Q&A on the North American Union(NAU)/SPP


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Here's some great info from Daneen @ www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com...

1. What is the present status of this [NAU] project?

Most of what is being done is taking place behind closed doors. However, EVERYTHING that is occurring involves the re-writing of our bureaucratic or regulatory law and 'harmonizing' the differences between the three countries . . . Mexico a corrupt oligarchy and a Canada a parliamentary socialist country.

You should watch the EU videos on my video page if you want to understand where the One World Monopolists are taking our country. Watch the first video The Real Face of the European Union several times to understand the enormity of what it ALREADY means for Britain and keep in mind that is EXACTLY what is planned for here. The other two videos may seem soft toned and low key but they POWERFULLY detail what is happening. Once you have done that you will grasp what they are doing now with OUR regulatory system which involves EVERYTHING that goes on in America.

2. How does our President expect to get away with this?

Who's going to stop him? It's not about the president anyway, he is just another puppet doing the bidding of the One World Monopolist's cabal, to which he belongs. There is a Shadow Government that is running this country and there are MANY in very high places, in the Congress, Executive Branch and the military who are ideologically socialist and communist who constitute the Shadow Government. They are working HARD to turn us into a totalitarian plutocracy. You may not understand or fathom what I have just said but that is the bottom line. For more in depth information about who they are and what they are about, please read my Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union (NAU) which can be found here.

3. Why isn't it being more published by the major news media in general, or hasn't been made a campaign issue by the opposition party?

First of all there IS NO OPPOSITION PARTY, they are simply two legs of the same pair of pants. Both 'parties' exist to provide a Kabuki dance that constitutes the well orchestrated mind-control, brainwashing propaganda to keep the sheeple entertained and busy watching the ball go 'back and forth' in the tennis match of life. They are DIVIDING AND THUS CONQUERING the sheeple! It is a well-perfected, well-practiced Marxian Hegelian Dialectics technique. You might want to read up on the technique and learn how well they have manipulated us.

Secondly, the major news media are PART OF THE CABAL. They consist of 5 large corporations and they have striven and been allowed to control the media since AT LEAST 1915 . . . and they have succeeded!!!!

4. What does President Bush expect to get out of this since he will be out of office in less than a year or so?

He could care less. His family is part of the 13 Illuminati families that comprise the core of the One World Monopolists. They are so close to ending our Constitutional Republic that he can write his own history books just like they did in communist Russia and Nazi Germany. He can doctor the pictures, videos, books, newspapers and re-write everything and anything to suit his ego.

It is clear to me that you have little concept of what the One World Monopolists have in store for us . . . keep reading, researching and learning so at the very minimum you will not be surprised. You may even be able to prepare for the coming hell, so that you can save and protect yourself and your family.

I suppose you think I have 'gone off the deep end' but you will eventually find that I am 1000% on target.

This question for you is: So . . . Will You Stand, Fight, Hide Or Surrender?

***Reference article/link...

http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com/OpenTheWindows.htmlEdited by: DixieDestroyer


Dec 15, 2005
Free Ignacio Ramos!!! He is a political prisoner.
The paradoxical solution is that we need to unite to stop a union.
We all know that a North American Union wouldn't be so bad, except for the people who'd be running it.
The reason a North American Union is devastating is because of the totalitarian authority behind it. A wealthy elite seeks to rule North America by displacing real, caring, Americans, with Chinese and Mexican slave labor. Groups like La Raza don't see illegal immigrants like that, but I guarantee you that Bush see illegal immigrants as an medium for slavery.

This has been going on since WWII ended, I regrettably claim. Richard Nixon clearly had un-American sympathies, call them totalitarian, elitist, Communist, or whatever. Ironically, he used the House of Un-American activities as a means for springboarding his totalitarianism as shown by HOW he dealt and met Mao. While it was and still is a very good thing to diplomatically engage China and try to better relations between the country, all "free trade" with China has done is create an international caste system.

Totalitarian sympathies in government have:
1) Destroyed the middle class of America by outsourcing their jobs, and eliminating jobs dependent on the now outsourced jobs.
2) Got rid of a lot of jobs in Mexico, making Mexicans want to come over here even more.
3)Given an elite few, a chance to get richer, raising real estate prices. Also, this is the sole cause of college costs rising. Chinese and Mexican slave labor allows professors to earn more in industry, which forces Universities to raise wages to keep professors, which raise tuition.
4) Cost American values of Democracy.

Hopefully, Ron Paul can win the nomination. The only chance for that is to get a bunch of the Democrats who like him, to register Republican and vote for him.
Edited by: Freedom