Politics Behind California’s Primary

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
From the article:

National news made much of this poll's finding that Barack Obama has the support of 55 percent of California blacks. This sounds impressive unless you know that African-Americans are now less than 6 percent of this state's population.

Politics Behind California's Primary
Jan 5, 2005
United States
I think it is an absolute impossibility that McCain won all 56 districts (and therefore delegates) in California. I don't know a single person who said they were voting for him. Not one. And for the record, I have what most would consider "typical" Californians in my social and professional circles, not Nationalists or Hardline conservatives. This seals it for me. I have no faith thatthis system has not been compromised. I have no proof, other then the hundreds of people I interact with daily produced not a single individual who said they were voting for McCain, and yet somehow he won. Fishy. Very Fishy.

My district, has McCain listed with over 40% of the vote with 17% reporting. Unless they hit the area with the Hospital for the criminally insane with that first batch, these numbers are impossible. This is not an area with a large elderly base, and like I said, nobody has said they were voting for him. There are no signs, no rallies, no support whatsoever. I was commenting the other day about how the ONLY signs I've seen are for Ron Paul (and I had conceeded that he wasn't going to win before tonight) and how it is funny that he fares so poorly despite the seemingly large grassroots support. Now I have to wonder if Old Joe Stalin knew what he was talking about when discussing who controls the vote, those who cast them or those who count them.


Oct 21, 2004

Great points about the alleged vote count. I refuse to believe that even the American voting public is that dumb. McCainiac doesn't have a single attractive trait about him; he looks even older than his 72 years, he has zero charisma, he is a lifelong hack party politician with well known scandals like the Keating Five in his background and he is the most pro-war candidate out there, appealing to a populace that is overwhelmingly anti-war.

It's really a shame that the ballot box is no longer an option. The late Collier brothers detailed a lot of these corrupt shenanigans in their excellent book "Votescam," which is still available, I think, online.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
reclaimsocal said:
I think it is an absolute impossibility that McCain won all 56 districts (and therefore delegates) in California.  I don't know a single person who said they were voting for him.  Not one.  And for the record, I have what most would consider "typical" Californians in my social and professional circles, not Nationalists or Hardline conservatives.  This seals it for me.  I have no faith that this system has not been compromised.  I have no proof, other then the hundreds of people I interact with daily produced not a single individual who said they were voting for McCain, and yet somehow he won.  Fishy.  Very Fishy.

My district, has McCain listed with over 40% of the vote with 17% reporting.  Unless they hit the area with the Hospital for the criminally insane with that first batch, these numbers are impossible.  This is not an area with a large elderly base, and like I said, nobody has said they were voting for him.  There are no signs, no rallies, no support whatsoever.  I was commenting the other day about how the ONLY signs I've seen are for Ron Paul (and I had conceeded that he wasn't going to win before tonight) and how it is funny that he fares so poorly despite the seemingly large grassroots support.  Now I have to wonder if Old Joe Stalin knew what he was talking about when discussing who controls the vote, those who cast them or those who count them.


That is odd. Romney was a 7 point favorite there too, suposedly. There is no conservative support for McCain, he is disliked by nearly all party regulars, yet he wins Republican primaries with ease. Strange. He has none of the qualities (as you mention) that would make him an attractive candidate. All I can say is a couple of long time conservatives that I know voted for McCain thinking there was no other choice (these are essentially brain dead "sheeple" type Republicans) so I guess that is where it is coming from.

I too have noticed all of the Ron Paul signs and bumper stickers, I have hardly seen any for anyone else, yet Paul hardly gets any votes.

I still refuse to believe it's fixed though. A few minutes conversation with 'average Joes' that I meet tells me that the level of stupidity in these matters is huge.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The fix is in no doubt. In addition, the decieved "mainline" conservatives/Repubs have fallen hook, line and sinker for the phony Left/Right paradigm. I'm sad to say my Dad is one of them. I tried to educate & enlighten him to the agenda & puppets of the Globalist Elite, and he knew of some of the NWO...but (in the end) he still didn't vote for Dr.Paul.
Like myself in 2000 & 04, my Dad fell into the voting of the "lesser of two evils" trap. I think the mainline conservatives see this race like they have to support whoever has the best chance of keeping the dreaded Hillary out of office...not understanding that Hildbeast, Obuma, McManiac, Flip Romney & Hucksterbee are ALL controlled by the same Globalist Elite masters. Neocon waterboys like Pawn Vanity, Hush Bimbo, Bull O'Liely and propaganda outlets like "Faux" News have done a splendid job in deceiving many Americans who's heart & political views are largely in the right place.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Conservative black writer Thomas Sowell was qouted on the Rush Limbaugh show today as saying that in reference to John McCains war hero status and constant reminders to us that he is a war hero is similar to Benedict Arnold, "he was a war hero too".


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I know what you mean Dixie. My Dad first clued me into what we here call the Caste System many years ago, but he still doesn't get it when it comes to politics. He says he disagrees with Dr. Paul on just one issue, but won't vote for him because of that, and because the media tries to make him out as a marginalized wacko. Some good news though, after discussing many of the issues and Dr. Paul with my girlfriend, both she and her mother voted for Dr. Paul in Illinois yesterday. Some others intheir family also voted for Paul, but her father voted for Huckabee. I'm voting absentee for Dr. Paul. By the way, I still think Ron Paul won the Louisiana caucus.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
There is no conservative support for McCain, he is disliked by nearly all party regulars, yet he wins Republican primaries with ease. Strange. He has none of the qualities (as you mention) that would make him an attractive candidate.

It is more than strange. I just can't believe he is getting all those votes. Remember the wrath directed towards him by all the Conservatives who were angry about the amnesty proposals?Are we to believe they are suffering from amnesia? And as m
any have noted, the only signs I see are those with Ron Paul's name on them.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Not only is McCain old, an *******, and an amnesty whore, he's also had aggressive skin cancer three times now. Why would the general populace want to elect someone that might not even make it four years? are the people really that stupid? Something weird is definitely going on here


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Lance Alworth said:
Not only is McCain old, an *******, and an amnesty whore, he's also had aggressive skin cancer three times now. Why would the general populace want to elect someone that might not even make it four years? are the people really that stupid? Something weird is definitely going on here

Good points all. I know the media loves him because they see him as easy to beat and if the impossible should happen and he gets elected then they get most of their agenda anyway. But why would any one else want him? I guess if the media pimps him then that's enough for the sheeple. Seemed like he was a dead duck just a few months ago too. I was voting third party anyway but still....

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I think McCain would beat Hillary or Obama in a general election.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
White Shogun said:
I think McCain would beat Hillary or Obama in a general election.

I don't. I think McCain would be slaughtered by Hillary in the general election. 7 out of 10 Americans want this war to end. There is no way a pro-war maverick like McCain is going to get the nod.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'd hate to see either of them elected. I think McCain would do fairly well against either one though. Lance, I don't think Hillary will end the war. The dems don't want to be saddled with defeat any more than the republicans. In the debate, she wouldn't commit to having the troops out at the end of her first term. They are all pro-war, just in different levels.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
Colonel_Reb said:
I'd hate to see either of them elected. I think McCain would do fairly well against either one though. Lance, I don't think Hillary will end the war. The dems don't want to be saddled with defeat any more than the republicans. In the debate, she wouldn't commit to having the troops out at the end of her first term. They are all pro-war, just in different levels.

I don't think that if Hillary gets elected, that she is going to care about what the previous regime did to get us into the war, therefore I don't believe it will come off as a defeat if she decides to pull out. If anything, her approval rating will go sky high as she will be looked upon as a heroine by ending the extremely unpopular war in Iraq. Hillary isn't stupid, in fact she's very slick like her husband was/is. She is going to ride the wave of anti-Republicanism and will be treated like a goddess because of it. While it makes me sick to think about, I think I would rather have Hillary in the white house than McAmnesty

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Americans won't elect a pro-war candidate like McCain? How is he winning all the primaries then? Who is it that is voting for him, if 7 out of 10 Americans are anti-war?

Weren't 7 out of 10 Americans also against amnesty? This guy CO-AUTHORED the friggin' amnesty bill, and people are STILL voting for him!
Jan 5, 2005
United States
That's why I don't buy that he is really winning. Something is fishy. The only thing I can figure is that the old people are just finding another way to screw the rest of us on the way out. They have turned this country upside-down in their lifetime and left us a legacy of multi-culturalism, political correctness, anti-White European Maleism, feminized, globalist, selfish me firstism, etc. I love my Grandparents, but I don't let them make decisions for me for good reason, they don't live with the consequences anymore, as they are insulated from the real world (live in a gated nearly all-White upper class enclave). Its probably our own faults that we didn't run a decent candidate to appeal to the younger voters (Like the Dems are doing with Hussein).

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
So there is a big conspiracy to control the vote of the entire population of the United States, it's all rigged...

...but they don't fix NFL football games.



Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
White Shogun said:
I think McCain would beat Hillary or Obama in a general election.

You may be correct, Shogun, but I'm not so sure. I listened to a caller this afternoonon Limbaugh's program. According to his theory, the press is building up McCain, hoping he wins the nomination. Of all theRepublican candidates, they feel he has the most baggage and is the least attractive to voters.Tthey would then pull the rug out from under him, and have a field day making him look like a loony tune when facing off against Hillary or Obama. Obama would then get treated like a saint and waltz into the White House. On the odd chance that McCain beats Obama or Hillary, the press wouldn't mind at all, being he is so damn liberal on so many issues.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
On the surface, the GOP machine is pushing McManiac because they like his chances against the Hildabeast or Obuma in the general election. However, I tend to think the Globalists are pushing McAmnesty because he's so decisive amongst conservatives (from neocons to paleo-conservatives). The Bilderberg Group put their stamp of approval on Hildabeast in 2006, so she's probably been green-lighted as their next puppet-in-cheif. In my estimation, McManiac is being pushed to ensure the Hildabeast's victory in the general election. In return for his diversionary services, McAmnesty will probably land a nice spot on Hitlery's cabinet!Edited by: DixieDestroyer