Shawn Green


Dec 22, 2004
I could be wrong given his recent track record and injuries but it seems to me the Dodgers are making a royal mistake unloading Green to Arizona. Watch Arizona improve and the Dodgers slide. Green like say Jim Edmonds is incredibly underrated and is one of my favorite players.

By the way wht in the world are the Angels thinking with this new name they are thinking about using goes something like this the "los Angeles of Anaheim in California where Swartzenwhoever is governor baseball team of MLB". Rolls right off the tongue.
The Angels are making themselves over in the image of their new hispanic owner, who has openly said he wants the team to draw more hispanic fans. This is akin to the white owners of various sports teams who claim to want to draw more black fans, though this never happens. Blacks and hispanics together are a miniscule proportion of those attending just about any sporting event, though the cameramen always zoom in on them for crowd shots, even during hockey games.

Green is a very streaky player who was under-rated when he played for Toronto.
I think it is very interesting that Shawn Green was brought up on this post a while ago.

This is because the ANU has been compared to the nazis on several
websites. It is also interesting that there was a relatively
positive post on Reggie White. I think this shows that many
people here just want equal opportunity and are not nazis or facists.

As a player, I think Green will be critical to
baseball for a couple of months this season. He has a relatively
lean build but hits with power so he can prove that maybe not all power
hitters take steroids. I also think solid contact comes before
power so Green is not really a franchise player. He is not a
consistent player.
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