Race Obsessed

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
An excellent article from Ether Zone:

by Richard Davis

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The futuristic movie Children of Men centers around a young woman, Kee, who is the first female to become pregnant in nearly 20 years and thus possibly the last hope for a suddenly infertile mankind. She's a West African. Black. She could have been an Asian, perhaps, even a suitably brown South American. But what she couldn't have been was white. Not mankind's last hope. Not with Hollywood telling the story.
Yet in the PD James' novel the pregnant woman is indeed white. She's an Englishwoman named Julian. The character also appears in the movie but there she's made barren, the beneficiary of a cultural abortion performed by filmmakers. The black Kee, who is featured prominently in movie posters and advertising, is a multicultural character, a figment of the director's liberal (rather than his creative) imagination.
Should we be disturbed by such racial gerrymandering of our culture? We certainly should be used to it. Racial politics now attends the production of virtually every movie, television program, commercial, textbook and newspaper made by white (and/or Jewish) America. Nonwhite minorities are exempted, of course. Only white culture is considered public domain and subject to the demands of racial collectivization.
Those demands are driven primarily by the African American obsession with race and the racialization of all aspects of society. Blacks are consumed by race. They make careers out of it, many, many careers. Can anyone name a book by an African American or a speech, class, political idea, web site or C-SPAN program that does not involve race? Can anyone name a book or anything else by a European or Asian American that does? </TD></TR></T></TABLE>

<DIV align=left>If whites devoted even one percent of their intellectual energies to race the outcry would be deafening. If they devoted half as much as blacks society would collapse. Race is not a productive asset. It adds nothing of material value to a nation. It's an expense. Those black careers are socialist luxuries paid for by white (and increasingly Asian) capitalists.
How healthy can it be for a society to surrender itself to the most race-obsessed of its members? Where can that be leading us? An answer of sorts was provided last week by London's Daily Mail in an article entitled "New curriculum will 'make every lesson politically correct'." It relates how new government regulations will require that all children "be taught race relations and multiculturalism with every subject they study - from Spanish to science." Teachers will be required to make "explicit references to cultural diversity" in all subjects and on all exams. Moreover, every child will be regularly tested on his or her "attitudes" to diversity, though no word on how many hours of sensitivity torture students will have to endure if they fail.
If you think that sounds a little too totalitarian or Orwellian then you don't have children in school or know anybody who does. What England is making official is standard operating procedure in the US. Every American child today experiences extensive racial indoctrination and propaganda, literally all of it generated by left-wing racialists (who make a nice living off it). The No Child Left Behind program that now dominates public schools is itself an explicit race-based education initiative.
And things are only going to get worse. There's no stopping multiculturalists. They're zealots, left-wing fundamentalists. Diversity has become their sacred cow, the untouchable holy of holies. They're tireless promoters of racism and as intolerant of criticism as Muslims. With the multicultural stranglehold on our culture, particularly on education and the media, Americans will embrace diversity, the forced racialization of their lives, or else. That's not an idle threat, and nobody takes it as such.
Even the announcement of Oscar nominees last week was sullied by race. The mainstream media immediately speculated whether Dreamgirls had been shut out of the major categories because of racism. Beyonce's father had leveled similar charges earlier this month when his daughter failed to win a Golden Globe for her role in the film.
Reporters at the nominations ceremony quickly - very quickly - pointed out that a high number of blacks - apparently enough, thank God - had been nominated in other categories. Everyone was very relieved.
"Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact." http://etherzone.com/2007/davis013107.shtml


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
During lunch I was on the ANU website and saw this article. I read it and saved the website on my favorites. Funny that I cruise over to CF and see it again. But the article is dead on. Blacks need a new topic to wail about.

There are lots of great articles being written on the web these days. They're just not so easy to find sometimes.
Oct 24, 2005
So the pregnant woman is white and an English woman?!. In the reviews I read, it says that she is an illegal immigrant. This changes the entire idea of the story. This would be like Jim Carry playing Jackie Robinson in the remake of the Jackie Robinson story.

They are running out of ideas. They cannot even make good PC propaganda.