She’s just silly


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
It seems that almost all of our politicians have their lips glued to Israel's gluteus maximus.

[url] 1028/NEWS/610280337[/url]

LAKELAND -- Flanked by a banner that reads "Israel shall stand forever," Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein sings a song in a rousing mix of Hebrew and English.

U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris is on her feet, stomping and clapping to the beat from her place on the stage

The predominately Christian audience waves its arms to the music as Eckstein, the founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, praises Israel.

Next, Harris gets her turn.

"Nothing that we believe in the world would exist without you," she says to Jewish leaders in the crowd. "We're all sort of Jewish wannabes."

...Jews "are the chosen people," she tells the crowd, to uproarious applause and whistles. "You are the apple of God's eye."

..."We have to stand with Israel," she said. "Our futures are linked."


Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
It is not only the politians that defend Israel zealously, internet discussion boards are full of Christians that lose all common sense when someone happens to post something negative about Israel. Defending Israel is usually the only universal agreement between the republicans and democrat posters on political discussion forums. I have been called a terrorist, raghead, anti-semite, hi-jaker and worse just for voicing my opinion on U.S foreign policy with Israel and condeming Israeli attacks on Lebanon which is almost 40% Christian. They believe Old Testiment verse "God will bless those who bless Israel" gives Israel a free pass to do anything they want. To those "Christians" Jesus teachings play second fiddle.


May 13, 2006
Those are the same experiences I have, Lutefisk. There are many ignorant Christians who only know a handful of verses from the Bible.