Roberts-Chief Justice


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Whydid Bush nominate Roberts for the position of Chief Justice over Judge Scalia a known conservative? Could Roberts turn out to be another Souter?
I sure hope not. Thats a good question you raise too. If you ask me, Scalia best represents my interpretation of the Constitution than anyone on the court. I would much rather have him as Chief Justice and Robert Bork as another justice, but that ain't the way it is.
Bart said:
Whydid Bush nominate Roberts for the position of Chief Justice over Judge Scalia a known conservative? Could Roberts turn out to be another Souter?

I have my suspicions, Roberts is Catholic, and he is trying to peel some of therevote to the republican side. If I am not mistaken the Catholic vote was about evenly split in the last election, and ussually tilts slightly Democratic. Compared to the protestant vote which went about 70% Republican in the last election. It also enabled him to kill two birds with one stone without having to have additional hearings for the position of Chief Justice. I am not saying I necessarily agree with it, he could be another Souter for all we know. It is the same approach he is taking with illegal immigrants, wont shut the borders, in order to court the hispanic vote. In the end where does this get you?
Roberts is Catholic, and he is trying to peel some of there vote to the republican side.

How many people actually know Roberts is Catholic? How many people who vote these days even know who John Roberts is?

Don't laugh. You know its true.
Bart wrote: "Whydid Bush nominate Roberts for the position of Chief Justice over
Judge Scalia a known conservative? Could Roberts turn out to be another

I hope not, but I'm prepared for the worst.

Roberts reminds me a little too much of Souter and Kennedy - i.e., a
moderate-leftist in conservative dress. This Court should be
Scalia's --- he's earned the right, and he is a "true" conservative,
which you can't say about too many people at the federal level anymore.
I would have preferred another choice for Chief Justice as well because he is an unknown quantity.However I seriously doubt he is going to be another Souter. Roberts has excellent conservative credentials, as good as you can get from the mainstream. He is a member of the Constitutionalist Society a "radical" group that believes in interperting the Constitution as it is written. And he is as highly qualified as you can get for the job, he is not a political appointment which is what I feared. Bush, who can make some really bone-headed decisions, went out and picked the smartest white male Conservative in the legal profession for the job. About damn time.
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