Racial Double Standards


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Do you guys ever hear a minority use the term "white boy" in some way, and you think or say, I'm offended by that and I wish you wouldn't say it? I do. Maybe that's my way of fighting the double standard applied to the n-word all the time. Blacks can say it, but we can't, so it should be that whites can say white boy, and no one else. I mean, what would happen if you called a black man a black boy? We all know the answers. Anyway, I'm just spilling forth some frustration onto the board. What do you guys think about the issue. I know it has been discussed somewhat on here before, but not specifically like this.
Col. Reb, you bring up an interesting point. Blacks can use a phrase such as, ' hangin with my boys' and nobody thinks twice about the terminology but a white will be excoriated for using the exact same words in reference to blacks.
Just carefully watch and listen how people in the media, and white people in general, will do verbal and written gymnastics to avoid calling any black male over the age of 17 a boy.

The only time an adult black is called a boy is if he is in a group with some white men. A typical example is when a reporter or announcer throws it back toa broadcast crew in the studio which consists of blacks and whites. Then it mightbe something like, "boys, back to you."

Ever notice how football and basketball coaches generally refer to their players as "men" when addressing them, while in hockey and baseball it's almost always "boys." Golfers are often referred to as boys by the media, also NASCAR drivers. Ever hear the old expression "he's a local boy"? Even with something that innocuous, when it's a black who's local, the boy part is left out. Instead, it's "He's a local product," or "He's a local kid."

Calling an adult black male a boy is ultra-politically incorrect yet white men of all ages are routinely referred to as boys, especially in the media.

Another thing that gets me is how white men more and more, besides being called "boys," are referred to simply by the purely biological term "male." Yes, I'm male, but so is my dog. I am a man and that's what I want to be called, not a "male."

And if not boy or male, the rest of the time it is the all-purpose "guy." The word "man" itself is well on its way to becoming extinct when applied to white men. It's just one battle out of many being waged to deprive white men of self-respect and of respect from others. I believe all racially conscious whites should refer to white men as men and not use the other terms, as often as possible.
This is especially true among football coaches. I can remember when college coaches called their players "boys." I don't think I have heard a college football coach call his players that for 25 years. They always say, "my kids." The term "kid" is acceptable, but "boy" isn't. The system we live under sure is ridiculous isn't it?
There's even a clothing line called "Whiteboy." The white man-
or maybe I should call him "white boy" since he clearly prefers
that- who created it says that it's "a term of endearment." Sure
it is.

I don't like "male" either, but I do use "guy." It's informal, and
all purpose like you say, and I use it for both black and white
men. But I'll take a stab at saying "man" instead. I actually
wrote "white man" in the first paragraph when my first instinct
was "white guy" .
Term of endearment my eye. If it's a black boy, it's a paternalistic at best, racist at worst, statement. I find myself using "male" as well. I'll work on that one, because I sure don't like being called a white boy, which is no more correct than being called a white male. A male could be 1 day or 101 years.
Those weak minded idiots are cannon fodder (at best), & that Elliott “Scamillton” candy@$$ is a typical snarky IkeyMo. That punk probably never worked an honest day in his life (or had a fight). His “opinion” & similar ‘views’ is for $#1t to any real White man.
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