with the repeated argument "Well why then are there so many more gay people today..because that's what society's culture is doing to people, turning them gay with all this pussy s*ht out there". Well I can guarantee you that there's just as many gay people in 2010 as there was in 1610. The main difference is now people don't have to live a lie like they used to. In today's world coming out gay doesn't result in the firing squad; like it used to be. Hence if a person came out of the closet in 1721 then they'd be hung/whipped and their family would probably never speak to them again. Now when someone comes out in 2010 they'll just lose their job/estrange family/friends and get whipped again but this time its their partner doing the whipping.


Oct 12, 2008
It's not all genetics. Clearly events in a person's developmental stages affect their sexual proclivities. Many homosexual men were molested by males as children. It doesn't really matter, because ultimately noone can control or choose to whom or what they are sexually attracted. In any case, its nothing to be proud of. Keep it to yourself. I wouldn't parade around telling the world I like to pork fat chicks.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
icsept said:
It's not all genetics. Clearly events in a person's developmental stages affect their sexual proclivities. Many homosexual men were molested by males as children. It doesn't really matter, because ultimately noone can control or choose to whom or what they are sexually attracted. In any case, its nothing to be proud of. Keep it to yourself. I wouldn't parade around telling the world I like to pork fat chicks.

It is totally genetics. You think people grow into being gay? Bulls-it! They are born that way and eventually come out once they get older.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
whiteCB said:
Also if you think homosexuality is not genetic then what causes people to be gay?

choice, mate. it's that simple.

as for why they'd choose such a difficult, often ostracizing lifestyle, to that i don't have an answer. why do White women sleep with negroes? why do folks shoot heroine? *shrugs* who can answer to the bad choices people make. i certainly can't. i am as confused over that as anyone.

as forhomosexuality being genetic, if it is true thatit is a genetic imprint then it would throw all current evolutionary theory on its head. of course, i suppose that itcould bea possibility that homosexuality somehow gives a significant benefit in producing viable offspring, as bizarre as it sounds.

oh, and the one study (that is so oft-cited yet non-reproducible) that found homosexuality to be present in 10% of the population has been thoroughly discredited. the sample over which it was done took place in a heavily gay, high drug usearea in San Francisco by a "researcher" with a pro-gay agenda, if i recall correctly. if you're interested, i'm sure you could find the numerous academic dismissals online. i'm not bothered enough about the topic to look up a link, to be honest.


Apr 14, 2005
Jimmy Chitwood said:
whiteCB said:
Also if you think homosexuality is not genetic then what causes people to be gay?
<div> </div>
<div>choice, mate. it's that simple. </div>
<div> </div>

My family members didn't choose to be gay just like nobody on this board chose to be straight. Trust me I've talked to them about it and before I did I thought it was a choice. But they asked me when I knew I was straight? I told them I didn't know and that I've always had an inclination towards women. They said you're exactly right. We didn't know when we were gay we just happened to not particularity like the opposite sex and had a inclination towards people our own same sex.

The point is there wasn't a date or time when they all of a sudden
started to be gay. They just were always that way to begin with. Just like nobody wakes up one day and says "i want to be heterosexual today!". Gay people just don't wake up one day and say, "I think I want to like people my own sex!". If this isn't genetic then I don't know what is. Although that 10% figure is totally inflated JC, I agree on that.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i can't speak for your family, mate. i have no animus toward them or you. so, no worries.

i stand by my original statement, though. if homosexuality is genetic, then it must provide some benefit in reproduction (andproducing viable offspring)to an organism that has it. otherwise, biology (and evolutionary theory) as we know it is all wrong. i've nothing more to add to this discussion, as i certainly have no anger toward you or emotional involvement in the topic. so i'll leave it be from here on out.

best wishes to you and yours, mate.


Apr 14, 2005
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i can't speak for your family, mate. i have no animus toward them or you. so, no worries.
<div> </div>
<div>i stand by my original statement, though. if homosexuality is genetic, then it must provide some benefit in reproduction (and producing viable offspring) to an organism that has it. otherwise, biology (and evolutionary theory) as we know it is all wrong. i've nothing more to add to this discussion, as i certainly have no anger toward you or emotional involvement in the topic. so i'll leave it be from here on out. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>best wishes to you and yours, mate. </div>

Hey no ill will at all bud!! i like you JC the work you do for this site and your posts in general. Just difference of opinion. That's what makes America and Caste Football in particular great. We can disagree all we want about stuff but at the end of the day I'm sure we could go out for a cold beer and have a good time!


May 10, 2008
It isn't genetics -- as JC notes -- a non-fertility gene can't pass down over many generations.

But I do think that there is evidence that SOME of this homosexualism
is CONGENITAL. In other words, it is NOT in the DNA, but it IS present at birth. Environmental toxins disturbing the developing child in the womb, and thus males with certain female characteristics, and vice-versa.

People in the USA have been changing physically, on average, (extra weight, but also woman with figures that are not as curved as a generation ago; I've read that men's faces are more boyish, but not too sure about that) and my guess is that some of this can be traced to the development in the womb and disruptions by toxins. Male sperm counts also much lower in the current generation.

Large percentages of male fish in many rivers now have female characteristics, and it would seem to me that this could be occurring in the human population as well. Certain plastics, massive amounts of contraceptives in our waters -- city filtration systems are not designed to remove these toxins. The waters of San Francisco, for instance, are loaded with sex hormones -- is this cause? Or effect?

All that aside, even if a person has a disordered tendency because of development or disease, that does not mean that one has the right to act in accord with that disease -- especially not in public.

But every creature has a strong desire for preservation of their own kind. Since "gays" cannot preserve by reproduction, they must "preserve" themselves by recruiting new members -- hence, the impulsion of gays for public displays and public acceptance. (No, that is not really a total explanation, and places too much importance on psychology as a merely biological mechanism. But when dealing with brutish minds ruled by sexuality -- whether homos or heteros -- such explanation goes a long way.)

My guess is that the degree that this is not congenital is simply old-fashioned perversion, going after anything that moves. If one is too ugly for an attractive member of the opposite sex, then an ugly one will do. If unable to find even an ugly one, then try the same sex. If that doesn't work, go after a dog or horse or tree. The public displays at the more outrageous "gay" parades would seem to be people who are of this bestial nature.


Nov 25, 2004
There has not been one bit of scientific evidence to show that homosexuality is genetic. No physical, chemical, or DNA differences. Nearly every homosexual has had some sort of odd upbringing - such as being molested as a child. There are some that choose to be homosexual to belong to a group and be accepted/liked by somebody, or simply to get attention.

Homosexuals don't really hide their homosexuality. Not many are in the closet - perhaps only to family members etc. I'm not of the thinking we should accept homosexuality in any way other than absolutely private. But it's hardly ever private. A bent wrist, a lipse in the voice, dressing femmy, and liking Bette Mitler is defeniately not genetic nor is the desire to pop another man's O-ring.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
From little I watch of network TV, and of "children's" TV, the main agendaappears to berecruiting women into becoming domineering feminist bitches and men into becoming homosexuals.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
whiteCB said:
They just got the raw end of the DNA stick...

Oct 24, 2005
Male homosexuals believe they are born this way. Females believe that they have a choice. I am not sure who is right. Lately, I have been questioning the idea that they are born this way.


Apr 13, 2005
Sorry White CB, but there is no conclusive evidence (or even good evidence) that homosexuality is "100% genetic." You've been sold a bill of goods on that score.

In the 1970s the American Psychiactric Association VOTED to take homosexuality out of the realm of mental disorders after it was lobbied to do so by pro-homosexual groups.

green fire317

Mar 17, 2009
I thought this was a good article regrding the subject as it mentions genetics, evolution, and some other great topics.

What Makes People Gay?
The debate has always been that it was either all in the child's upbringing or all in the genes. But what if it's something else?

Researcher Alan Sanders signs up Daniel Velez Rivera on Boston Common for a study using gay brothers to search for the genetic basis for homosexuality. (Illustration / Chris Buzelli; Globe Staff Photo / David Kamerman)

By Neil Swidey | August 14, 2005

With crystal-blue eyes, wavy hair, and freshly scrubbed faces, the boys look as though they stepped out of a Pottery Barn Kids catalog. They are 7-year-old twins. I'll call them Thomas and Patrick; their parents agreed to let me meet the boys as long as I didn't use their real names.

Spend five seconds with them, and there can be no doubt that they are identical twins - so identical even they can't tell each other apart in photographs. Spend five minutes with them, and their profound differences begin to emerge.

Patrick is social, thoughtful, attentive. He repeatedly addresses me by name. Thomas is physical, spontaneous, a bit distracted. Just minutes after meeting me outside a coffee shop, he punches me in the upper arm, yells, "Gray punch buggy!" and then points to a Volkswagen Beetle cruising past us. It's a hard punch. They horse around like typical brothers, but Patrick's punches are less forceful and his voice is higher. Thomas charges at his brother, arms flexed in front of him like a mini-bodybuilder. The differences are subtle - they're 7-year-old boys, after all - but they are there.

When the twins were 2, Patrick found his mother's shoes. He liked wearing them. Thomas tried on his father's once but didn't see the point.

When they were 3, Thomas blurted out that toy guns were his favorite things. Patrick piped up that his were the Barbie dolls he discovered at day care.

When the twins were 5, Thomas announced he was going to be a monster for Halloween. Patrick said he was going to be a princess. Thomas said he couldn't do that, because other kids would laugh at him. Patrick seemed puzzled. "Then I'll be Batman," he said.

Their mother - intelligent, warm, and open-minded - found herself conflicted. She wanted Patrick - whose playmates have always been girls, never boys - to be himself, but she worried his feminine behavior would expose him to ridicule and pain. She decided to allow him free expression at home while setting some limits in public.

That worked until last year, when a school official called to say Patrick was making his classmates uncomfortable. He kept insisting that he was a girl.

Patrick exhibits behavior called childhood gender nonconformity, or CGN. This doesn't describe a boy who has a doll somewhere in his toy collection or tried on his sister's Snow White outfit once, but rather one who consistently exhibits a host of strongly feminine traits and interests while avoiding boy-typical behavior like rough-and-tumble play. There's been considerable research into this phenomenon, particularly in males, including a study that followed boys from an early age into early adulthood. The data suggest there is a very good chance Patrick will grow up to be homosexual. Not all homosexual men show this extremely feminine behavior as young boys. But the research indicates that, of the boys who do exhibit CGN, about 75 percent of them - perhaps more - turn out to be gay or bisexual.

What makes the case of Patrick and Thomas so fascinating is that it calls into question both of the dominant theories in the long-running debate over what makes people gay: nature or nurture, genes or learned behavior. As identical twins, Patrick and Thomas began as genetic clones. From the moment they came out of their mother's womb, their environment was about as close to identical as possible - being fed, changed, and plopped into their car seats the same way, having similar relationships with the same nurturing father and mother. Yet before either boy could talk, one showed highly feminine traits while the other appeared to be "all boy," as the moms at the playgrounds say with apologetic shrugs.

"That my sons were different the second they were born, there is no question about it," says the twins' mother.

So what happened between their identical genetic starting point and their births? They spent nine months in utero. In the hunt for what causes people to be gay or straight, that's now the most interesting and potentially enlightening frontier.

WHAT DOES IT MATTER WHERE HOMOSEXUALITY COMES FROM? Proving people are born gay would give them wider social acceptance and better protection against discrimination, many gay rights advocates argue. In the last decade, as this "biological" argument has gained momentum, polls find Americans - especially young adults - increasingly tolerant of gays and lesbians. And that's exactly what has groups opposed to homosexuality so concerned. The Family Research Council, a conservative Christian think tank in Washington, D.C., argues in its book Getting It Straight that finding people are born gay "would advance the idea that sexual orientation is an innate characteristic, like race; that homosexuals, like African-Americans, should be legally protected against 'discrimination;' and that disapproval of homosexuality should be as socially stigmatized as racism. However, it is not true."

Some advocates of gay marriage argue that proving sexual orientation is inborn would make it easier to frame the debate as simply a matter of civil rights. That could be true, but then again, freedom of religion enjoyed federal protection long before inborn traits like race and sex.

For much of the 20th century, the dominant thinking connected homosexuality to upbringing. Freud, for instance, speculated that overprotective mothers and distant fathers helped make boys gay. It took the American Psychiatric Association until 1973 to remove "homosexuality" from its manual of mental disorders.

Then, in 1991, a neuroscientist in San Diego named Simon LeVay told the world he had found a key difference between the brains of homosexual and heterosexual men he studied. LeVay showed that a tiny clump of neurons of the anterior hypothalamus - which is believed to control sexual behavior - was, on average, more than twice the size in heterosexual men as in homosexual men. LeVay's findings did not speak directly to the nature-vs.-nurture debate - the clumps could, theoretically, have changed size because of homosexual behavior. But that seemed unlikely, and the study ended up jump-starting the effort to prove a biological basis for homosexuality.

Later that same year, Boston University psychiatrist Richard Pillard and Northwestern University psychologist J. Michael Bailey announced the results of their study of male twins. They found that, in identical twins, if one twin was gay, the other had about a 50 percent chance of also being gay. For fraternal twins, the rate was about 20 percent. Because identical twins share their entire genetic makeup while fraternal twins share about half, genes were believed to explain the difference. Most reputable studies find the rate of homosexuality in the general population to be 2 to 4 percent, rather than the popular "1 in 10" estimate.

In 1993 came the biggest news: Dean Hamer's discovery of the "gay gene." In fact, Hamer, a Harvard-trained researcher at the National Cancer Institute, hadn't quite put it that boldly or imprecisely. He found that gay brothers shared a specific region of the X chromosome, called Xq28, at a higher rate than gay men shared with their straight brothers. Hamer and others suggested this finding would eventually transform our understanding of sexual orientation.

That hasn't happened yet. But the clear focus of sexual-orientation research has shifted to biological causes, and there hasn't been much science produced to support the old theories tying homosexuality to upbringing. Freud may have been seeing the effect rather than the cause, since a father faced with a very feminine son might well become more distant or hostile, leading the boy's mother to become more protective. In recent years, researchers who suspect that homosexuality is inborn - whether because of genetics or events happening in the womb - have looked everywhere for clues: Prenatal hormones. Birth order. Finger length. Fingerprints. Stress. Sweat. Eye blinks. Spatial relations. Hearing. Handedness. Even "gay" sheep.

LeVay, who is gay, says that when he published his study 14 years ago, some gays and lesbians criticized him for doing research that might lead to homosexuality once again being lumped in with diseases and disorders. "If anything, the reverse has happened," says LeVay, who is now 61 and no longer active in the lab. He says the hunt for a biological basis for homosexuality, which involves many researchers who are themselves gay or lesbian, "has contributed to the status of gay people in society."

These studies have been small and underfunded, and the results have often been modest. Still, because there's been so much of this disparate research, "all sort of pointing in the same direction, makes it pretty clear there are biological processes significantly influencing sexual orientation," says LeVay. "But it's also kind of frustrating that it's still a bunch of hints, that nothing is really as crystal clear as you would like."

Just in the last few months, though, the hints have grown stronger.

In May, Swedish researchers reported finding important differences in how the brains of straight men and gay men responded to two compounds suspected of being pheromones - those scent-related chemicals that are key to sexual arousal in animals. The first compound came from women's urine, the second from male sweat. Brain scans showed that when straight men smelled the female urine compound, their hypothalamus lit up. That didn't happen with gay men. Instead, their hypothalamus lit up when they smelled the male-sweat compound, which was the same way straight women had responded. This research once again connecting the hypothalamus to sexual orientation comes on the heels of work with sheep. About 8 percent of domestic rams are exclusively interested in sex with other rams. Researchers found that a clump of neurons similar to the one LeVay identified in human brains was also smaller in gay rams than straight ones. (Again, it's conceivable that these differences could be showing effect rather than cause.)

In June, scientists in Vienna announced that they had isolated a master genetic switch for sexual orientation in the fruit fly. Once they flicked the switch, the genetically altered female flies rebuffed overtures from males and instead attempted to mate with other females, adopting the elaborate courting dance and mating songs that males use.

And now, a large-scale, five-year genetic study of gay brothers is underway in North America. The study received $2.5 million from the National Institutes of Health, which is unusual. Government funders tend to steer clear of sexual orientation research, aware that even small grants are apt to be met with outrage from conservative congressmen looking to make the most of their C-Span face time. Relying on a robust sample of 1,000 gay-brother pairs and the latest advancements in genetic screening, this study promises to bring some clarity to the murky area of what role genes may play in homosexuality.

This accumulating biological evidence, combined with the prospect of more on the horizon, is having an effect. Last month, the Rev. Rob Schenck, a prominent Washington, D.C., evangelical leader, told a large gathering of young evangelicals that he believes homosexuality is not a choice but rather a predisposition, something "deeply rooted" in people. Schenck told me that his conversion came about after he'd spoken extensively with genetic researchers and psychologists. He argues that evangelicals should continue to oppose homosexual behavior, but that "many evangelicals are living in a sort of state of denial about the advance of this conversation." His message: "If it's inevitable that this scientific evidence is coming, we have to be prepared with a loving response. If we don't have one, we won't have any credibility."

AS THE 21-YEAR-OLD COLLEGE JUNIOR IN A HOSPITAL JOHNNY slides into the MRI, she is handed controls with buttons for "strongly like" and "strongly dislike." Hundreds of pornographic images - in male-male and female-female pairings - flash before her eyes. Eroticism eventually gives way to monotony, and it's hard to avoid looking for details to distinguish one image from the rest of the panting pack. So it goes from "Look at the size of those breasts!" to "That can't be comfortable, given the length of her fingernails!" to "Why is that guy wearing nothing but work boots on the beach?"

Regardless of which buttons the student presses, the MRI scans show her arousal level to each image, at its starting point in the brain.

Researchers at Northwestern University, outside Chicago, are doing this work as a follow-up to their studies of arousal using genital measurement tools. They found that while straight men were aroused by film clips of two women having sex, and gay men were aroused by clips of two men having sex, most of the men who identified themselves as bisexual showed gay arousal patterns. More surprising was just how different the story with women turned out to be. Most women, whether they identified as straight, lesbian, or bisexual, were significantly aroused by straight, gay, and lesbian sex. "I'm not suggesting that most women are bisexual," says Michael Bailey, the psychology professor whose lab conducted the studies. "I'm suggesting that whatever a woman's sexual arousal pattern is, it has little to do with her sexual orientation." That's fundamentally different from men. "In men, arousal is orientation. It's as simple as that. That's how gay men learn they are gay."

These studies mark a return to basics for the 47-year-old Bailey. He says researchers need a far deeper understanding of what sexual orientation is before they can determine where it comes from.

Female sexual orientation is particularly foggy, he says, because there's been so little research done. As for male sexual orientation, he argues that there's now enough evidence to suggest it is "entirely in-born," though not nearly enough to establish how that happens.

Bailey's 1991 twin study is still cited by other researchers as one of the pillars in the genetic argument for homosexuality. But his follow-up study using a comprehensive registry of twins in Australia found a much lower rate of similarity in sexual orientation between identical twins, about 20 percent, down from 50 percent. Bailey still believes that genes make important contributions to sexual orientation. But, he says, "that's not where I'd bet the real breakthroughs will come."

His hunch is that further study of childhood gender nonconformity will pay big. Because it's unclear what percentage of homosexuals and lesbians showed CGN as children, Bailey and his colleagues are now running a study that uses adult participants' home movies from childhood to look for signs of gender-bending behavior.

Cornell psychologist Daryl Bem has proposed an intriguing theory for how CGN might lead to homosexuality. According to this pathway, which he calls "the exotic becomes erotic," children are born with traits for temperament, such as aggression and activity level, that predispose them to male-typical or female-typical activities. They seek out playmates with the same interests. So a boy whose traits lead him to hopscotch and away from rough play will feel different from, and ostracized by, other boys. This leads to physiological arousal of fear and anger in their presence, arousal that eventually is transformed from exotic to erotic.

Critics of homosexuality have used Bem's theory, which stresses environment over biology, to argue that sexual orientation is not inborn and not fixed. But Bem says this pathway is triggered by biological traits, and he doesn't really see how the outcome of homosexuality can be changed.

Bailey says whether or not Bem's theory holds up, the environment most worth focusing in on is the one a child experiences when he's in his mother's womb.

LET'S GET BACK TO THOMAS AND PATRICK. BECAUSE IT'S UNCLEAR why twin brothers with identical genetic starting points and similar post-birth environments would take such divergent paths, it's helpful to return to the beginning.

Males and females have a fundamental genetic difference - females have two X chromosomes, and males have an X and a Y. Still, right after conception, it's hard to tell male and female zygotes apart, except for that tucked-away chromosomal difference. Normally, the changes take shape at a key point of fetal development, when the male brain is masculinized by sex hormones. The female brain is the default. The brain will stay on the female path as long as it is protected from exposure to hormones. The hormonal theory of homosexuality holds that, just as exposure to circulating sex hormones determines whether a fetus will be male or female, such exposure must also influence sexual orientation.

The cases of children born with disorders of "sexual differentiation" offer insight. William Reiner, a psychiatrist and urologist with the University of Oklahoma, has evaluated more than a hundred of these cases. For decades, the standard medical response to boys born with severely inadequate penises (or none at all) was to castrate the boy and have his parents raise him as a girl. But Reiner has found that nurture - even when it involves surgery soon after birth - cannot trump nature. Of the boys with inadequate penises who were raised as girls, he says, "I haven't found one who is sexually attracted to males." The majority of them have transitioned back to being males and report being attracted to females.

During fetal development, sexual identity is set before the sexual organs are formed, Reiner says. Perhaps it's the same for sexual orientation. In his research, of all the babies with X and Y chromosomes who were raised as girls, the only ones he has found who report having female identities and being attracted to males are those who did not have "receptors" to let the male sex hormones do their masculinizing in the womb.

What does this all mean? "Exposure to male hormones in utero dramatically raises the chances of being sexually attracted to females," Reiner says. "We can infer that the absence of male hormone exposure may have something to do with attraction to males."

Michael Bailey says Reiner's findings represent a major breakthrough, showing that "whatever causes sexual orientation is strongly influenced by prenatal biology." Bailey and Reiner say the answer is probably not as simple as just exposure to sex hormones. After all, the exposure levels in some of the people Reiner studies are abnormal enough to produce huge differences in sexual organs. Yet, sexual organs in straight and gay people are, on average, the same. More likely, hormones are interacting with other factors.

Canadian researchers have consistently documented a "big-brother effect," finding that the chances of a boy being gay increase with each additional older brother he has. (Birth order does not appear to play a role with lesbians.) So, a male with three older brothers is three times more likely to be gay than one with no older brothers, though there's still a better than 90 percent chance he will be straight. They argue that this results from a complex interaction involving hormones, antigens, and the mother's immune system.

By now, there is substantial evidence showing correlation - though not causation - between sexual orientation and traits that are set when a baby is in the womb. Take finger length. In general, men have shorter index fingers in relation to their ring fingers; in women, the lengths are generally about the same. Researchers have found that lesbians generally have ratios closer to males. Other studies have shown masculinized results for lesbians in inner-ear functions and eye-blink reactions to sudden loud noises, and feminized patterns for gay men on certain cognitive tasks like spatial perception and remembering the placement of objects.

New York University researcher Lynn S. Hall, who has studied traits determined in the womb, speculates that Patrick was somehow prenatally stressed, probably during the first trimester, when the brain is really developing, particularly the structures like the hypothalamus that influence sexual behavior. This stress might have been based on his position in the womb or the blood flow to him or any of a number of other factors not in his mother's control. Yet more evidence that identical twins have womb experiences far from identical can be found in their often differing birth weights. Patrick was born a pound lighter than Thomas.

Taken together, the research suggests that early on in the womb, as the fetus's brain develops in either the male or female direction, something fundamental to sexual orientation is happening. Nobody's sure what's causing it. But here's where genes may be involved, perhaps by regulating hormone exposure or by dictating the size of that key clump of neurons in the hypothalamus. Before researchers can sort that out, they'll need to return to the question of whether, in fact, there is a "gay gene."

THE CROWD ON BOSTON COMMON IS THICK ON THIS SCORCHER of a Saturday afternoon in June, as the throngs make their way around the 35th annual Boston Pride festival, past booths peddling everything from "Gayopoly" board games to Braveheartian garments called Utilikilts. Sitting quietly in his booth is Alan Sanders, a soft-spoken 41-year-old with a sandy beard and thinning hair. He's placed a mound of rainbow-colored Starbursts on the table in front of him and hung a banner that reads: "WANTED: Gay Men with Gay Brothers for Molecular Genetic Study of Sexual Orientation."

Sanders is a psychiatrist with the Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute who is leading the NIH-funded search for the genetic basis of male homosexuality ( He is spending the summer crisscrossing the country, going to gay pride festivals, hoping to recruit 1,000 pairs of gay brothers to participate. (His wife, who just delivered their third son, wasn't crazy about the timing.) When people in Boston ask him how much genes may contribute to homosexuality, he says the best estimate is about 40 percent.

Homosexuality runs in families - studies show that 8 to 12 percent of brothers of gay men are also gay, compared with the 2 to 4 percent of the general population.

Sanders spends much of the afternoon handing out Starbursts to people who clearly don't qualify for a gay brothers study - preteen girls, adult lesbians wearing T-shirts that read "I Like Girls Who Like Girls," and elderly women in straw hats who speak only Chinese. But many of the gay men who stop by are interested in more than free candy. Among the people signing up is James Daly, a 31-year-old from Salem. "I think it's important for the public - especially the religious right - to know it's not a choice for some people," Daly says. "I feel I was born this way."

(In fairness, there aren't many leaders of groups representing social and religious conservatives who still argue that homosexual orientation - as opposed to behavior - is a matter of choice. Even as he insists that no one is born gay, Peter Sprigg, the point person on homosexuality for the Family Research Council, says, "I don't think that people choose their sexual attraction.")

In the decade since Dean Hamer made headlines, the gay gene theory has taken some hits. A Canadian team was unable to replicate his findings. Earlier this year, a team from Hamer's own lab reported only mixed results after having done the first scan of the entire human genome in the search for genes influencing sexual orientation.

But all of the gene studies so far have been based on small samples and lacked the funding to do things right. Sanders's study should be big enough to provide some real answers on linkage as well as shed light on gender nonconformity and the big-brother effect.

There is, however, a towering question that Sanders's study will probably not be able to answer. That has to do with evolution. If a prime motivation of all species is to pass genes on to future generations, and gay men are estimated to produce 80 percent fewer offspring than straight men, why would a gay gene not have been wiped out by the forces of natural selection? This evolutionary disadvantage is what led former Amherst College biologist Paul Ewald to argue that homosexuality might be caused by a virus - a pathogen most likely working in utero. That argument caused a stir when he and a colleague proposed it six years ago, but with no research done to test it, it remains just another theory. Other scientists have offered fascinating but unpersuasive explanations, most of them focusing on some kind of compensatory benefit, in the same way that the gene responsible for sickle cell anemia also protects against malaria. A study last year by researchers in Italy showed that female relatives of gay men tended to be more fertile, though, as critics point out, not nearly fertile enough to make up for the gay man's lack of offspring.

But there will be plenty of time for sorting out the evolutionary paradox once - and if - researchers are able to identify actual genes involved in sexual orientation. Getting to that point will likely require integrating multiple lines of promising research. That is exactly what's happening in Eric Vilain's lab at the University of California, Los Angeles. Vilain, an associate professor of human genetics, and his colleague, Sven Bocklandt, are using gay sheep, transgenic mice, identical twin humans, and novel approaches to human genetics to try to unlock the mystery of sexual orientation.

Instead of looking for a gay gene, they stress that they are looking for several genes that cause either attraction to men or attraction to women. Those same genes would work one way in heterosexual women and another way in homosexual men. The UCLA lab is examining how these genes might be turned "up" or "down." It's not a question of what genes you have, but rather which ones you use, says Bocklandt. "I have the genes in my body to make a vagina and carry a baby, but I don't use them, because I am a man." In studying the genes of gay sheep, for example, he's found some that are turned "way up" compared with the straight rams.

The lab is also testing an intriguing theory involving imprinted genes. Normally, we have two copies of every gene, one from each parent, and both copies work. They're identical, so it doesn't matter which copy comes from which parent. But with imprinted genes, that does matter. Although both copies are physically there, one copy - either from the mom or the dad - is blocked from working. Think of an airplane with an engine on each wing, except one of the engines is shut down. A recent Duke University study suggests humans have hundreds of imprinted genes, including one on the X chromosome that previous research has tied to sexual orientation.

With imprinted genes, there is no backup engine. So if there's something atypical in the copy from mom, the copy from dad cannot be turned on. The UCLA lab is now collecting DNA from identical twins in which one twin is straight and the other is gay. Because the twins begin as genetic clones, if a gene is imprinted in one twin, it will be in the other twin as well. Normally, as the fetuses are developing, each time a cell divides, the DNA separates and makes a copy of itself, replicating all kinds of genetic information. It's a complicated but incredibly accurate process. But the coding to keep the backup engine shut down on an imprinted gene is less accurate.

So how might imprinted genes help explain why one identical twin would be straight and the other gay? Say there's an imprinted gene for attraction to females, and there's something atypical in the copy the twin brothers get from mom. As all that replicating is going on, the imprinting (to keep the copy from dad shut down) proceeds as expected in one twin, and he ends up gay. But somehow with his brother, the coding for the imprinting is lost, and rather than remain shut down, the fuel flows to fire up the backup engine from dad. And that twin turns out to be straight.

IN THE COURSE OF REPORTING THIS STORY, I EXPERIENCED A good deal of whiplash. Just when I would become swayed by the evidence supporting one discreet theory, I would stumble onto new evidence casting some doubt on it. Ultimately, I accepted this as unavoidable terrain in the hunt for the basis of sexual orientation. This is, after all, a research field built on underfunded, idiosyncratic studies that are met with full-barreled responses from opposing and well-funded advocacy groups determined to make the results from the lab hew to the scripts they've honed for the talk-show circuit.

You can't really blame the advocacy groups. The stakes are high. In the end, homosexuality remains such a divisive issue that only thoroughly tested research will get society to accept what science has to say about its origin. Critics of funding for sexual orientation research say that it isn't curing cancer, and they're right. But we devote a lot more dollars to studying other issues that aren't curing cancer and have less resonance in society.

Still, no matter how imperfect these studies are, when you put them all together and examine them closely, the message is clear: While post-birth development may well play a supporting role, the roots of homosexuality, at least in men, appear to be in place by the time a child is born. After spending years sifting through all the available data, British researchers Glenn Wilson and Qazi Rahman come to an even bolder conclusion in their forthcoming book Born Gay: The Psychobiology of Sex Orientation, in which they write: "Sexual orientation is something we are born with and not `acquired' from our social environment."

Meanwhile, the mother of twins Patrick and Thomas has done her own sifting and come to her own conclusions. She says her son's feminine behavior suggests he will grow up to be gay, and she has no problem with that. She just worries about what happens to him between now and then.

After that fateful call from Patrick's school, she says, "I knew I had to talk to my son, and I had no clue what to say." Ultimately, she told him that although he could play however he wanted at home, he couldn't tell his classmates he was a girl, because they'd think he was lying. And she told him that some older boys might be mean to him and even hit him if he continued to claim he was a girl.

Then she asked him, "Do you think that you can convince yourself that you are a boy?"

"Yes, Mom," he said. "It's going to be like when I was trying to learn to read, and then one day I opened the book and I could read."

His mother's heart sank. She could tell that he wanted more than anything to please her. "Basically, he was saying there must be a miracle - that one day I wake up and I'm a boy. That's the only way he could imagine it could happen."

In the year since that conversation, Patrick's behavior has become somewhat less feminine. His mother hopes it's just because his interests are evolving and not because he's suppressing them.

"I can now imagine him being completely straight, which I couldn't a year ago," she says. "I can imagine him being gay, which seems to be statistically most likely."

She says she's fine with either outcome, just as long as he's happy and free from harm. She takes heart in how much more accepting today's society is. "By the time my boys are 20, the world will have changed even more."

By then, there might even be enough consensus for researchers to forget about finger lengths and fruit flies and gay sheep, and move on to a new mystery.

Edited by: green fire317


Nov 23, 2006
What difference does it make if it is psychological or physiological, if it is bad for society, it is bad for society no matter what the cause. Schizophrenia may be genetic, depending on who you listen too, and Shell Shock now called PTSD appears to be environmental. People with both conditions have been know to go on shooting sprees, so does it matter rather it is environmental or genetic if they are a danger to society?

In a nationalist society, homosexuals behavior is seen as harmful to society and therefore criminal and/or insane. In an internationals society, the behavior is rewarded with special "rights" (privileges) while normal people are push down to second class citizens.