Richardson’s anti-semitic remarks


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Interesting story about a black coach who made some comments. Are they anti-semitic? Why? Any validity to his remarks?

The Patroons have suspended Richardson for the rest of the CBA championship series for comments made to the Albany Times Union on Tuesday.

Before Tuesdays game against the Yakima Sun Kings, Richardson made anti-Semitic comments to two reporters in his office when discussing the contract general manager Jim Coyne had offered him Monday to coach his team in the CBA and USBL.

"I've got big-time lawyers," Richardson said, according to the Times Union. "I've got big-time Jew lawyers."

When told by the reporters that the comment could be offensive to people because it plays to the stereotype that Jews are crafty and shrewd, he responded with, "Are you kidding me? They are. They've got the best security system in the world. Have you ever been to an airport in Tel Aviv? They're real crafty. Listen, they are hated all over the world, so they've got to be crafty."

And he continued, "They got a lot of power in this world, you know what I mean?" he said. "Which I think is great. I don't think there's nothing wrong with it. If you look in most professional sports, they're run by Jewish people. If you look at a lot of most successful corporations and stuff, more businesses, they're run by Jewish. It's not a knock, but they are some crafty people."
Espn's Tony Kornheiser said he wasn't offended and that some of his comments could be construed as complimentary. I for the most part feel the same way. Those comments could be spinned in alot of different directions, depending on your outlook. Who really cares what he thinks, he's a former athlete and a going nowhere CBA coach. Even if I was offended I would still be saying the same thing, let someone that matters say that.
I don't want to be a hypcrite so if I'm going to say what John Rocker and Tim Hardaway said doesn't really matter(although they were right) then what Richardson said doesn't matter as well.Edited by: guest301
Did anyone catch Patrick and Olbermann yesterday? It was a great lesson in reality. They were discussing the comments made by Ray Richardson and were appalled that someone could utter such bigoted statements. That was expected, but then they brought up this news story about Giants coach Tom Coughlin.

[url] olf-in-blue-tom-coughlin-says-hes-second-to-hitler/ [/url]

When he was asked at the NFC coaches breakfast by a football Web site reporter whether he paid attention to what was being said about him last season, Coughlin replied: "I hear some of it and I see it. You know (VP of communications Pat) Hanlon tells me about it, what's going on."

Then, he paused, and said, "Hitler and then me, in that order. Unfortunate, but it is."

First, Dan prattled on and on, wondering what the coach could have meant by invoking the name of Hitler. Was he comparing himself to Hitler? Was he praising him?How could he say that, being coach of a team in New York of all places?It was so funny listening to their verbal gymnastics. Geez, even a second grader would know that the coach was saying that all the negative press has portrayed him to be - evil - second only to Hitler.

Theywondered of his future as head coach saying his judgement is now in question. Then Keith became very somber and told a story. He had once attacked O'Reilly on his show and compared him to Hitler doing a Nazi salute. He said he and his staff thought it was funny. Well, turns out some Jewish groups were offended and he received a note from the Jewish Anti - Defamation League.Seems some Jews were upsetby tuning in to his show and having to see such images. They were offended. What did Keith do? He said, "I immediately sent them an apology." He added," Even if I offended only one person, it would have been one too many." I almost barfed!!By one person he means one Jewish person. I couldn't believe how he enthusiastically told the world of his servitude! I've heard him blast a lot of people about a lot of things and he never worried about offending anybody before. Freaking damn coward, wuss, weasel.
Bart said:
Did anyone catch Patrick and Olbermann yesterday? It was a great lesson in reality. They were discussing the comments made by Ray Richardson and were appalled that someone could utter such bigoted statements. That was expected, but then they brought up this news story about Giants coach Tom Coughlin.

[url] olf-in-blue-tom-coughlin-says-hes-second-to-hitler/ [/url]

When he was asked at the NFC coaches breakfast by a football Web site reporter whether he paid attention to what was being said about him last season, Coughlin replied: "I hear some of it and I see it. You know (VP of communications Pat) Hanlon tells me about it, what's going on."Then, he paused, and said, "Hitler and then me, in that order. Unfortunate, but it is."

First, Dan prattled on and on, wondering what the coach could have meant by invoking the name of Hitler. Was he comparing himself to Hitler? Was he praising him? How could he say that, being coach of a team in New York of all places? It was so funny listening to their verbal gymnastics. Geez, even a second grader would know that the coach was saying that all the negative press has portrayed him to be - evil - second only to Hitler.

They wondered of his future as head coach saying his judgement is now in question. Then Keith became very somber and told a story. He had once attacked O'Reilly on his show and compared him to Hitler doing a Nazi salute. He said he and his staff thought it was funny. Well, turns out some Jewish groups were offended and he received a note from the Jewish Anti - Defamation League. Seems some Jews were upset by tuning in to his show and having to see such images. They were offended. What did Keith do? He said, "I immediately sent them an apology."He added, " Even if I offended only one person, it would have been one too many." I almost barfed!! By one person he means one Jewish person.I couldn't believe how he enthusiastically told the world of his servitude! I've heard him blast a lot of people about a lot of things and he never worried about offending anybody before. Freaking damn coward, wuss, weasel.
Sounds like he knows who pays his pay checks. Or is his boss.....
Bart said:
What did Keith do?  He said,  "I immediately sent them an apology."   He added, " Even if I offended only one person, it would have been one too many."  I almost barfed!!  By one person he means one Jewish person.   I couldn't believe how he enthusiastically told the world  of his servitude!  I've heard him blast a lot of people about a lot of things and he never worried about offending anybody before.  Freaking damn coward, wuss, weasel.

I assumed that Olbermann was Jewish. Anybody know for sure?
JD074 said:
I assumed that Olbermann was Jewish. Anybody know for sure?

Olbermann during the same show said that he was of Russian, Polish and German heritage.
Even though he grew up on Long Guyland and has lived and worked in a predominantly Jewish environment, I don't think he's Jewish.
It is still a stupid thing to say. It is degrading to non-Jewish lawyers. I have some Jewish ancestry and think the situation is outrageous. It is anti-non-Semetic. Even if a stereotype doesn't hurt you directly, it'll come back to bite you in the ass.Edited by: Freedom
In response to Bart's post. Unfortunately, that comment will unfairly add fuel to firing Tom Coughlin at seasons end. Mark my words it will happen. He does take way too much heat in the media. I understand the way he fells. I personally don't think he's a great coach b/c he doesn't seem to know how to socially deal with his players b/c isn't enough of a people person. He also doesn't have a great game sense for play calling and clock management. However, calling him a drill Sergent which the media does quite often is over the top. Coughlin, simply believes strongly in etiquette and discipline in a sports world that no longer believes in loyalty and respect for your coach or the game. Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Compared to NFL head coaches up until the late 1960sand into the'70s and '80s, Coughlin is an ultra-liberal. Whipped pretty boys like Mora Jr. and Mariucchi are the desired mold for the job today.
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