Player Pleads Guilty - HGH Importation

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
This looks like a black eye for the much vaunted anti-doping program of the International Tennis Federation. It takes Australian customs to snag this guy with eight vials of HGH. In fact, looking at the 2009 and 2008 testing statistics conducted by the program, I'm not sure a user of HGH would have any fear of detection unless he/she were an absolute imbecile. I don't know if it is year in, year out policy, but there appears to be no out-of-competition blood testing for those years, and the only in-competition blood samples taken were at the majors. The article below states this: Blood sample is currently required to conduct an anti-doping test for HGH and the extent of HGH testing in tennis is not clear.

Players condemn Odesnik after news of HGH bust
Aussie Samantha Stosur won the Family Circle Cup championship yesterday.

She was ripped! Does anyone think she's on PEDs? Personally, I don't mind a woman with sizable shoulders - as long as it's all naturale.
No surprise, Odesnik is banned for 2 years. He claims he was going to apply for the therapeutic use exemption. I've been wondering if the therapeutic use exemption (TUE) policy is a joke.

US tennis player Odesnik gets 2-year doping ban

Tennis Now
Deadlift said:
Aussie Samantha Stosur won the Family Circle Cup championship yesterday.

She was ripped! Does anyone think she's on PEDs? Personally, I don't mind a woman with sizable shoulders - as long as it's all naturale.

I don't think so. I just looked at her picture and she's just well cut. She isn't too muscular like freakshow Serena Williams. Anyone who thinks that sistah is all natural needs to have their head examined.
That's a great picture - which shows her shoulder and trap developement.

Perhaps she does my favorite lift, the overhead barbell press?
Hello all, i am a tennis fun so i joined that community, and i decided to post my oppinion here too, i think while you play any game u have to play it fair, once you play at tournament you have to be checked by any restrictive medication drugs or nutritions! but unfortunately, it seems that lately there are more and more players with Jintropin in them... sad..
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