Racism: What's Good for Jews is Good for Goyim (A Short Easy Read)


Feb 23, 2013
New York

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

"Racism" seems to be in the news lately.
"UN Anti-Racist Day" Saturday was marked by "anti racist, anti fascist" demonstrations in many cities. Last week, Starbucks ordered their barristas to scrawl "Race Together" on cups and engage customers in discussion.

The Illuminati uses the term "racism" to imply that accepting any racial distinctions is tantamount to a belief in racial superiority and discrimination. But surely we can believe that mankind is one big family with different races, each having unique qualities, none superior to the other in aggregate.

Surely people can have racial pride even if they are not one of the privileged minority of colored races the Illuminati central bankers sanction and promote.

In the Protocols of Zion, our Masters, the Illuminati Jewish central bankers, say they will "undermine every identity except their own."

The four legs of human identity are race, religion (God), national and family (gender.) The denial of racial distinctions ("racism") is an underhanded attempt to guilt whites into denying their racial heritage.

We have seen the same thing with "sexism" which is an absurd satanic denial of nature. Since when do genders or races have to be the same in order to be treated fairly? The Illuminati goal with "sexism" is to undermine men. It is a ruse.

Feminists clamored for gender equality but do you hear them complaining about inequality now that that women outnumber men two-to-one in universities? No, because sexism and racism are nothing but Illuminati social engineering. When whites are a minority, they won't receive any "minority" privileges. Indeed they may face persecution as in South Africa.

I believe that whatever is good for the Jews is good for the goyim. Israel is the most racist state on earth. You can't become an Israeli unless your mother was a biological Jew. Racial intermarriage is forbidden by law. Blood transfusions from black Jews are rejected. Arabs are considered animals and slaughtered with impunity, as we saw in Gaza last summer. But do you hear Starbuck's Illuminati Jewish CEO Harold Schultz campaigning against that?


In a recent article, a Conservative rabbi sounded the alarm that 58% of American Jews have married Gentiles since the year 2000. Only 20% of intermarried couples raise their children as Jews. He writes:

"Judaism is a covenant among our people and between God and us. It's demanding. But that's what makes it deep. Please link your individual lives to this eternal community, which is bigger than us and devoted to loftier missions than our own happiness (though we want you to be happy). To those not born Jewish, please join our people. Make our history and destiny your own. If you choose not to join right now, don't worry, we will wait for you, and hope one day you'll wish to join your spouse and children. For now, have a civil wedding, and we'll wish you mazel tov."

He pretends non-Jews can can convert and be accepted as racial Jews but that's for public consumption. Jews do not believe in intermarriage. I think Israeli policies are too extreme but I believe a nation has a right to defend its racial character, especially since race includes culture and religion.

A "racist" is someone who loves different races and doesn't want them to disappear by miscegenation. A racist is someone who doesn't want the world to be a shade of chocolate while only Zionist Jews are racially pure. I would allow interracial marriage but discourage it. I married a Filipina myself.

Clearly, the bankers agenda is to encourage miscegenation and white guilt. Bank advertisements invariably feature interracial couples and minority banker reps. In Canada, 80% of female TV announcers and reporters are colored women, while they make up only 5% of the population.

I am all for a racism devoid of claims of superiority and acts of discrimination. Judge people by their individual merits but do not ignore that race denotes cultural and biological differences.

What's good for the Jew is good for the goyim.
- See more at: http://www.henrymakow.com/#sthash.2Si3IA8K.dpuf


Feb 23, 2013
New York
It was a no brainer for anyone with half of one to see through Starschmucks ****-a-doodle-doo. Most regular posters here see through these attempts a mile away. Good news is, on sites that don't censor posts, Jews are called out for their meddling and the truth of black ineptitude is openly discussed.