Reading and Test Material

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
I tutor on the side to earn money while I am in school. I teach for the SAT, SHSAT (Standarized High School Admissions Test), and other high school subjects.

What I have come to observe is quite startling, but not surprising. Nearly all reading comprehension paragraphs incorporate something that portrays a non-white culture in a positive light, while simultaneously disparaging a white culture, sometimes with subtely othertimes more blatant.

For example:

"In the west, we are most familar with world explorers who were of European origin. Marco Polo, a European traverler to China in the 13th century, serves as a classic example. Some lessor known explorers, however, logged enough miles and adventures to make Marco Polo's journey look like an evening stroll. Perhaps the most far flung of these lesser known travelers was Ibn Batuta, a North Afican who left his birthplace of Tangier in the year 1325...'

It goes on from there to describe his magnificent journey....

And of course another one my favorites...

In reference to a comet..

...In the 21st century, these once-feared objects can be described scientifically. For example, every comet has a head....Nearly every culture has taken the arrival of a comet as a sign of bad luck. Europeans regarded them with superstiton and fear. Only the !Klung people of modern-day Namibia were optimistic when sighting a comet, believing it guranteed a happy future."

Yes, those !Klung people certainly are savy with their astronomy and space travel lately.

Almost good but....

"The tenth century A.D. was a period of cultural and artisitc revival in the European countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The magnificent works or art used, among other material, African gold, ivory, rock, and crystals. But most of these material would not have been unavialble to European artists without the sophisticaterd trading network established along the east coast of Africa, from present day Somalia to norther Mozambique."

It then goes on to disscus the very technically sound sea vessels of the Swahili people.

History books on slavery are even worse. Edited by: Alpha Male

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Yeah, I remember when we used to play Ibn Batuta in the pool when we were kids. The person who is 'It' closes their eyes and yells, "IBN!" Everyone else shouts, "BATUTA!" The person who is 'It' has to splash around after them them with their eyes closed. What fun! Ah.. those were the days!

I do tend to forget things as I get older, though. What trade route did Batuta establish when he was out and about? I do forget sometimes. Shame on me.

I agree with the Kung 'bout the comet though. It is MUCH better to view a comet with optimism and happiness than fear. The Halle Bopp comet cult was very happy to see their namesake comet on the horizon, let me tell you! And what's to fear from a comet anyway? The last one to hit only wiped out the dinosaurs, and who needs them around anyway? Think of how much manure would be left around if they were still here! I'm thankful for the comet. Count me with the Kung!

And those Swahili certainly were some sailors, weren't they? They were such great seaman they didn't even have a need to invent the wheel, that's how good they were! Yes sir, let me tell ya..Edited by: White Shogun