Quintessential DWF


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
As if it's not bad enough to have another man propose to your "bride-to-be"...this castrated, weak-minded DWF has a former afflete turned Old Spice "stud" do his bidding for him!

'Old Spice Guy' Proposes on Behalf of a Fan

By Mike Ryan | Thursday, July 15, 2010, 2:08 PM

"Old Spice Guy" proposing for a fan.

George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Will Smith...these used to be the names mentioned when the topic of "The Perfect Man" was discussed. If you haven't heard, that debate is now over. What is the name of the reigning "Perfect Man"? Well, not many people actually know his name (it's Isaiah Mustafa), but mention the title of "Old Spice Guy" and people probably know who you are talking about. Mention "that guy in the Old Spice ads wearing nothing more than a bath towel," and they'll definitely know.

As seen in the overwhelmingly popular commercials, Old Spice Guy can do, well, pretty much everything (and they imply that a man who uses the product could do pretty much everything, too). On Tuesday, this guy performed perhaps his most amazing feat to date: he got a woman to agree to marry a mere mortal man.

That mortal, Johannes S. Beals, now known to the world as "Jsbeals," bowed down to the greatness of the deodorant pitchman -- via Twitter -- and asked Mustafa to propose to his girlfriend on his behalf.

Old Spice proposal @ Yahoo! Video

Of course, the irresistible charm of Old Spice Guy worked. How could a line like, "your love has blossomed from a seed into a fully grown love plant and now it's time to fertilize that plant," delivered by a rippling-muscled hunk holding a ring and surrounded by candles, not? Yep, the girlfriend in question, Angela A. Hutt-Chamberlin, said yes.

[Video: Another Incredible Wedding Proposal Includes Circus]

Mustafa's videos have gotten such enormous attention on the internet -- the commercial that started it all has netted more than 13 million views at YouTube -- that even celebrities have been clamoring for Mustafa's attention.

Much as he can fly a jetfighter or get a random stranger's girlfriend to say yes to a wedding proposal, Old Spice Guy has also managed to keep up with all the attention.

He made a video for Rose McGowan, praising her movies and television work:

Old Spice Guy Replies to Rose McGowan @ Yahoo! Video

He sent roses to Alyssa Milano:

Old Spice Guy Replies to Alyssa Milano @ Yahoo! Video

And, of course, these videos can't officially be considered an Internet phenomenon unless Ashton Kutcher is somehow involved. Rest assured, he is:

Old Spice Guy Replies to Ashton Kutcher @ Yahoo! Video
Mustafa even took it upon himself to give some advice to our nation's president, via ABC News personality, George Stephanopoulos. Among the nuggets of witty widsom Mustafa passed along were: from now on Obama should only be seen in a towel; Obama should begin his State of the Union address with "Hellloo ladies" instead of "My fellow Americans," and he should end the speech with a "presidential ab point."

So who is this muscled man? In addition to hawking the venerable antiperspirant, Mustafa is a former college wide receiver who signed with the Seattle Seahawks pro football team. His NFL career never fully materialized, so he turned to acting, eventually landing the job as Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like." The ad campaign -- which relies heavily on social media to complement the commercials -- has turned Mustafa into a media behemoth in his own right.


Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
"So who is this muscled man?"

Indeed Mike Ryan,you do wonder. Your man loving substance filled reporting is inspiring. Keep up the good work.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
In this case I hope that fellow forever remains a full-blown DWF so that the reality of having another man propose to his girlfriend never stings his discarded masculinity. If he ever reattaches them he won't be able to look himself in the mirror.

Also he either didn't tell any of his friends of his plan or he runs in a total DWF herd. I can't imagine not having one friend (even if he too loves the Old Spice Guy) at least suggesting that having another man propose to your girlfriend is a bit emasculating.

Edited by: Paleocon
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
That way I never watch tv! in the real world, you got to know that you can do and that you cant.
but on tv and in movies, you can outrun a jet, pick up 5000lb, and a black man can be goodlooking. it's really all the same thing!
Apr 30, 2009
Wow... First of all everytime i see one of those commercials i change the channel. And second what kind of man has someone else propose for him!! That just shows your to scared to do it yourself.