White Shogun
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Michele Piccirillo v Vernon Forrest is live on Showtime right now. Fight is just starting. It's for Vernon's WBC Super Welterweight belt.
Round 1 - Forrest is lighting him up. He seems faster, more accurate, and looks like he hits harder.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 2 - More of the same. Piccirillo's punches don't seem to have the same effect on Forrest that Forrest's have on Piccirillo. Forrest sends Piccirillo back into the ropes with a crashing straight right with 9 seconds left. Piccirillo seems unfazed and comes off the ropes but the rounds over. Ironically, Forrest complains that Piccirillo is head butting him.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 3 - I missed all of round 3 except for the last few seconds. Sorry bout that. They're currently showing replays of a Piccirillo head butt. Based on the history of judging in boxing, I give the round to Forrest.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 4 - At the one minute mark, Forrest lands a hard right, followed by a left hook to the head. Sweat flies from Piccirillo's face. Piccirillo fights back but lands little of consequence. Forrest lands a hard uppercut to the chin, and moments later a hard left hook. Piccirillo is backing up against the ropes, tries to jab Forrest off of him but it isn't working.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 5 - Picc lands several jabs to start the round. They're circling each other, few punches being thrown, they all miss. Hard right to Picc's temple, without visible effect. Picc throws to the body, Forrest does the same, but is warned for a low blow. Forrest holds Picc's head down and throws an uppercut that doesn't land flush. No warning from the ref. Piccirillo is working harder, landing more jabs, but Forrest lands the harder punches. Forrest holds again, throws another low blow that lands on Picc's thigh. Much better round for Picc, but I think the judges will give it to Forrest for landing the harder punches.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 6 - Picc starts the round with a few jabs, Forrest backs him off with one hard right to the chest. They circle each other, Forrest lands a hard left that knocks Piccirillo into the corner. It looks like Picc would have went down if the corner hadn't held him up. Picc comes back, throws some jabs, gets in close, the fighters clench. Picc lands a nice right but has little effect on Forrest. The two exchange straight lefts, then Forrest adds a couple more in combination. Forrest lands another straight right flush in the middle of Piccirillo's face. Seconds later, Piccirillo is on the canvas as the bell sounds. Looks like a punch to the side or back of the head put Picc down. Picc complains to the ref that the punch hit him in the back of the head. It's a knockdown.
Forrest 10-8.
Round 7 - Firrest backs Piccirillo into the corner. Now they trade single punches in the center of the ring, Forrest follows up with mad combinations. They're trading hard on the ropes, Piccirillo's throwing bombs and landing, as is Forrest. Forrest lands another low blow that looks like it hurts Piccirillo, no comment from the ref or the ringside announcers. They exchange again at the 20 second mark, but land nothing spectacular. Forrest lands another hard overhand right as the bell sounds.
Forrest 10-9.
Press box scores the fight through round 6, 60-54, 59-55 x 2.
Round 8 - Piccirillo comes out throwing a bunch of jabs, few find their mark. One minute in they're flat footed in the middle of the ring. Piccirillo is pressing the fight with jabs, Forrest lands a hard right uppercut. Piccirillo lands a slapping right hook. Forrest misses with another overhand right, lands a body shot that looks a bit low. One minute left. Picc lands two straight lefts, and a right. Picc lands more jabs. He is winning this round. Thirty seconds left, Forrest lands ANOTHER low blow that hit at ball level. Picc gets five minutes, if he wants it. The ref warns Forrest. Typical. LOL They resume fighting after about a minute, Picc seems okay lands a couple more jabs. Wow, lots of blows after the bell!
Piccirillo 10-9.
At most, Picc has won 2 rounds.
Round 9 - Picc opens the round with more jabs that land crisply. Picc also seems to be dodging more of Forrest's punches at this point. Picc lands more punches, and Forrest lands another questionable low blow that is ignored by everyone except the guy watching the TV. Picc lands three jabs, a hook, couple more jabs. Forrest has slowed considerably. Picc lands more punches, then Forrest lands two or three hard, hard punches that could steal the round. Ouch! Forrest lands a hard right and Piccirillo crashes to the canvas. This could be it, a minute left. Picc eats another hard right, a left hook, but Picc fights back. Doesn't look good for Picc, he could be KO'd in the 10th. Too bad, I think Picc was winning this round until the right put him down.
Forrest 10-8.
Round 10 - Internet connection is lagging, we're already at one minute left. This round has been fairly uneventful, the ref is urging the two to fight. Forrest has landed more punches this round anyway, although Picc so far has managed to stay on his feet. Picc lands 4-5 light jabs, eats a hard left for his effort. Forrest lands a combination and what looks to yours truly like another ball-level low blow.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 11 - Round starts slow, they throw single punches at each other occasionally. Picc lands a few more punches, but Forrest takes it all away from him with just 2-3 hard shots. Forrest has Picc on the ropes, lands a hard right. Picc circles out to the middle of rhe ring, moves, throws some jabs that land with little effect. Forrest lands another shot to the back of the head that makes Piccirillo complain to the ref. Picc misses with looping right, lefts, Forrst lands slow punches than lands a hard overhand right. Forrest lands another hard right that sends Piccirillo to the canvas, part way through the bottom rope. Looks like he twisted his ankle, too.
Forrest wins by TKO 11. Edited by: White Shogun
Round 1 - Forrest is lighting him up. He seems faster, more accurate, and looks like he hits harder.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 2 - More of the same. Piccirillo's punches don't seem to have the same effect on Forrest that Forrest's have on Piccirillo. Forrest sends Piccirillo back into the ropes with a crashing straight right with 9 seconds left. Piccirillo seems unfazed and comes off the ropes but the rounds over. Ironically, Forrest complains that Piccirillo is head butting him.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 3 - I missed all of round 3 except for the last few seconds. Sorry bout that. They're currently showing replays of a Piccirillo head butt. Based on the history of judging in boxing, I give the round to Forrest.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 4 - At the one minute mark, Forrest lands a hard right, followed by a left hook to the head. Sweat flies from Piccirillo's face. Piccirillo fights back but lands little of consequence. Forrest lands a hard uppercut to the chin, and moments later a hard left hook. Piccirillo is backing up against the ropes, tries to jab Forrest off of him but it isn't working.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 5 - Picc lands several jabs to start the round. They're circling each other, few punches being thrown, they all miss. Hard right to Picc's temple, without visible effect. Picc throws to the body, Forrest does the same, but is warned for a low blow. Forrest holds Picc's head down and throws an uppercut that doesn't land flush. No warning from the ref. Piccirillo is working harder, landing more jabs, but Forrest lands the harder punches. Forrest holds again, throws another low blow that lands on Picc's thigh. Much better round for Picc, but I think the judges will give it to Forrest for landing the harder punches.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 6 - Picc starts the round with a few jabs, Forrest backs him off with one hard right to the chest. They circle each other, Forrest lands a hard left that knocks Piccirillo into the corner. It looks like Picc would have went down if the corner hadn't held him up. Picc comes back, throws some jabs, gets in close, the fighters clench. Picc lands a nice right but has little effect on Forrest. The two exchange straight lefts, then Forrest adds a couple more in combination. Forrest lands another straight right flush in the middle of Piccirillo's face. Seconds later, Piccirillo is on the canvas as the bell sounds. Looks like a punch to the side or back of the head put Picc down. Picc complains to the ref that the punch hit him in the back of the head. It's a knockdown.
Forrest 10-8.
Round 7 - Firrest backs Piccirillo into the corner. Now they trade single punches in the center of the ring, Forrest follows up with mad combinations. They're trading hard on the ropes, Piccirillo's throwing bombs and landing, as is Forrest. Forrest lands another low blow that looks like it hurts Piccirillo, no comment from the ref or the ringside announcers. They exchange again at the 20 second mark, but land nothing spectacular. Forrest lands another hard overhand right as the bell sounds.
Forrest 10-9.
Press box scores the fight through round 6, 60-54, 59-55 x 2.
Round 8 - Piccirillo comes out throwing a bunch of jabs, few find their mark. One minute in they're flat footed in the middle of the ring. Piccirillo is pressing the fight with jabs, Forrest lands a hard right uppercut. Piccirillo lands a slapping right hook. Forrest misses with another overhand right, lands a body shot that looks a bit low. One minute left. Picc lands two straight lefts, and a right. Picc lands more jabs. He is winning this round. Thirty seconds left, Forrest lands ANOTHER low blow that hit at ball level. Picc gets five minutes, if he wants it. The ref warns Forrest. Typical. LOL They resume fighting after about a minute, Picc seems okay lands a couple more jabs. Wow, lots of blows after the bell!
Piccirillo 10-9.
At most, Picc has won 2 rounds.
Round 9 - Picc opens the round with more jabs that land crisply. Picc also seems to be dodging more of Forrest's punches at this point. Picc lands more punches, and Forrest lands another questionable low blow that is ignored by everyone except the guy watching the TV. Picc lands three jabs, a hook, couple more jabs. Forrest has slowed considerably. Picc lands more punches, then Forrest lands two or three hard, hard punches that could steal the round. Ouch! Forrest lands a hard right and Piccirillo crashes to the canvas. This could be it, a minute left. Picc eats another hard right, a left hook, but Picc fights back. Doesn't look good for Picc, he could be KO'd in the 10th. Too bad, I think Picc was winning this round until the right put him down.
Forrest 10-8.
Round 10 - Internet connection is lagging, we're already at one minute left. This round has been fairly uneventful, the ref is urging the two to fight. Forrest has landed more punches this round anyway, although Picc so far has managed to stay on his feet. Picc lands 4-5 light jabs, eats a hard left for his effort. Forrest lands a combination and what looks to yours truly like another ball-level low blow.
Forrest 10-9.
Round 11 - Round starts slow, they throw single punches at each other occasionally. Picc lands a few more punches, but Forrest takes it all away from him with just 2-3 hard shots. Forrest has Picc on the ropes, lands a hard right. Picc circles out to the middle of rhe ring, moves, throws some jabs that land with little effect. Forrest lands another shot to the back of the head that makes Piccirillo complain to the ref. Picc misses with looping right, lefts, Forrst lands slow punches than lands a hard overhand right. Forrest lands another hard right that sends Piccirillo to the canvas, part way through the bottom rope. Looks like he twisted his ankle, too.
Forrest wins by TKO 11. Edited by: White Shogun