Russian Culture


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
I was surfing the web today and found an interesting site. A Russian woman living in the U.S. has a business being an interpreter for international phone calls between Russia and the U.S. Her personal page has a lot of pictures of her and her family when she was growing up in Russia. Each picture has a caption that is both informative and interesting without being political.

During the Cold War, it was hard to know what life in Russia was really like. But these pics tell me that the middle class in Russia were very similar to us.

The reason I am posting this has to do with the media in this country hammering me with black and Hispanic culture until I upchuck. I found this personal site to be very refreshing. by: GWTJ


Jun 29, 2005
GWTJ said:
A Russian woman living in the U.S. has a business being an interpreter for international phone calls between America and the U.S

Those US to America calls must rack up huge long distance charges! I know you meant Russia, but it gave me a chuckle.
Oct 22, 2011
[h=1]Police thwart gay pride rally in Moscow[/h]:arms: :behindsofa:

Moscow police Sunday thwarted an attempt to hold a small gay pride rally in the Russian capital, arresting both homosexual activists and anti-gay conservatives who showed up, an AFP correspondent said.
The rally outside Moscow town hall, dubbed by activists as the Seventh Moscow Gay Pride, had not been sanctioned by the authorities and was rapidly broken up by police who dragged participants into waiting vans.
Police claimed to have acted even-handedly to prevent clashes between the gay activists and their homophobic opponents who frequently make appearances at gay rights events in Russia.
"Around 40 people from both sides were arrested for various violations of the law," a Moscow police spokesman said in a statement carried on Russian news agencies.
Among those arrested was Nikolai Alexeyev, Russia's most prominent gay rights activist.


May 18, 2012
In my world
I might not understand what exactly you are asking in this thread, but when I think of Russian culture I think of absolute greatness, like I do think of greatness with every white nation pretty much. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Russia remained the largest Orthodox nation in the world and claimed succession to the Byzantine legacy, I consider Russians cultural brothers to the Greeks and Serbians. Many educated Russians are referring to Byzantine Greece as a mother and recognize the fact that their nation is heavily influenced educationally and spiritually from Greek saints and scholars Cyril and Methodius.
When I think of Russian culture I think of the beautiful architecture in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, I think of the great Russian fairy tales (especially Viktor Vasnetsov), giants of literature and poetry such as Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Alexander Pushkin and Nikolai Leskov (who happen to be four of my favorite authors), I think of great composers such as Glinka and Tchaikovsky, I think of the marvelous Russian ballets that I had the blessing and luck to see twice live and I hope I can see a great live act like this again, I think of the greatest director of all time (in my personal opinion) the giant of cinema named ANDREI TARKOVSKY ( You need to watch his movie stalker to understand what the art of cinema is all about), I think of the great Soviet Union in terms of athletic, scientific, technological achievement............actually after all their communism did not infect and diseased our white kind as much as the "American capitalism" did, but no, I am in no way a fan of communism, I just can't stand them.

Since this is a sports site, I will close with a sporting note and say that USSR was, is and will always be the biggest power in sport, their achievements and world records have been unmatched to this day! If i am not mistaken they competed in 18 Olympic Games (Summer and Winter) and ranked #1 in medals 16 times of them. They were literally smashing the medal rankings and most importantly their sporting teams were nearly 100% white. There were few Asians or Mongols, but very few exceptions.

Respect to Russia and all the white Christian Orthodox brothers, a great nation indeed!!!!!!