Pop quiz!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
[url]http://www.thepoliticalcesspool.org/jamesedwards/2008/12/09/ pop-quiz/[/url]

Close your books and put them under your desk, please. It's time for a pop quiz. This is especially directed at all the evangelical readers out there. Are you ready? Here goes. The quiz is only one question long, so it should be a breeze!

Q: Up until quite recently, Americans, especially Christians, considered the mixing of the races to be a wicked sin. In most areas of the country, race mixing was outlawed explicitly with statutes against interracial marriage and adoption, and in the places where it was legal, it was considered to be extremely immoral. Christians stood firmly against race mixing, and called integration a communist plot to destroy America. But most Americans and Christians today are of the opposite opinion. They not only fully approve of racial integration, they condemn those who disapprove as wicked, evil people. We have learned a better way, and our neighborhoods and churches are filling up with interracial families. So here's the question - who was the prophet who showed us the error of our ways, who led us out of the wilderness of hateful, monoracial, segregated families and churches? Here's a few clues:

He railed against the churches of his day for their sins of racism and segregation.

He and his wife were the first white couple in Indiana to adopt a black child.

He's also the man who invented the term "rainbow family" to describe interracial "families" like his own.

What's that? You have no idea? Even with these great clues?

That's a real shame. Every evangelical should be acquainted with one of the founders and pioneers of modern day Christianity. It's even more unbelievable that you don't know who I'm talking about because he was all over the news a few days ago. I guess home schooling isn't everything it's cracked up to be.

You give up?


A: The Apostle of Modern Christianity, the 20th century John the Baptist, the man who invented the term "rainbow family" which most Christians today aspire to having, was none other than The Reverend Jim Jones.

You know, that Jonestown guy?


Don't drink the kool-aid?


Yep, that Jim Jones. He and his wife were the first white couple in Indiana to adopt a black child, nearly 50 years ago, and he invented the term "rainbow family."

Gosh, I wonder why more Christians aren't aware of the great works of this man who had such a profound impact on modern Christianity, who helped lay the foundations of modern evangelicalism. He's like today's John Calvin or Martin Luther. He was a prophet, a lonely voice in the wilderness who confronted the church with its wicked sins. He cried aloud and spared not when it came to denouncing racism and hate. You'd think preachers would be talking about him all the time.



Apr 13, 2005
I was in high school when the mass sucides at Jonestown happened. What the public at large did not know at the time was that Jonestown was a socialist "people's republic" in microcosm; another utopia gone wrong carved out of the heart of Guyanese darkness. It had its own Gestapo-style internal security and even had self-criticism, denounction sessions that reflected the internal anti-racist campaigns of the U.S. Communist Party of the early 1950s. These violent repremands were designed to wring the racism out of people and control them. Leader Jim Jones himself was a drug-addicted atheist/Marxist control freak who inflicted sexual sadism on his followers. He called the mass killing, "an act of revolutionary suicide."

If you listen to the last audio recording made just prior to and during the suicide, Jones notes to his zombie fllowers that the people who left with congressman Leo Ryan were white and uses it as a racial point. You can actually find the transcripts of many of Jones' sermons on line. I will post links to them when I dig them up.

To characterize Jones -- who was a communist and even states that he infiltrated the church to destroy it -- as having a "profound impact on modern Christianity," and helping "lay the foundations of modern evangelicalism" is nonsense. Calling him today's John Calvin or Martin Luther is silly. His message was more communist than Christian.

Edited by: Bronk