Shaun King of BLM wants statues of Jesus removed

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Statue Wars come for JESUS as activist claims Christ and Virgin Mary are ‘white supremacy’

It began with Confederate generals and quickly escalated to Columbus and former US presidents; now the monument-removal crusade has come for Jesus, with racial activist Shaun King insisting the depictions are ‘racist propaganda.’

“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King tweeted on Monday. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”

He also argued that all “murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down,” calling them “a gross form [of] white supremacy… tools of oppression [and] Racist propaganda.”

To be honest, this is good. Not the idea obviously, but that they are picking a fight with Religion openly. The average american cares more about christianity than about loyalty to their white brothers and sisters.

If the multicultural left angers Christians, it only helps weaken the left.

For the record, i fully support Christianity. My full name is "Christian".
To be honest, this is good. Not the idea obviously, but that they are picking a fight with Religion openly. The average american cares more about christianity than about loyalty to their white brothers and sisters.

If the multicultural left angers Christians, it only helps weaken the left.

For the record, i fully support Christianity. My full name is "Christian".

I have similar thoughts on this be clear, I'm a Christian, but I'm White first and Christian second.
Just a suggestion, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but maybe we could combine threads like these into a generic Impotent Conservative Outrage thread? They typically go the same way - some leftist makes some lame statement bashing the Right, conservatives respond with hand-wringing, helpless outrage, "how dare he", etc., all the while giving the Marxist fool who opened his big mouth far more attention than he deserves. The whole thing with that whiny black dude bitching about athletes visiting the Trump White House was the same way; I especially disliked the way that thread was styled "Whiny Black Dude: Visiting Trump Be Rayciss." Titling a thread that way gives relevance and credibility to the whiner that isn't deserved.

I'm not a fan of 4chan-type "culture," but I understand why they're so popular, especially among the younger generation, and such a big force on the Alt-Right. At least they act instead of just react. At least they're the ones making outrageous statements and getting the Left to waste their time and energy with hand-wringing and shrieking and all that. It may not be the most productive thing in the world, but it's a lot better than Impotent Conservative Outrage.

Shaun King is nothing more than an irrelevant mental midget. We really need to start viewing his ilk as the weak fools they are and not as mighty, glorious enemy knights in shining armor worthy of fear and respect. A generic thread for outrage would be a lot more fitting. There's a reason why we have one generic thread for black quarterbacks, but White quarterbacks each have their own threads. People who enjoy being outraged could still get their jollies, while posters of a different mindset could read less about Shaun King's incredibly relevant and attention-worthy (snicker) opinions and more titles like "Sensible Alt-Righter: It's Great that Athletes Visit the Trump White House, and If You Disagree, You're A Gay Loser."
I have similar thoughts on this be clear, I'm a Christian, but I'm White first and Christian second.
That's Heresy! Do you realize what you just posted? You just put the God that created all things second to your race!
"You shall have no other Gods before me. Exodus 20:3
"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters below. Exodus 20:4
The first two commandments states that God comes first.
"Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." John 14:6.
If your a Christian, then Jesus Christ takes a back seat to nothing or no one!! Period!
Just a suggestion, and I don't mean to offend anyone, but maybe we could combine threads like these into a generic Impotent Conservative Outrage thread? They typically go the same way - some leftist makes some lame statement bashing the Right, conservatives respond with hand-wringing, helpless outrage, "how dare he", etc., all the while giving the Marxist fool who opened his big mouth far more attention than he deserves. The whole thing with that whiny black dude bitching about athletes visiting the Trump White House was the same way; I especially disliked the way that thread was styled "Whiny Black Dude: Visiting Trump Be Rayciss." Titling a thread that way gives relevance and credibility to the whiner that isn't deserved.

I'm not a fan of 4chan-type "culture," but I understand why they're so popular, especially among the younger generation, and such a big force on the Alt-Right. At least they act instead of just react. At least they're the ones making outrageous statements and getting the Left to waste their time and energy with hand-wringing and shrieking and all that. It may not be the most productive thing in the world, but it's a lot better than Impotent Conservative Outrage.

Shaun King is nothing more than an irrelevant mental midget. We really need to start viewing his ilk as the weak fools they are and not as mighty, glorious enemy knights in shining armor worthy of fear and respect. A generic thread for outrage would be a lot more fitting. There's a reason why we have one generic thread for black quarterbacks, but White quarterbacks each have their own threads. People who enjoy being outraged could still get their jollies, while posters of a different mindset could read less about Shaun King's incredibly relevant and attention-worthy (snicker) opinions and more titles like "Sensible Alt-Righter: It's Great that Athletes Visit the Trump White House, and If You Disagree, You're A Gay Loser."
Agreed. Also, these new threads get a few replies for a few days, then die. I prefer the threads like “another espn jerk” or “commercials we hate” as they are ever growing.
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I do not agree with what SK has to say..period, he is a lunatic and a fanatic. I do not believe in any form of almighty deity but I am white and we are being threatened everywhere all over the world.
That's Heresy! Do you realize what you just posted? You just put the God that created all things second to your race!
"You shall have no other Gods before me. Exodus 20:3
"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the waters below. Exodus 20:4
The first two commandments states that God comes first.
"Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." John 14:6.
If your a Christian, then Jesus Christ takes a back seat to nothing or no one!! Period!

A heretic, am I? I suppose my French Huguenot ancestors heard the same words from the dogmatic Catholic monarchy that persecuted them. As did great (White and Christian) scientists like Copernicus and Galileo. I'm in good company.

Race is neither a deity nor an idol. It is the essence of who we are. Too often throughout history, White people have slaughtered one another over petty religious disputes. Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland would be killing each other to this day were it not for the Peace Walls that separate their neighborhoods. White unity must come first, above all else, if we are to survive as a people. People who scream HERESY at the slightest disagreement and throw their White brothers and sisters under the bus at the first difference of opinion are part of the problem.

A White atheist or White pagan are far more my brothers than some black, fresh-off-the-boat, Nigerian Christian could ever be, and I'll state that proudly. Pragmatism and being able to work with people with different religious views, especially in the pro-white movement where many people are atheist or pagan, are necessary skills for anyone who wants to be politically relevant.

Great. Thanks to your hysterical accusations of "heresy," you've given that fool Shaun King even more attention. :rolleyes: Now I suppose we'll need yet another separate thread for Wars of Religion, Caste Football Style.
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People who scream HERESY at the slightest disagreement and throw their White brothers and sisters under the bus at the first difference of opinion are part of the problem.

Right. I have a long history of throwing white brothers under the bus on this site and I am obviously a part of the problem.
Needless infighting serves no purpose. A little more tolerance of other views on Religion would be prudent for some.
Religion isn't under attack at all. It's just another attack on anything White. No black Jesus statues or painting will ever be taken down. This is just an attack on Christianity which is the White racial religion in its true form. Other POC forms modern forms of Christianity are not Christianity at all - such as Black Nationalist churches and Christian Zionism which is to some extent all forms modern excepted Christian churches run buy subversive organizations. The POC Chrstianities are all racial religions including the usurped religion of Judaism and it's ugly cousin Christian Zionism. True Christianity is a White religion and has been under attack as such for centuries. Christian identity is our racial and spiritual religion. They are inseparable whether you believe or don't believe in Christianity - our race and true religion are equals.
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This is what happens when White People keep giving ground. Erasing any part of White Identity is their main goal. They must figure others are easier to control.
Religion isn't under attack at all. It's just an another attack on anything White. No black Jesus statues or painting will ever be taken down. This is just an attack on Christianity which is the White racial religion in its true form. Other POC forms modern forms of Christianity are not Christianity at all - such as Black Nationalist churches and Christian Zionism which is to some extent all forms modern excepted Christian churches run buy subversive organizations. The POC Chrstianities are all racial religions including the usurped religion of Judaism and it's ugly cousin Christian Zionism. True Christianity is a White religion and has been under attack as such for centuries. Christian identity is our racial and spiritual religion. They are inseparable whether you believe or don't believe in Christianity - our race and true religion are equals.

Good post. Loving my race, loving my husband, loving my children - none of those things mean I love God any less. Love of family, love of race, and love of God are all things that go together and are meant to go together. Christianity, whether an individual White person believes in it or not, has been an integral part of White European identity for almost two thousand years. Christianity should never be used as a wedge to push people into being less pro-white.
Religion isn't under attack at all. It's just an another attack on anything White. No black Jesus statues or painting will ever be taken down. This is just an attack on Christianity which is the White racial religion in its true form. Other POC forms modern forms of Christianity are not Christianity at all - such as Black Nationalist churches and Christian Zionism which is to some extent all forms modern excepted Christian churches run buy subversive organizations. The POC Christianity's are all racial religions including the usurped religion of Judaism and it's ugly cousin Christian Zionism. True Christianity is a White religion and has been under attack as such for centuries. Christian identity is our racial and spiritual religion. They are inseparable whether you believe or don't believe in Christianity - our race and true religion are equals.
Yes. What King objects to isn't so much the religion, but the white race itself. He despises us. A statue of a black Jesus with be okay with him.
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