Single men opting out of the marriage trap and adopting or using a surrogate mom

Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
What is everyone's opinion on single men who skip marriage, adopt children or have their own biological children using an anonymous egg donor and a surrogate mother? (For those who don't know, this means submitting to a clinic your own sperm, you choose an anonymous female egg donor to combine with your sperm, then you pay a third party woman to bear the child and give birth.)

Lifestyles in North America and Europe have changed to the point that today, half of marriages fail (in fact several European countries have divorce rates greater than 50 percent), many working age adults don't have the time to find a spouse because of their careers, and because alternatives to child bearing are available many people feel they no longer need or want a spouse. More and more, marriage is an impractical thing of the past. The truth is many young men today would be better off not marrying, as it would allow them to forego any hardships, costs, or trauma associated with a likely divorce. Young men who do get married should enter marriages understanding the possible risks and should in fact plan on having a divorce, because statistically speaking it probably will happen to them.

Below is an example of a straight and successful White male from Canada who went to India to donate sperm, choose an egg donor, and hire a surrogate mother. He said he wanted a child and preferred to be a single father. He is heterosexual. The whole process costed him under 40,000 USD and his son is fully healthy, half White and half Brown.

Of course, this type of surrogacy is not only specific to India. You could probably do this in poorer European countries as well (Ukraine, Bulgaria, Albania etc.) if you wanted all white kids. But the main point is that straight men no longer require a wife to bear their own biological child.
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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
As for adoption, many single men in Canada and USA who have tried adopting will tell you its almost impossible to adopt here as a single father (in contrast to single moms who have a much easier time in the adoption process). This blatantly sexist process which implies that women are better parents than men is unsurprisingly largely censored in mainstream media.

Because adoption for single men in North America is so difficult, many men prefer the surrogacy route. Another option men have is to travel to a foreign country and adopt. Some poorer European countries, Middle Eastern countries, or Asian countries will usually allow single men to adopt and the process is cheaper, easier, and quicker.
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Aug 22, 2012
Ronaldo allegedly used a surrogate to conceive his son. I saw a bunch of comments from women that went like "Why would he need a surrogate when he can get any woman he wants?"

He wanted a son, not a goddamn fling.


Oct 12, 2008
It's not a bad idea, especially for American men. The welfare system, child custody laws, and child support are all set up to benefit women and screw men. If you eliminate the biological mother from the equation, the man is freed from the legal system. He can still have a nanny or find a woman to help raise the child, but he will have complete control of the situation. As it stands now, if you have a child out of wedlock or your wife leaves you, you will be at their mercy regarding access to the child and be forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars in support or face jail.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Let me just say...there ARE still good women out there. It's just you'll not likely find them in some dadgum bar/nightclub, party or contemporary/modernist "pop culture" type event. You need to get to a place with a high percentage of "old fashion" young ladies...that being church! Whether "holiness" or IFB, I can attest there are young ladies who're still brought up the "old fashion" respect & support their husbands (submitting to them as head of the house), cook, clean & rear the young'erns. These gals are raised to be modest, humble & not worldly (set aside). I can tell you for a 100% fact...there are indeed many "hidden treasures" (in the way of potential wives & mothers) in old fashion, Bible preachin'/teachin'/believing no-nonsense churches. ***There's just one (big) need Christ as your Savior to be eligible to court such young women, because they follow God's Word & won't be "unequally" yoked (to heathen). ;-)

These are the type of young ladies that the world would (mis)label as "boring", 'plain Jane', antiquated, BUT they're what I call fine, proper young ladies who're true "hidden gems "! :)
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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Let me just say...there ARE still good women out there. It's just you'll not likely find them in some dadgum bar/nightclub, party or contemporary/modernist "pop culture" type event. You need to get to a place with a high percentage of "old fashion" young ladies...that being church! Whether "holiness" or IFB, I can attest there are young ladies who're still brought up the "old fashion" respect & support their husbands (submitting to them as head of the house), cook, clean & rear the young'erns. These gals are raised to be modest, humble & not worldly (set aside). I can tell you for a 100% fact...there are indeed many "hidden treasures" (in the way of potential wives & mothers) in old fashion, Bible preachin'/teachin'/believing no-nonsense churches. ***There's just one (big) need Christ as your Savior to be eligible to court such young women, because they follow God's Word & won't be "unequally" yoked (to heathen). ;-)

These are the type of young ladies that the world would (mis)label as "boring", 'plain Jane', antiquated, BUT they're what I call fine, proper young ladies who're true "hidden gems "! :)

"The Lord God, said it is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper......The Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and they will become one flesh." Genesis 2:18-24

*Notice the Bible says, MOTHER and FATHER and MAN and WIFE, NOT MOTHER and MOTHER or FATHER and FATHER. I know most of you understand plain common sense, but some of ya'll I'm concerned about!

Yessir DD, and a hearty Amen to that brother!:smile:
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Apr 6, 2007
Is it that hard for a White man to find a decent White woman now-a-days??? I pray for you young people.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I like what the two Christian fellers above said. I've just been listening to a couple of childrens books recorded on Librivox audio-books (an awesome place, if you don't know about it), written I believe, in the 1870's. It is so sweet and refreshing. Girls are girls and boys are boys, and there's no confusion about that, and not a cross dressing LGBT tri-sexual pervert amongst them!


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Is it that hard for a White man to find a decent White woman now-a-days??? I pray for you young people.

Yes. Social media only makes it worse. Many girls get big heads b/c they are constantly being shown attention from random guys. i do agree with what dixie said though.


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
What is everyone's opinion on single men who skip marriage, adopt children or have their own biological children using an anonymous egg donor and a surrogate mother?

My opinion? Well, my opinion is that such men are (amongst other things) all-round losers with zero dignity...

BoxingSpecialist2 said:
Below is an example of a straight and successful White male from Canada who went to India to donate sperm, choose an egg donor, and hire a surrogate mother. He said he wanted a child and preferred to be a single father. He is heterosexual. The whole process costed him under 40,000 USD and his son is fully healthy, half White and half Brown.

No, his "son" is a freakishly-conceived mongrel who has no right to even set foot in Canada or any other White nation...

DixieDestroyer said:
Let me just say...there ARE still good women out there. It's just you'll not likely find them in some dadgum bar/nightclub, party or contemporary/modernist "pop culture" type event.

Dixie -

100% agreed, mate.

How much lower can the Western man possibly sink? Instead of finding a "suitable" White woman (of which there are more than enough "out there"...) and - pardon the vulgarity - ****ing her, people are actually amenable to the idea of jacking off into a test-tube or urine-specimen jar with the objective of "remotely" impregnating a "surrogate". All for a hefty fee. I wonder how such dregs and their unfortunate children celebrate Mother's Day...


Oct 12, 2008
My opinion? Well, my opinion is that such men are (amongst other things) all-round losers with zero dignity...

No, his "son" is a freakishly-conceived mongrel who has no right to even set foot in Canada or any other White nation...

Dixie -

100% agreed, mate.

How much lower can the Western man possibly sink? Instead of finding a "suitable" White woman (of which there are more than enough "out there"...) and - pardon the vulgarity - ****ing her, people are actually amenable to the idea of jacking off into a test-tube or urine-specimen jar with the objective of "remotely" impregnating a "surrogate". All for a hefty fee. I wonder how such dregs and their unfortunate children celebrate Mother's Day...
I'm not sure why there is so much objection to a man controlling his own, and his child's destiny. So many romantic posters, willing to subject themselves to the vagaries of a woman and the ass of the law.


Dec 2, 2013
Its stupid.

A child needs a mother and father.

As far as unsuitable women... Please stop with that crap, there is a reason why women don't post on these forums and its that sort of talk.

For every race traitor woman, there is a race traitor man. I recently went to the beach(Huntington Beach) where I grew up, for every white woman with a asian man, there was a white man with a asian woman. Plenty of them being pregnant on both sides. My favorite part though is, I'm trying to order something at the snack bar from stupid wigger boy and some black guy cuts in line and says "whats up my nigga," and look down at has other arm and see a white girl right there with him and then I hear the black guy mention that the wigger is dating his sister...

Also, don't give me some crap about how Asian women act more like women and how us poor men are forced to go after Asian women.
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
Dixie Destroyer and Carolina Speed, thanks for your comments and I appreciate your feedback but I must profoundly disagree on a number of levels;

First of all, *correct me* if I'm wrong but no where in the Bible does it actually advise people to get married. I don't believe the word "marriage" or "marry" is ever brought up in the Bible. And if it is, it's important to consider the context of a marriage in the time the Bible was written, versus the context of a marriage today. Marriage has changed a great deal over time and began as an almost unbreakable union simply as a means of transferring wealth. Maybe a marriage according to Christian law or Sharia Law would be advisable, but through feminist lobbying marriage in the West has been extremely warped from any religious definition. Marriage, Divorce law, and Family law as they exist today are entirely un-Christian.

Secondly, since we know that the rate of divorce in North America is approximately 50 percent, and since we know the divorce rate in many European countries is greater than 50 percent, don't you think its bad advice advising young people to get married? If you've ever talked to people (particularly men) who've went through a divorce they'll often tell you its akin to slavery. Many men are forced to work the rest of their lives giving support payments to a woman who divorced them without their consent and perhaps even without a justifiable reason. Divorces often ruin men's lives. Don't you think you should at least be honest with young people and explain to them that the statistical likelihood is that they will divorce and a divorce often endebts a man to his ex-wife?

Thirdly, while it is true that religious Christians or Muslims are less likely to divorce. A large part of the problem is older men who tell younger men they need to marry, and don't properly discuss the risks and costs associated with divorce. As a religious Christian, instead of advising young men to seek out "good girls" you should be telling them why marriage today is unChristian and perhaps lobbying for a return to traditional marriage, divorce, and family laws.
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Jul 29, 2008
I don't disagree with DD and CS that there are good women out there, but their numbers are so small in today's Amerika (and the West in general) so as to be statistically insignificant. These women are usually taken off the market in their early 20s and what's left (the great majority) are simply not marriage material.

Long, but very good read on the subject:

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Dixie Destroyer and Carolina Speed, thanks for your comments and I appreciate your feedback but I must profoundly disagree on a number of levels;

First of all, *correct me* if I'm wrong but no where in the Bible does it actually advise people to get married. I don't believe the word "marriage" or "marry" is ever brought up in the Bible. And if it is, it's important to consider the context of a marriage in the time the Bible was written, versus the context of a marriage today. Marriage has changed a great deal over time and began as an almost unbreakable union simply as a means of transferring wealth. Maybe a marriage according to Christian law or Sharia Law would be advisable, but through feminist lobbying marriage in the West has been extremely warped from any religious definition. Marriage, Divorce law, and Family law as they exist today are entirely un-Christian.

Secondly, since we know that the rate of divorce in North America is approximately 50 percent, and since we know the divorce rate in many European countries is greater than 50 percent, don't you think its bad advice advising young people to get married? If you've ever talked to people (particularly men) who've went through a divorce they'll often tell you its akin to slavery. Many men are forced to work the rest of their lives giving support payments to a woman who divorced them without their consent and perhaps even without a justifiable reason. Divorces often ruin men's lives. Don't you think you should at least be honest with young people and explain to them that the statistical likelihood is that they will divorce and a divorce often endebts a man to his ex-wife?

Thirdly, while it is true that religious Christians or Muslims are less likely to divorce. A large part of the problem is older men who tell younger men they need to marry, and don't properly discuss the risks and costs associated with divorce. As a religious Christian, instead of advising young men to seek out "good girls" you should be telling them why marriage today is unChristian and perhaps lobbying for a return to traditional marriage, divorce, and family laws.

Your welcome BS2.

First BS2 anytime I quote Biblical scripture and you disagree, you're not disagreeing with me. You're are disagreeing with God whether you believe or not.

The Bible says..."at the beginning the CREATOR made them male and female and said for this reason a man will leave his FATHER and MOTHER and be united with his WIFE, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Matthew, 19:4-6

Then God said to Noah and his sons, saying to them, be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth."
Genesis: 9:1

I think the Bible's pretty clear. Call it what you want, but God meant men and women to be together and create new life, "The Old Fashion Way," if you know what I mean. Some people have trouble with common sense though.

We shouldn't change what God has put into place what's best for us. Yes people divorce and it is common and I don't claim to know why; other than people don't pray and think before they marry to be sure they're with the one God has intended for them. But, because our hearts are hardened doesn't mean we should change God's intent for us.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings..." Hebrews: 13: 8-9.

Just because so-called trends change on how to do things or go about life in general, if it goes against God's word, we should avoid those things.

Every answer we need to life's questions are in The Bible, if one would just ask the God of Jesus Christ to open their hearts to him. Jesus "SAVES," if you would just ask.

"If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans; 10-9.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The long-running "Ubiquitous Man Hating" thread in the Media Racism and Stereotyping forum gives a lot of insight on the subject of contemporary marriage and the difficulties facing men in a society in which degrading and emasculating White men through feminism and by the way blacks are portrayed and utilized (including through the use of the Caste System in sports) is the animating principle of the USSA's power structure.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
I don't disagree with DD and CS that there are good women out there, but their numbers are so small in today's Amerika (and the West in general) so as to be statistically insignificant. These women are usually taken off the market in their early 20s and what's left (the great majority) are simply not marriage material.

My thoughts exactly. I know 90% of the gals in my high school were already spreading their legs by the time they were 15, or 16. The ones that held out (like my wife) were married by 20.

The bottom line is that women control sex. They have to spread their legs in order for sex to happen or else its called rape. Women like to cry later in life about how they got "pressured into it", or somehow other wise blame their own slutty behavior on men. In my mind once a gal has had another mans nasty privets inside her she is no longer marriage material.


Aug 22, 2012

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Hot Crazy Matrix

the good stuff starts about 45 seconds in …



Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
BS2, greetings sir. To your prior comments, I'd concur with CS' rebuttal. While I could further articulate from a doctrinal/theological standpoint, I'll keep it brief. :)

FYI, I wasn't pushing or "selling" anyone on marriage (directly), but was (rather) simply clarifying that there are indeed old fashioned, modest, chaise young ladies still out there. Whether men decide to seek a potential bride or not is their decision. I fully believe in & support the institute of marriage (as defined by God's Word). However, if one cannot find a (very) suitable prospect for marriage, then it'd be best to remain single. Better to remain single than to marry & divorce. That's just my " half cent worth". ;-)

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Wow, future shock. I just can't keep up with all these changes, and really don't care to. I do notice that the men having to resort to Rosy Palm and her five sisters to have kids are the ones who can afford it, thus they have a lot to lose financially in a divorce.

So, sad as this stuff is, it does make sense from a financial standpoint, especially in this age of narcissism.

Just wait till they perfect cloning.

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Dixie Destroyer and Carolina Speed, thanks for your comments and I appreciate your feedback but I must profoundly disagree on a number of levels;

First of all, *correct me* if I'm wrong but no where in the Bible does it actually advise people to get married. I don't believe the word "marriage" or "marry" is ever brought up in the Bible. And if it is, it's important to consider the context of a marriage in the time the Bible was written, versus the context of a marriage today. Marriage has changed a great deal over time and began as an almost unbreakable union simply as a means of transferring wealth.

Yes BS2. There's a whole chapter on marriage and the word marry in I Corinthians 7; as well as many other verses in the Bible.