Racial tension in Louisiana


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I don't know how many of you have heard about the 6 black kids who beat a white kid down in a Louisana suburb. One black kid punched him and he was knocked out cold and 5 others joined in and kept on kicking him. He had damaged eye sockets and was pretty injured. Now the black kids were charged with attempted murder. The blacks are now protesting that they got these charges because they are black. What did they expect for beating the kid? You should see the black parents of these kids. They could care less about what happened to the white kid. They are just claiming racism. Typical black behavior. This situation proves what pigs blacks are.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Reduced charges for one suspect in race-influenced beating case
The Associated Press
Published: June 25, 2007

JENA, Louisiana: Attempted murder and conspiracy charges against a black high school student accused in the beating of a white student were reduced Monday in a case that began with white students hanging nooses from a tree.

Mychale Bell is one of six black Jena High School students charged in the December beating, which has drawn criticism from residents who say the charges are far too serious for the crime and are the result of racism.

Bell still faces trial Tuesday, but if convicted he would serve a maximum of 22 years in prison instead of 80.

It was not immediately clear if the other suspects' charges would be reduced as well. Bell now faces charges of aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy to commit aggravated second-degree battery.

Prosecutors have refused to discuss details of the case.
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"I think he feels a lot better since they lowered the charges. At least that's a good first step," Bell's mother, Melissa Bell, said after Monday's hearing.

Another suspect, Theodore Shaw, also had been scheduled for trial this week, but his case was delayed. Trial dates for the others â€â€￾ Robert Bailey Jr., Bryant Purvis, Carwin Jones and another unidentified juvenile â€â€￾ had not been set.

Last August, a black student at Jena High School was told by the school principal he could sit in the school courtyard under a tree traditionally used by white students.

The next morning, three nooses were hanging in the tree.

"It meant a lynching," said Caseptla Bailey, Bailey's mother. "Everyone knew what it meant."

The principal recommended expulsion for the three students who hung the nooses, but they served a suspension instead.

"That just set all the black kids off," said John Jenkins, Jones' father. "Wasn't that a hate crime? If anyone was going to be charged, shouldn't they have been?"

The racial tension led to a series of fights between white and black students, Bailey and Jenkins said.

On Dec. 4, Justin Barker, who is white, was attacked at school by a small group of black students.

District attorney Walter Reed and school officials did not return calls for comment. Jena, a town of 2,900, has about 350 black residents.

"This is a good town to live in for things like no crime, it being peaceful," Bailey said. "But it's very racist and they don't even try to hide it. It's like, stay in your place or else."

Shaw and Bell have been jailed since their arrests, unable to make $90,000 bond.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
"Wasn't that a hate crime? If anyone was going to be charged, shouldn't they have been?"

-Yes, hanging three nooses from a tree justifies a brutal attack by a "small group of black students" agaisnt one white.

"On Dec. 4, Justin Barker, who is white, was attacked at school by a small group of black students."

-Love how the author uses the term "small group" instead of reporting the actual number, six.

:I'm so sick of blacks playing the victim and the race card. A few days ago, a friend of mine who works in a law office was chatting with a colleague about how the media made a big deal about the two Super bowl coaches being black when they should of just commented on how they were good coaches and leave the race out of it. Well, sure enough some older black lady overheard and made a big deal about it claiming racism, etc. Never mind that the same idea was published by a black sportswriter linked somewhere on this site.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
they always claim racism. even when they commit a crime its always racism. "What I did beez whiteyz fault. Whitey owes me a living.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
The most pathetic thing is, they don't even know what racism is. Racism is institionalized (either by custom or law) discrimination against one group in a society by another group. What these people are talking about is possibly perceived individual discrimination, but more likely to be prejudice and nothing more. I've been in black public schools where the teachers told the students how to cheat on their taxes and I have seen black kids who were raised to hate all white people. If they want to start screaming prejudice, they first need to look in the mirror.