Pope under fire from Jews


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I hope the Pope learned a valuable lesson.

[url]http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1242029498309&pag ename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull [/url]

Pope under fire for Yad Vashem speech

Pope Benedict XVI on Monday paid tribute to the memory of six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust, pledging to work tirelessly to prevent such hatred from recurring in the hearts of mankind again.

But the pontiff's closely-watched speech at Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial stopped short of an apology on behalf of the Catholic Church, producing palpable disappointment among those Israelis who had expected a historic address from the German-born pope on the first day of his visit here.

"We're talking about the pope, who is also a representative of the Holy See, which has a lot to ask forgiveness from our people for," Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin said during an interview on Israel Radio on Tuesday. "And he is also a German, whose country and people have asked forgiveness. But he himself comes and speaks to us like a historian, as an observer, as a man who expresses his opinion about things that should never happen, and he was - what can you do? - a part of them."


After the pope's speech, the Knesset speaker - who was absent from all of the welcoming festivities other than the visit to Yad Vashem - said that "everything that we feared came to fruition."

"I came to the memorial not only to hear historical descriptions or about the established fact of the Holocaust. I came as a Jew, hoping to hear an apology and a request for forgiveness from those who caused our tragedy, and among them, the Germans and the church. But to my sadness, I did not hear any such thing," he said.



Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
That the Pope is making a highly complimentary, sympathetic, and kindly speech isn't enough for them, it seems. They also want him to bend over and kiss their feet.


Maybe our illustrious President can come over to Israel and bow to Simone Peres or kiss Netanyahu's feet.

Is there anything else that they'd like? Maybe some free groceries? Some more land that they feel entitled to, maybe?


May 10, 2008
GiovaniMarcon said:
That the Pope is making a highly complimentary, sympathetic, and kindly speech isn't enough for them, it seems. They also want him to bend over and kiss their feet... else that they'd like? Maybe some free groceries? Some more land that they feel entitled to, maybe?

I doubt if the "Buzz Up" comments section of the Yahoo news is a representative sample of the public's views, but I was somewhat surprised that most of the people seem to be getting really fed up-with the antics of the Zionists. Giovani, you state it more humorously, but there now seem to be many that share the same sentiment. I have never spent much time really checking those comments, although there did seem to be a turning point during the ruckus with "holocaust-denying" Bishop Williamson where the majority of the those posting actually seemed to believe in free speech, rather than the totalitarian tactics of the "hate-crimes" goons.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Anyone not pandering to the Zionist agenda (including embracing "White Guilt" over the "Holocaust") is subject to their demonization.