Sign of the Times

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The Pirates lost their seasonopener at home 9-2 and you would have thought it was the end of the world. Fan after fan called the local sports talk shows, just blasting the team to shreds, already giving up on the 2005 season -- after one game out of a 162 game season!!!

Some of the frustration is because the Pirates have had 12 losing seasons in a row, and because they lost to the equally woebegone Brewers. But it also reflects ignorance and the ever shortening American attention span, which demands instant gratification and that every team be a winner. A few years ago the Pirates started off 2-0, and the same army of ignoramuses were seriously talking about winning the division title. Baseball of all sports unfolds at its own deliberate pace, each game as well as each season. If the Buccos start off say 9-20, yeah you can probably write off '05 as another losing season, but to do so after one game!

The amazingly short attention span of today's Americansis reflectedalso in how MLB "manages" games now. I didn't attend any Pirates home games for 10 or 12 years and when I finally went back to the old ballpark I was shocked at how things had changed. Blaring music between pitches along withnon-stop scoreboard theatrics to keep fans amused for those "endless" pauses between throws and between innings. I can remember when fans started rhymthic clapping themselves to spur on the home team, or when the organist encouraged it at appropriate times. And when fathers could talk to their sons between pitches, explaining strategy and the nuances of the game.

It's all an attemptto turn baseballinto a faster-paced "spectacle"by giving it an artificial pace and rhythm. It's similar to hockey, where every stoppage in play is greeted instantly by thundering rock music that doesn't stop until the moment of the ensuing faceoff. Apparently the powers that be are terrified of Americans having even a moment of contemplative silence at any time!Edited by: Don Wassall
I have never been to a Home Opener, but I usually go see a game or two a year. Everytime I go to a game no one is even paying attention to what's going on. Maybe it's just Chicago, but there is alway's some loud mouth next to me. I can see someone talking in a kind matter to the people they're with, but people from 4 rows behind don't need to know what you did last night. American's have become so superficial it's ridiculous, and people bring their cellphones inside the park. I have seen some people talk through most of a ballgame on their cellphone.

Don, now fan's need to read the scoreboard so they know when to cheer. I went to see some hockey game in Iowa, and the people wouldn't cheer unless it was on the scoreboard to do so. Everyone I was with had a big laugh about it on the ride home. Comiskey Park I mean "Cellular Field" has a ton of things for kids to do like see how hard you can throw a baseball, they made going to the park like a carnivale. Then there is always the food, and people eat a lot nowadays. I can't imagine anyone could pay to eat 3 or 4 times at a game, but they do.

I just took the opportunity to check out the Pirates roster. I wish the White Sox never traded Kip Well's and Josh Fogg. I'd take them over our 3rd and 4th starter any day. I haven't heard of most these guys. They have a white shortstop how rare is that. Well I don't keep track of NL teams that much.
All these "things to see and do" at sports events are a staple at Toronto Raptor games,so much so that people who attend these games seem to talk more about the "events" more than the game.But at the same time Toronto fans only understand one sport and that is hockey.As far as sports fans throwing in the towel just as the season gets underway,I thing that has been going on for years. I find your average sports fan to be incredible sucks who will give up on their team at the drop of a hat,whether it's April or September.When things start getting good again they're back on the bandwagon talking their team up like you wouldn't believe,then when things go bad again,It's rip 'em time again.To many,you are only as good as your last game.
You guys are right. There are too many fickle fans these days. I get sick of the music too Don. I always wonder why they think they have to do it. What is wrong with a little peace and quiet. I guess its part of the plan to dumb us down as a people, and its working.
Have you noticed how even the official celebration on the playing field after they win it all by the championship team in the NBA, NHL and MLB is strictly scripted with theme music? Even then there has to be blaring music dominating the proceedings instead of cheers and chants by the fans. Nothing is allowed to be spontaneous or left to chance. It's all about control and regulation, in all aspects of society not just sports. Edited by: Don Wassall
Your right Don. It's Big Brother for real.
Are they still playing Gary Glitter (convicted ped) songs at sporting events?
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