Sheffield incident


Dec 22, 2004
First and foremost Sheffield is one of those all american turds with a terrible history.. Former Mets GM Steve Philipshit the nail on the head when he said Sheffield should be suspended. That annoying Mike Greenberg and his Notre Dame pal Mike Golic on ESPN radio felt Sheffield was in the right. What a bunch of cowards. The golden rule is players must refrain from reacting antagonistically against fans. Sure it can be annoying when fans interfere-and fans should be punished accordingly if they do something wrong --although in this case can't say for sure if any fan is at fault-----but the proper procedure is for the player to make a case to the umpires after the play. This idea that players can strike back at fans sets a terrible precedent. Is it me or is that whiny Greenberg just plain annoying and sniveling I might add.
Just my quick observation from sportscenter this morning - it appeared the fan was going for the ball and when sheffield came in he quickly ripped his arm away. I don't see where he threw a punch at sheffield. Yet every comment from the talking heads said that he did. Did I miss something or see this wrong? Maybe sheffield was just on a steroid rage.
I agree guys. The fan was most likely going for the ball and
swiped Sheffield across the face. Sheffield thought he was
punched and pushed the guy. A fan made contact with a
player (although probably not maliciously), and a player made
contact with a fan, so they should both be punished. Also,
another player poured some beer on Sheffield and he should
be punished as well.

Sheffield showed some restraint by not punching the guy (he
obviously wanted to) but he still made contact with a fan and
that should not be rationalized away (which is exactly what
Americans do nowadays when a black person does something
Across the board the talking heads, players, managers, and anybody interviewed on the sheffield incident said that sheffield acted with great restraint and the fan should face some stiff punishment. Upon watching the incident on several replays last night, I don't see it. The fan had his arm hanging over the partition and was watching the ball or the infield. He wasn't even looking at sheffield when he pulled his arm back. The play was not affected in the least except for sheffield's choice to shove the fan while he still had the ball. The constrewing of this as some malicious act by the fan and "great restraint" by sheffield has everything to do with race. What would happen if John Rocker shoved a black fan for the same act? Would people be saying he showed great restraint?Its open season on fans. I expect many more incidences upcoming.
This incident once again reveals just how bad things are in Don King's
America. Until some whites in positions of authority stop their
instinctive self-hatred, any black celebrity will not be punished, or
even crticized, for anything they do, no matter how reprehensible it
is. Watching the incident in question, it is obvious that the brief
swipe down by the fan's hand was completely inadvertent and not meant
to be any kind of "punch" at Sheffield. However, those running things
in Don King's America reacted the way you would expect them to here;
the white fan was thrown out of the game, probably without anyone even
bothering to listen to his explanation, and might very well be
prosecuted. Meanwhile, Sheffield will not be punished at all, and is
being praised uniformly across the board by every jock-sniffer in the
media. It was particuarly disturbing to watch a Joe Torre- who should
be outraged at all the bad behavior on the part of today's black
athletess-speaking out publicly about how the fan was "obviously"
trying to strike Sheffield. Unbelievable. I agree completely with the
comments about Mike "Greenie" Greenberg- he is fast becoming the most
odious of all the intolerable lame, wanna-be comedians at ESPN.
After being unsure initially how to portray Sheffield's actions,the media now is basically portraying him as a hero. He may even file charges against the fan who "assaulted" him:

Was watching Baseball Tonight on ESPN and they were all praising Sheffield, with Chris Berman conducting the orchestra. Berman can be entertaining but he is as PC and pro-Caste System as anyone at ESPN. John Kruk reminds me of Tom Arnold, another white shuck 'n jive type who seems to only rip on white players. Peter Gammons seemed senile last night.

While I'm on a mini-rant here, does anyone else wonder who Karl Ravech knows at ESPN to keep his job all these years? He has no TV presence and even less personality. Edited by: Don Wassall
Still unsure about intent of guy who swiped his arms but I believe he has beenbanned a whole year which is not fair because evidence is shaky.. It did appear the second fellow spilled his beer on Sheffield on purpose but even that isn't a100% lock. He has also been banned for a year I believe. Question is why should Sheffield get off free while these guys pay.. I literally cannot stand Bud Selig but I will spare everyone a rant. Bottom line is Sheffield deserves some punishment--3-5 games sound fair. As one ESPN radio guy put it the press is rewarding Sheffield for so called "restraint" . As this guy puts it thats like bragging about "not beating your wife" implying that she should be beaten. MLB is such a joke . And remember Sheffield did retaliate and shoved the fan. I guess this will be OK from now on?
The Red Sox website explains why the fan lost his season tickets.

"The agreement specifically provides that, 'Interfering with the play of the game in any way will not be tolerated and will be grounds for ejection from the premises, legal prosecution, recession of tickets, and cancellation of subscription privileges.'"

The team also made a ruling on the fan who was seen dousing beer on Sheffield during the incident.

"The fan who interfered with play by dousing Sheffield with a beer while he was fielding a ball will be prohibited from purchasing tickets for the remainder of 2005," said the press release.

Red Sox
I think charges are being filed against both fans. I heard something about it on ESPN. As for Mike, I wish he was off the air. Your mentioning of wannabe comedians is correct. These idiots are so annoying, I don't see how anyone can listen to them for more than 30 seconds on the radio. I only watch a little SC from time to time. The rest of my ESPN watching is done on Classic.
Why is it that whenever a fan does anything remotely out of line, then
the lame, wanna-be comedians in the sports media become advocates of
harsh punishment? You know, the same disgusting jock-sniffers who
excuse any and every indiscretion by their hallowed sports heroes.
Wonder why none of them is lenient on the poor fans who dare to brush
up against the superhuman stars? Unbelievable- this fan did nothing
intentional and is now having his season tickets taken away. Hopefully,
this will give him time to reconsider his loyalty to major league
baseball and its pampered players.
They pundits arestill basking in the glow of Jackie Robinson Day.
Even the facts are being distorted. In the paper today I noticed they refrained from mentioning Sheffield shoved the fan. And it went on to congratulate Sheffield for showinggreat restaint. I always knew Sheffield was a great guy but now my appreciation has swollen to even greater heights. Man what a laugh.Sheffield basically punch/shoved the fanif you ask me but the fact remains Sheffield retaliated by touching the fan and that is the bottom line. I guess the league will allow this sort of thing from now on.Whats next? Players will be allowed to punch
babies if they interfere with play?
Bud Selig has to be the most gutless baseball commisioner in history. He commended Sheffield on showing great restraint. The more replays I've seen the more I'm convinced the fan did absolutely nothing. The only thing stopping Sheffield from going after the fan a second time was a quick-acting security guard not his own "great restraint".
Right on Kaptain Poop! Sheffield was about to go Ron Artest on whoever he could reach. Selig is truly a gutless wonder! He's just one of a bunch of scared little white girly men who are afraid to stand up for the truth, even if it means standing up against a black man.
This is not an isolated incident(for either redsox fans) or Sheffield. Sheffield has commited acts that could warrant a long-suspension or ban from the game, if not kept under wraps so well. Here he shows no class in a controversal incident. He could have been more mature.
Sox fans got into a fight with Karim Garcia awhile ago. Sometimes people forget that baseball is just a sport.
Kaptain Poop said:
Across the board the talking heads, players, managers, and anybody interviewed on the sheffield incident said that sheffield acted with great restraint and the fan should face some stiff punishment. Upon watching the incident on several replays last night, I don't see it. The fan had his arm hanging over the partition and was watching the ball or the infield. He wasn't even looking at sheffield when he pulled his arm back. The play was not affected in the least except for sheffield's choice to shove the fan while he still had the ball. The constrewing of this as some malicious act by the fan and "great restraint" by sheffield has everything to do with race. What would happen if John Rocker shoved a black fan for the same act? Would people be saying he showed great restraint?Its open season on fans. I expect many more incidences upcoming.
If John Rocker had showed a black fan for the same act. You would be praising him as a whit man standing up to black ''agression''
What about the fact that the fan has no business sticking his hand over the wall the get the ball. For all Sheffield knew the guy could have been trying to swipe at him. I agree that the players shouldnt do stuff like that but the fan was equally responsible as well for the situation.
A white outfielder was grabbed by a fan recently and the media
barely noticed it. Security didn't even catch the guy.
No one said the fan did something that was okay, I think we all agree on that.Sheffield should have concentrated on throwing the ball first. Instead, he shoved the fan, then threw the ball, and then approached the fan with his fist *******ed, and all this was praised as "great restraint"!

Sheffield has a history of brushes with the law and other dubious behavior, including stating once that he deliberately made throwing errors as a third baseman so that he would be traded out of the Milwaukee organization.IfBud Selig, the owners and the mediareally care about the integrity of the sport -- which they always crow about when the subject is Pete Rose --that statement alone should have resulted inSheffield's permanent expulsion from baseball.

Sheffield also has gotten off very lightly when it comes to coverage of MLB's ongoing steroids scandal. If John Rocker, who has no criminal record but who is treated like a war criminal, had done the same thing, he most likely would have been raked over the coals and suspended, maybe permanently. It wouldn't matter if the fans in such a supposed incident were black or white, but if they were black the media would have been overjoyed. We would have been told what a chronic hothead he isand would seethose clips of him pointing at Mets fans over and over again.
It seems there is a common thread here outside of the Sheffield incident. Its that ESPN sucks balls. I can;'t stand Sportscenter and the only show worth a damn is Baseball Tonight.
Well the courts said there was no case against the fans due to lack of evidence. If I was this fan I would no longer support the team. He had season tickets taken away, and the club sided with the player. The customer is always right
Edited by: Bear-Arms
It's typical of the Caste System.
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