Proposal 2

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
This might be the most important proposal in the history of the white race. Proposal 2 would amend the Michigan Constitution to prohibit state and local government discrimination and preferential treatment in the areas of public employment, contracting and education to any individual or group based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.

I currently work in a system that uses affirmative action, quotas, and inner-city residency requirements to ethnically cleanse jobholders. The result is incompetence from the top down.

The white people of Michigan need to step it up and get the word out. Many white democratic politicians are not supporting this equal rights proposal. They choose to call the supporters of Prop. 2 racists and sexists. I'm sure all of the members of caste football are shocked. The polls show that this is far from a slam-dunk, there is only a 6% difference between passing and rejecting.

This is a very big deal for equal rights in this country.
Edited by: C Darwin
Apr 22, 2005
The real problem isn't white democrats not supporting it, that figures, but the so-called conservatives -- DeVos -- don't, either.


Aug 8, 2006
Read about this in the Wall St. Journal the other day. The white lady who is taking up the issue is the same who was denied entry to the Michigan law school simply because she was white.
But the bullying tactics from the left are going on for all to see. Type in MCRI in google and it'll take you to a video where you can see firsthand the threats and intimidation. It's crazy, yet not surprising.

Where is Jimmy Carter when we need him to stand up against voter intimidation? Oh I forgot, he's too busy kissing Hugo Chavez's ass.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
i'd definitely vote yes on this... i really do hope that it'll be a success and first of many, so this country can return to what it once was!

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
DETROIT (AP) â€â€￾ Courts could play a major role in figuring out the effects of Michigan's Proposal 2, a voter-approved measure to end race and gender preferences in some government and public university affirmative action programs.

With 98 percent of precincts reporting early Wednesday, 58 percent, or 2,090,066 people voted "yes" on Proposal 2, and 42 percent, or 1,519,942 voters, were opposed.

Maybe Hass can play for the Lions now!

Congratulations to us all. It's a bad day for conservatives
but a good day for whites.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
"On behalf of the city of Detroit, I say, `Bring it on,'" Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick said at the 51st annual Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner on Sunday. "If you want a fight, there is one waiting for you right here." "There will be affirmative action here today," Kilpatrick said. "There will be affirmative action here tomorrow and there will be affirmative action in our state forever." Even worse is that "affirmative action forever" line, an echo of--of all people--George Wallace. In his 1963 Inaugural Address Alabama's then-governor declared: "In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."

Too bad Kwame


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
This proposal won by a landside. More then half a million votes. The papers all had it losing, 35% they said and it got over 55%! That is 20% off, it is almost impossible for pollsters to be more wrong. It just goes to show you who controls the media and what they believe. They lied about the numbers hoping to influence the final outcome.

The Detroit News had Dem Govenor Granholm "winning in a landslide" after their exit polls, the vote totals her: 2.1 million, her opponent 1.6 million, Proposal 2 they said "was too close to call" the final tally 2.1 million for, 1.5 against, nearly the same margin but totally different coverage.

No one publicly supported this proposal even though it was a sure fire winner. Get that? It's like immigration, a politician supports this proposal and they have a built in base but not a single one would come out in support of a measure that won in a landslide. And these people are supposed to be our "leaders".

The courts will gut this proposal and no one will follow it anyway since there is no government official that will hold them accountable but at least white people got one last punch in as we get ushered out the door.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Once again the will of the majority of the people will be thwarted by the anti -white bureaucracy.How did we get to the place of having so many universities led by anti white, feminist hags? Never mind, I know the answer.

[url] leman-laments-passage-of.html[/url]

With Proposal 2, or the Michigan Civil Rights Imitative, claiming victory by almost 20% in yesterday's election, some in Michigan have already begun to speak out against its enactment. University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman held a press conference on the center of campus at noon attacking the imitative

Coleman, who looked shaken by the results, addressed hundreds of students, and staff from the steps of the graduate library and proclaimed that "the University is diversity," a statement the Review has continuously agreed with so far as diversity in and of itself has supplanted education as the University's driving force. Coleman focused exclusively on the attack she perceives has been brought against diversity. She "pledg[ed] that the University of Michigan will continue this fight", and is seeking to bring legal challenges against the proposal.