Randy Moss


Jul 8, 2005
United States
Littering and?...littering and?...littering and?...smokin' the reefer!!!!

I was watching the local news wednesday night and it has come to my attention that Randy Moss smokes Marijuana. I don't know if any of you guys knew about this but...wow. He said that he smoked it often in college and that he still smokes in "once in a blue moon".

This guy should be kicked out of the NFL...along with Ricky Willaims.
I bet the moon is blue all of the time to Moss.
Good one Jaxvid. Blue moon ... black moon ...whatever.Randy likes moons I guess.

Black guy with afro smokes weed. What a surprise.
But seriously, most of these guys smoke(as they call it), especially the ones who take stanozolol. I've known players who smoke as a substitute for drinking. They think drinking is worse for your body. A friend of mine picked up this habit while playing college ball and hanging out with blacks. The guys who take steroids can't drink with certain types of them or it will severely damage their liver. I don't think Moss takes steroids. He's probably just a afro wearin',cornrow havin' pothead.
The rumor is that the Packers are interested in Randy Moss. I know a lot of die-hard Packer fans and their most hated player is Moss. All of the Packer fans I know have said that they would actually dump the Packers as their team if they got Moss.

The NFL is a lot like our current political system: it's getting harder and harder for the average person or fan to have any impact on policy. As Don has pointed out before, corporations buy the tickets and corporate advertisers write off their wasteful adds as business expenses. Meanwhile, the media continues to brainwash us in every way possible. Only a HUGE revolutionary would be able to shake either system.
The good news of a Moss trade is it could involve Aaron Rodgers, which would mean Oakland would not draft JaMarcus Russell....
Some of the Cheeseheads may complain at first if Moss is traded to the Packers, but very quickly they will be dazzled by thoughts of Brett Favre heaving it downfield to Randy. And as soon as Moss makes a long catch or two during a preseason game, all will be forgotten and forgiven -- Moss's penchant for thuggish behavior and whining and playing only when he feels like it, the "mooning" of the Packers fans a few years ago -- and the Drunk White Fans will treat him like a conquering hero. After all, how long was the waiting list for season tickets to watch Mike Sherman's teams that were all black except for Favre and a few o-linemen?
I think Randy has lost a step or two and is not nearly the player he was with the Vikings. I wouldn't want this guy on my team regardless.
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