Petition to end the Federal Reserve

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York

To: U.S. Congress

Ron Paul Is Right. It Is Time To Abolish the Federal Reserve

Today in August 2007, the world financial systems and investment markets, real estate and the availability of credit are all under direct assault due to past actions of the Federal Reserve in the United States.

We the undersigned now call on Congress to Abolish the Federal Reserve System. The latest boom, mania and subsequent bust in the stock market, real estate, asset prices and now credit around the world are the direct result of easy money policies of the FED designed to enhance the profits of certain financial special interests. Now in 2007, ultimately as usual, the unsophisticated American middle and working class investors and borrowers who believed all the hype will pay the price in financial losses.

Wall Street's business as usual� call for the FED to intervene and bail out the corporate perpetrators of the scam is like asking a child molester to run a day care center or a drug dealer to teach our children all about drugs. The private banker owned FED is the cause of our problems not the solution.

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve in secret at Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1913, �middle and working-class Americans have been victimized by a boom-and-bust monetary policy. In addition, most Americans have suffered a steadily eroding purchasing power because of the Federal Reserve's inflationary policies. This represents a real, if hidden, tax imposed on the American people�.

From the Great Depression, to the stagflation of the seventies, to the burst of the dotcom bubble last year, every economic downturn suffered by the country over the last 80 years can be traced to Federal Reserve policy. The Fed has followed a consistent policy of flooding the economy with easy money, leading to a misallocation of resources and an artificial "boom" followed by a recession or depression when the Fed-created bubble bursts.� - Congressman Ron Paul, U.S. House of Representatives September 10, 2002

GOP Presidential Candidate Ron Paul was right back in 2002 and he is right today about abolishing the Federal Reserve and the necessity for the United State to return to a Gold Standard in order to protect the dollar from political and Wall Street banker manipulations which ultimately will destroy the dollar as a store of value and the financial security of millions of American investors and other innocent hard working citizens around the world.

For more information, read Ron Paul�s speech before Congress at: ngrec2002/cr091002b.htm


The Undersigned


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I totally agree with Ron Paul's stance on that issue and have long believed in the need to abolish the Federal Reserve and a return to the Gold Standard. I still believe that JFK was assasinated for his private desire and plan to bring back the gold standard.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
C.Darwin, Amen! You are right on the (fiat) money (pun intended) my friend. The crooked, private Federal Reserve is just an arm of the Rothschild controlled international banking cartel. President Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson nearly ended the central banks in the U.S., and I fully believe Dr.Paul could do the same against the Fed. We need to keep educating our fellow Americans on the truth & history of the private Fed.

***Fyi, here's one of the finest documentaries ever made on the private Federal Reserve...

[url] q=the+money+masters&total=1239&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=sear ch&plindex=0[/url]


Nov 26, 2004
Devil's Advocate queries:

Would you be willing to have no lender of last resort? Would you be willing to suffer extended bouts of economic depression as existed for decades after the War Between the States?

Are you really interested in a hard money economy? How would a hard money economy operate in a world of fiat money economies?

Would it make better sense to grasp that all currencies are on the road to worthlessness, but the assets they buy, if carefully chosen, hold intrinsic value?

How likely is it central banking will fade away, especially since nothing exists to take its place?


Nov 26, 2004
How do you keep six billion people in line? One way is to create peso millionaires and rupee billionaires. 'Rich' people don't question the status quo or lead revolutions. Put money in their pockets and calm prevails.

But a hard money system precludes that option. Helicopter Ben couldn't propose dropping bundles of $100 bills onto disgruntled Russians. Pesky Iraqis couldn't be bought off. No lavish welfare for America's underclass. No $2 billion a year for Egypt.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
I would rather not be a slave to inflation.


Nov 26, 2004
You would therefore prefer thralldom to deflation?

Populism was once defined by calls for easy money and an end to tariffs. 'Don't crucify me on a cross of gold.'

Now populism is defined by support for tariffs and hard money.

I realize that's reducing things to the simplest terms, but I think it's generally true. So why the change?


Nov 25, 2004
Charlie said:
Devil's Advocate queries:

Would you be willing to have no lender of last resort? Would you be willing to suffer extended bouts of economic depression as existed for decades after the War Between the States?

Are you really interested in a hard money economy? How would a hard money economy operate in a world of fiat money economies?

Would it make better sense to grasp that all currencies are on the road to worthlessness, but the assets they buy, if carefully chosen, hold intrinsic value?

How likely is it central banking will fade away, especially since nothing exists to take its place?

What evidence is there that we will suffer a depression if the federal reserve system was abolished? I believe Hitler abolished his federal reserve system and his economy took off instead of going into depression. Here what I believe is an accurate synopsis of Hitler's economy (though I am not an expert):

"On all fronts, the German state was revolutionized: with one of the most significant being with the economy. When Hitler came to power in 1933, 30 per cent of the working population was unemployed: by 1938, Germany had a labor shortage.

In this economic recovery, Hitler hit upon something which helped to arouse the everlasting hatred of the international banking community: instead of basing Germany's recovery on enormous loans from foreign and local banks, Hitler based the German economy onto a barter system, by which he could get much of what he needed by exchanging German surplus for the surplus of other countries - in common language, by swapping.

The next radical change Hitler brought about was to take the right to print money away from private banking institutions - which he viewed as Jewish - and restored the sole right to print money to the German state itself (it is interesting to compare the contemporary systems in both Britain and America, where consortiums of private bankers - the Federal Reserve in America and the Bank of England - print the money and then "sell" it to the governments, incurring the massive national debts of these countries).

Freed of the peculiar and complicated system of instant national debt through the issuance of their own money, the German economy took off like a rocket. Hitler also abandoned the Gold Standard as a means of weighting the Reichsmark: money in Hitler's Germany was not based on gold but on the capacity of the German people to produce goods."


Apr 16, 2005
Charlie said:
Devil's Advocate queries:

Would you be willing to have no lender of last resort? Would you be willing to suffer extended bouts of economic depression as existed for decades after the War Between the States?

Are you really interested in a hard money economy? How would a hard money economy operate in a world of fiat money economies?

Would it make better sense to grasp that all currencies are on the road to worthlessness, but the assets they buy, if carefully chosen, hold intrinsic value?

How likely is it central banking will fade away, especially since nothing exists to take its place?

The fed needs to go, I can do without "a lender of last resort". Fractionl reserve bankings needs to go asap. Here is a good book for you to read "The causes of economic crisis." The causes of the economic crisis


Nov 26, 2004
Kap and KJ are both right. But in practical terms how likely is it a NS-style barter system would be allowed to exist? What matters is what system currently exists and will continue to exist.

That a labor shortage existed in Nazi Germany is a good reason why such a thing can't be allowed again. To use Marx's term, a 'permanent army of the unemployed' is necessary to capitalism. Otherwise workers could demand living wages, health insurance and workplace safety.


Nov 2, 2004
It will take much more than a petition to eliminate the Federal Reserve. Many congressmen and Senators have been murdered through the years for daring to speak against the Rothschild banking system too loudly.

An excellent replacement would be a "Depository" system which is described in excellent detail in a 1959 book entitled "The Organized Crime of Banking" by Silas Walter Adams. Adams takes direct aim at the Fed (from a 1950s perspective ... already by then an imformed American could see the disaster of the Fractional Fed and it criminal presidents!) The book is available in multiple locations on the internet ... try


Apr 6, 2007
KJV1 said:
Charlie said:
Devil's Advocate queries:

Would you be willing to have no lender of last resort? Would you be willing to suffer extended bouts of economic depression as existed for decades after the War Between the States?

Are you really interested in a hard money economy? How would a hard money economy operate in a world of fiat money economies?

Would it make better sense to grasp that all currencies are on the road to worthlessness, but the assets they buy, if carefully chosen, hold intrinsic value?

How likely is it central banking will fade away, especially since nothing exists to take its place?

The fed needs to go, I can do without "a lender of last resort". Fractionl reserve bankings needs to go asap. Here is a good book for you to read "The causes of economic crisis." The causes of the economic crisis

I might have to order it as it looks like an interesting read. I also need to become more smart about how banking works especially in these times. One question though; does the fact that he is a member of "the tribe" (I first read that description here on castefootball) make the book suspect?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Realgeorge said:
It will take much more than a petition to eliminate the Federal Reserve. Many congressmen and Senators have been murdered through the years for daring to speak against the Rothschild banking system too loudly.

Excellent point indeed. In addition, Executive Order 11110 (to return money issuing power back to the government & away from the private Fed) was one of the key reasons President Kennedy was assasinated (via a black op hit courtesy of an International Banking Cartel mandate). Check it out...

[url] al%20Reserve%20Scam/kennedy_killed_by_bankers.htm [/url]Edited by: DixieDestroyer