Robert Powell vs. Lovelle Mixon


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Great blog from James Edwards

It's interesting to see the reaction to the white Dallas police officer who pulled over black NFL player Ryan Moats after he blew through a red light. He's catching all kinds of flak because after following Moats to a local hospital, he detained him even though Moats claimed his mother in law was dying and he was rushing to see her. His claim turned out to be true, and by the time Powell was done with him she'd already died. That's unfortunate, but cops hear this kind of story from blacks all the time. Somebody's always dying, or there's some other emergency, and that's the only reason they were speeding. Ask any cop, and they'll tell you. And the cop is only 25 years old, and was likely following official procedures. Can anyone get out of a traffic ticket by simply pulling into the nearest hospital and claiming they were rushing to get there? I'm pretty sure they can't, and Powell was just going by the book. Plus, if so many blacks weren't violent criminals at war with the police, they might get a little more respect from them.

But no one will defend Powell. Not even Rod Dreher, who generally makes it pretty clear that he doesn't have much use for black folks. He called Robert Powell "the worst person in the world" and demanded that he be fired. The worst person in the world? The very same week that Lovelle Mixon gunned down four police officers in Oakland? White guilt makes people say crazy things. And what did Rod Dreher have to say about Lovelle Mixon murdering four white cops in cold blood? Absolutely nothing. But when a white policeman makes the news for an interaction with a black man, Dreher is calling for his head. Does anyone believe that if Moats were white, and the officer non-white, Dreher would be demanding his job?

And even as blacks in Oakland are holding rallies calling Mixon a hero, and saying the white cops deserved it, and popular blogs like Racialicious are saying that Mixon's mass murder of cops was reasonable and understandable, Dreher says nothing. And he's not alone. Lots of other "conservative" pundits and bloggers who denounced Officer Robert Powell have also been completely silent on Lovell Mixon killing four white cops, and blacks in Oakland celebrating his deed.


Jul 30, 2005
Great observation. Another glaring difference was on display this week with the floods in Fargo, ND. It only took a couple of hours for a couple of feet of dirty water to cause the N.O. blacks to run riot. In overwhelmingly white Fargo flooding of biblical proportions has brought out the best in the community. Everyone pulling together and working around the clock for the greater good. And having to deal with snotty-assed reporters no less.

Were they ever tested we would see that anywhere from 75-90% of blacks are sociopathic.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
The story is overdone at this point but there is no question that officer Powell behaved like a jerk that day and by the time a nurse and fellow cop had come out to confirm Moats story and he still held Moats there for questioning, there is no excuse. There is a small minority of cops out there who just love exercising their "authority" over the citizenry and hopefully this debacle will be a example to other cops to use more discretion and common sense when dealing with the public.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Nice post, Colonel Reb.

Robert Powell is public enemy #1 and has just resigned his job, according to media reports today.

I've been spending quite a bit of time on the American Nationalist Union site of late, and there is a linked story there about all the love in the Oakland Negro community for the rapist/mass-murderer, Lovelle Mixon. er-true-hero.html

I defy any white person to read the above and come on this site or and try to defend anything about the racist piece of garbage that was Lovelle Mixon.

The SOB got what he deserved in the end.

Well, no, he deserved to be drawn and quartered for his multiple murders and all the families he ruined.

If Robert Powell had so much as gotten into an altercation resulting in physical contact of any type with Ryan Moats, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton would have been on the first flight to Dallas to lead marches through the city calling for Powell's head and the ouster of any and all senior white men in the Dallas Police Department.

And President Obama would have taken time away from deepening our economic cataclysm to convey his regrets concerning Robert Powell's heinous crime, and instructed the Justice Department to pursue federal charges against Powell.

Attorney General Eric Holder wants to be brave and have open, frank discussions about race in the U.S.

Might it not be a good idea for him to give a press conference on the Lovelle Mixon hate crimes and apologize to the families of the murdered police officers for what his brother, Lovelle Mixon, did?

C'mon, Eric, you've got so much guts. You can do it!