So Souix me! Tribe renouces treaty


Apr 13, 2005
Lakota Indians Withdraw Treaties Signed With U.S. 150 Years Ago
Thursday , December 20, 2007

The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States.

"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us,'' long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means said.

A delegation of Lakota leaders has delivered a message to the State Department, and said they were unilaterally withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal government of the U.S., some of them more than 150 years old.

The group also visited the Bolivian, Chilean, South African and Venezuelan embassies, and would continue on their diplomatic mission and take it overseas in the coming weeks and months.

Lakota country includes parts of the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.

The new country would issue its own passports and driving licences, and living there would be tax-free - provided residents renounce their U.S. citizenship, Mr Means said.

The treaties signed with the U.S. were merely "worthless words on worthless paper," the Lakota freedom activists said.

Withdrawing from the treaties was entirely legal, Means said.

"This is according to the laws of the United States, specifically article six of the constitution,'' which states that treaties are the supreme law of the land, he said.

"It is also within the laws on treaties passed at the Vienna Convention and put into effect by the US and the rest of the international community in 1980. We are legally within our rights to be free and independent,'' said Means.

The Lakota relaunched their journey to freedom in 1974, when they drafted a declaration of continuing independence â€â€￾ an overt play on the title of the United States' Declaration of Independence from England.

Thirty-three years have elapsed since then because "it takes critical mass to combat colonialism and we wanted to make sure that all our ducks were in a row,'' Means said.

One duck moved into place in September, when the United Nations adopted a non-binding declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples â€â€￾ despite opposition from the United States, which said it clashed with its own laws.

"We have 33 treaties with the United States that they have not lived by. They continue to take our land, our water, our children,'' Phyllis Young, who helped organize the first international conference on indigenous rights in Geneva in 1977, told the news conference.

The U.S. "annexation'' of native American land has resulted in once proud tribes such as the Lakota becoming mere "facsimiles of white people,'' said Means.

Oppression at the hands of the U.S. government has taken its toll on the Lakota, whose men have one of the shortest life expectancies - less than 44 years - in the world.

Lakota teen suicides are 150 per cent above the norm for the U.S.; infant mortality is five times higher than the U.S. average; and unemployment is rife, according to the Lakota freedom movement's website.

<a href=",2933,317548,00.html</a target="_blank">


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
good we screwed them over blacks think they have it bad? sh*t go live redervation life

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Could this be a play for potentially lucrative gaming rights? I know in the Buffalo area Indian Reserves have destroyed local variety stores with their selling of untaxed gasoline and tobacco products.


May 20, 2005
No matter what treaties, promises, or legalities they get, these Indians (like everybody else) will never be allowed to do anything that actually conflicts with the aim of the power structure. This is a pretty darn free country until you set to do something the PTB don't want.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I don't know, if they somehow manage to pull this off I'm moving to Montana!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Animalmuther0 said:
Good. Does that mean we don't have to give government handouts anymore?

That was my first response too! Cut of all of the aid given to them, Indians on reservations are government wards from cradle to grave, somehow I don't think their independance will include not cashing Dept. of Indian Affairs checks.


Many of the Sioux and other indian tribes of the north and east and central north America are actually descendants of very ancient European immigrants. Some were blond and blue eyed. The explorer Stephenson even found a tribe of blond esquimos in the far north!


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
werewolf said:
Many of the Sioux and other indian tribes of the north and east and central north America are actually descendants of very ancient European immigrants. Some were blond and blue eyed. The explorer Stephenson even found a tribe of blond esquimos in the far north!

I don't believe it. If that was true then at least one Indian tribe would have "discovered" the wheel, smelted iron, domesticated cattle, grown crops, and bathed regularly.


There may have been a large scale transatlantic import-export shipping operation going on between north America and Europe 3-4 thousand years ago, transporting copper from huge mining operations by the Great Lakes to Europe to fuel the bronze age. There are no known copper mines in Europe.

Two Aryan American indians:

Mink of the Illinois or Mandan:


Chief Cornplanter of the Iriquois:


Kenniwick man, 9,000 years old, recently found in the northwest - and the establishment so desperately tried to obliterate the diiscovery! - is also a Europid, that is White, Aryan.

The true history of the Americas is shrouded by the mists of time and has little to do with the cartoon version about noble red men who came over the Siberian land bridge and evil White men who only came in 1492 that they teach in their schools and portray in their embedded mass media.



jaxvid said:
werewolf said:
Many of the Sioux and other indian tribes of the north and east and central north America are actually descendants of very ancient European immigrants. Some were blond and blue eyed. The explorer Stephenson even found a tribe of blond esquimos in the far north!

I don't believe it. If that was true then at least one Indian tribe would have "discovered" the wheel, smelted iron, domesticated cattle, grown crops, and bathed regularly.
There where native american tribes with domesticated livestock who planted crops.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Turner said:
There where native american tribes with domesticated livestock who planted crops.

To hell with the Europeans,Injuns were far more advanced.


Turner said:
jaxvid said:
werewolf said:
Many of the Sioux and other indian tribes of the north and east and central north America are actually descendants of very ancient European immigrants. Some were blond and blue eyed. The explorer Stephenson even found a tribe of blond esquimos in the far north!

I don't believe it. If that was true then at least one Indian tribe would have "discovered" the wheel, smelted iron, domesticated cattle, grown crops, and bathed regularly.
There where native american tribes with domesticated livestock who planted crops.

Amerindians are not homogeneous "red men". They are very varied racially. Indians of the far west and northwest usually being Asiatic in appearance, having originally come over the land bridge from western Siberia; Indians of the east being very European in appearance. Indians of the east are now largely vanished, but you can see them in the paintings of George Caitlin, like the two I just posted. I remember two long conversations I had with western indians about this subject, a Hopi and an indian policeman whose tribe escapes me at the moment. Both were very interested and aware of this subject and both agreed with me completely.


Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I find Indians look the same whether they're from Nova Scotia, Alaska, Mexico or Argentina. DNA studies by Harvard university recently showed all American Indians are descended from three men who crossed over the land bridge from Siberia.

There are far more Indians in North America now than there were when the white man first arrived. The soft life on government handouts enable them to have lots of children, without needing to worry about providing for them. They're much better off today, with all we provide for them, and being able to use all the things they weren't able to invent themselves: TV, automobiles, etc. Let's not forget, they were still in the Stone Age before Europeans arrived: they hadn't even invented the wheel!


I find Indians look the same whether they're from Nova Scotia, Alaska, Mexico or Argentina. DNA studies by Harvard university recently showed all American Indians are descended from three men who crossed over the land bridge from Siberia.


Please tell me this is a joke.



Bart said:
Turner said:
There where native american tribes with domesticated livestock who planted crops.

To hell with the Europeans, Injuns were far more advanced.
I merely stated facts if my facts a re wrong disprove them them instead of hiding behind a joke

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Turner is not here to support white atheletes and doesn't seem to like white people.

He's clearly a troll...

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Turner is right(for once), Native American tribes in the North East US and South East of Canada cultivated crops. North West Indians had fabulous wealth by Native standards. I call Turner a gremlin that has been fed before midnight....


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'm glad they are getting out, and hopefully they will leave their assistance behind as well. I agree with White Savage on them not doing anything against the grain. Now maybe we can start the secession debate again!
Edited by: Colonel_Reb