Poll results: 2006 -7 NBA - MVP


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Yahoo is polling it's viewers, asking them who would win the MVP this coming basketball season. The three choicesare Steve Nash, L. Jamesand Other.Theresultsthus far areinteresting, since these polls are more or less popularity contests. Being a two-time MVP doesn't seem to impress the voters who probably are computer savvy whites.

Nash16%2,866votes - James 40%7,741 votes - Other43%7,701votes

Edited by: Bart
I hope LeBron wins it this year, that means the Cavs will do good and hopefully win a championship! LeBron is an honarary white athlete.
JoeV said:
I hope LeBron wins it this year, that means the Cavs will do good and hopefully win a championship! LeBron is an honarary white athlete.

As we say in Texas, how do you figure? LeBron may be a credit to his race, but he's not a credit to ours.
Why are there so many racists on this website?Edited by: RacistsSuck
Guests said:
Why are there so many racists on this website?

Because we have no place else to go...?

Just kiddin'!

Why are there so many anti-white racists in the NBA, the NFL, the media, politics, universities, churches, mosques, synagogues.....ad infinitum.
At some point in his bloodline he has some white blood, so I reversing the roles and claiming LeBron for the whites, like the racial draft on Chapelle Show.
Dirk Nowitzki: 26.5 PPG, 10.5 RPG, 51%Fieldgoal Percentage, 40% 3pt. Fieldgoal Percentage

Yao Ming: 26.5 PPG, 10.5 RPG, 53% Fieldgoal Percentage...

Id pick one of those guys...maybe its cuz there my favorite players tho...
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