People who "can't breathe"

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Ten people who 'can't breathe' that the media won't tell you about -- Kobe Bryant wore a shirt during the pregame warm up Tuesday.

Several other Lakers players joined his silent protest.

Later the man who earns a $23.5 million salary noted the protest was not about race, but about justice.

The focal point of the ongoing protest is the late Eric Garner. Garner died after he was held in a joke hold by a New York City police officer. The officer was white. Garner was black. That, to cultural Marxism, is all that matter; an opportunity for exploitation.

However, it's not the only case of persons who lost their ability to breathe due to violence ins recent months.

Why is the mainstream Marxist media ignoring these victims while flaunting Eric Garner?

1. Keith Passmore, 12, can't breathe.

The boy was sitting in a pick-up truck cab with a friend when approached by a group of 'gentle giants.' One of the black males pulled a gun and, without provocation, shot the unarmed young Passmore in the head. News report say the lad stopping breathing instantly. Had the boy been black and the attacker white, the cable news networks would chatter about it endlessly. Fortunately, such white-on-black are so rare that the media is compelled to concoct politically correct 'hands up' and 'can't breathe' scenarios to interject a racial dimension [source].

2. Dovile Krivickaite, 23, couldn't breathe after she was doused with gasoline in an East London alley.

Her attacker was allegedly Mohammed Kosar (pictured above). News reports say Kosar was a Somalian immigrant and professional pimp [source].

3. Sharlene Steadman can't breathe.

She was murdered in May by blunt head trauma. Arrested is Wade Jackson. The black-on-white homicide didn't meet the vetting process required by the mainstream Marxist media and, therefore, is being ignored. The crime occurred in Georgia, USA [source].

4. Ethalya Jones can't breathe.

The 80-year-old Florida resident was killed during a home invasion. Arrested for the crime was Marcus Antonio Royal, 34. Jones was found by a friend who stopped by her house expecting a ride to church that Sunday morning. Reports say Royal was still in the house when the friend arrived. The friend was attacked as well, but survived and is still breathing [source].

5. Paul Birdsall was 71 when he stopped breathing.

News reports say the elderly Birdsall was held against his will for twelve days by 'caregiver' Evelyn Goldsmith. Allegedly Birdsall was repeatedly assaulted and forced to an ATM to withdraw cash stolen by Goldsmith. The crime occurred from Sept. 25 to Oct. 6, 2014 at which time Birdsall stopped breathing [source].

6. Michael Devin Dempsey can't breathe.

The 19-year-old was shot dead in a convenience store parking lot, reports say. Arrested for the crime is Markey Jerail Evans, 33. Details in the killing are sketchy. The live of Dempsey doesn't count to cultural Marxism because it isn't white-on-black. Don't expect to hear about this story on cable news networks [source].

7. Mani Aldridge, 17, can't breathe.

News reports say the teen was beaten to death when she and her mother stopped by to check on a neighbor's cat. The neighbor was not home at the time. At the house was burglar Gene Everett Washington, 30, reports say. Mani's mother, Robin, also can't breathe. She, too, was beaten to death. The house was torched apparently to hide the crime [source].

8. Kelli O’Laughlin, 14, can't breathe.

The Chicago-area girl was killed in her home. John Wilson Jr. stabbed O'Laughlin to death when she surprised him while he was burglarizing the house. The guilty verdict was reported September 15, 2014. Did you see it on any cable news network? Of course not. It wasn't a white-on-black crime and can't be exploited by the predatory left to spin a false reality for the consumption of gullible Americans [small].

9. 4-year-old Lynia Parsons can't breathe.

The tot was repeatedly punched in the stomach. Click here to view photo. An autopsy revealed that the victim suffered from a lacerated liver from blunt force trauma which resulted in her death. Michael Oliver, 43, of West Pitman Street, also faces charges of manslaughter, aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child. The mainstream Marxist media won't report this tragic story nor will NBA players wear shirts in protest to this pointless and brutal murder. Black lives don't matter to the media [source].

10. Michael Connor Verkerke, 9, can't breathe.

The boy was playing at a park in Michigan when an older youth stabbed him to death. The national media ignored this horrific crime. The victim's 7-year-old brother participated in the eulogy noting that his brother was in a better place and encouraging his family to stay strong [source].

Have you noticed that the predatory left will endlessly talk about racism, but only when blacks are portrayed as victims?

When we discuss black-on-black violence or black-on-white violence, they abruptly end the conversation and accuse us of 'racism.'

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Extra Point

Hall of Famer
Oct 21, 2012
The mainstream media will not report black on white crimes, especially when they're racially motivated. Those who control the MSM have an anti-white agenda.

Lurkers take note. The above listed crimes are but a few among many. The mainstream media censors black on white crime, which is epidemic.

Don't rely on the MSM for your news. Much of it is carefully controlled propaganda.