Rat judge!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Here we have another judge going against the will of the CITIZENS. Something sensible and good finally takes place andthistraitor in robes shoots us in the back!

[url]http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/10/31/immigration.town.reut/inde x.html[/url]

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (Reuters) -- A federal judge Tuesday temporarily barred Hazleton, Pennsylvania, from implementing a law designed to prevent illegal immigrants from living in the town.

Judge James Munley of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania issued a temporary restraining order against Hazleton City Council, preventing it from enforcing its Illegal Immigration Relief Act Ordinance.

The measure has become a model for other U.S. towns that blame illegal immigrants for a range of social problems.

The law, which had been scheduled to take effect Wednesday, would fine landlords found to be renting space to illegal aliens, close down businesses that hire them, and allow legal employees to sue the businesses for employment lost during such a shutdown. A related law also establishes English as the town's official language.

The restraining order is valid until November 14.

In a 13-page opinion, Munley said immigrants risked "irreparable injury" by being evicted from their apartments if the law is enforced. He also said he was not convinced by the city council's argument that illegal immigration increases crime and overburdens social services.


Nov 25, 2004
This country seems to have put in place all sorts of measures to make sure the will of the people in never carried out. Our judicial and legislative branches have got to be completely gutted out. More than 80% of our citizens want the borders shut-down, illegals sent home, and our soldiers sent home ASAP. I can't imagine any governmental system better at denying the will of its' own people. Iranians have far more say in how their country is run than we do. Calling our country a free democracy is a joke.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Iranians have more say in their government because they are not afraid to kill members of their government that refuse to listen to them. As long as we remain totally passive to what happens here then our government will do what it wants. The people of that town should riot and burn and wreak havoc. That would get some attention.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
Iranians have more say in their government because they are not afraid to kill members of their government that refuse to listen to them. As long as we remain totally passive to what happens here then our government will do what it wants. The people of that town should riot and burn and wreak havoc. That would get some attention.

Well Jaxvid, you are correct of course. It should be ovbvious to us by now that our salvation can never come working within the system.It has been totally corrupted. For several decades legislators and JUDGES in particular have forced us to accept an agenda which has ruined America and destroyed everything the founding fathers and our white ancestors worked for and held dear.

I will vote next week on local issues that have some minor bearing on my existence, but overall the Democrats and Republicans are steering the ship of state into an iceberg. The issues Joe Sixpack fights over are insignificant in the long run and are tantamount to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Not to coin a phrase.

Let me revise what I said about the iceberg. We've already rammed into it and have been taking on water at a steady rate. Our cities are filled with blacks and Mexicans who are not interested in preserving OUR heritage. Time is not on our side. We should learn from the bitter lesson taught towhites of South Africa and Rhodesia.

Will it take some sort of calamity to awaken us and propel us into action?The internet is filled with sites of like minded people asking the same question? What are we to do? How do we do it and when?

The blacks and lefties always made gains by violence and intimidation. The Mexicans boldly march across the border,flaunt our laws and make demands of us.At the same timethey are being rewarded by our government for their efforts. We are playing goody two shoes and are being robbed left and right. They are taking over the Southwest and we sit idly by, singing "God Bless America."


Oct 19, 2004
I agree with Kaptain and Jaxvid. We need a total overhaul of the system, and we need to protest, march, and riot to make our voices heard. It's time to stop being nice.