our problem?


Dec 15, 2005
I think one of our problems is that we(well, a lot of us) hope for whites that are humble and not influenced by the crap and bull sh*t of today to rise; like Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. The problem is, if any whites are going to stand up against the NFL, it is not going to come from humble whites like Drew Bennett(think of the Jervey article I posted a while ago). It will come from Jeremy Shockey and Brian Urlacher, if it comes from anybody. It may have to come from wiggers, no offense to Urlacher.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Freedom said:
I think one of our problems is that we(well, a lot of us) hope for whites that are humble and not influenced by the crap and bull sh*t of today to rise; like Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. The problem is, if any whites are going to stand up against the NFL, it is not going to come from humble whites like Drew Bennett(think of the Jervey article I posted a while ago). It will come from Jeremy Shockey and Brian Urlacher, if it comes from anybody. It may have to come from wiggers, no offense to Urlacher.

I have deeply contemplated this same problem as well. Its a tough decision...which White athlete is better? The humble Heath Evans type? Or the ballsy, loud-mouth Shockey type? However, Freedom, you mentioned something to the effect of White players earning respect "even if it has to come from wiggers". You mentioned Shockey, but I don't necessarily consider Jeremy Shockey to be a "wigger". To be honest, he seems more like typical loud-mouthed, Oklahoma, White, trailer trash from his behavior. lol. At least, he acts that way sometimes. But as long as he stands up to blacks and gets his fair share of playing time, then more power to him. The only real "wigger" I have seen in pro sports, is Jason Williams in the NBA. As far as pro football goes, I can't think of one.

This goes against everything I stand for, but I'm going to have to go with the more brash-style player. My reason for thinking this way is that the White players of today have not gotten anywhere by being "polite and humble". I think its time White players started opening up their mouths when they feel like they've been screwed. Also, I think its time the White athletes started responding more militantly, whenever a black player criticizes them in the media publically.

Such an example occurred when one of Brian Russell's own black teammates publically criticized his cripplingly hard hit on Chad Johnson earlier this year. Instead of remaining silent, Russell should have called a press conference and called him out by saying, "So, you disapprove of my hitting-style? OK, bigmouth. Guess what? When practice rolls around...YOU'RE NEXT." Basically Bill Romanowski-style.

It sounds immature, but you have to remember, when playing in the jungle amongst the animals...sometimes you must act like one in order to survive.

Edited by: Ground Fighter

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Why is every white guy who stands up for himself considered a wigger or trailer trash? In what manner can a white man defend himself without being considered such? Does he have to challenge someone to a duel with pistols at dawn or what?
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
White Shogun said:
Why is every white guy who stands up for himself considered a wigger or trailer trash? In what manner can a white man defend himself without being considered such? Does he have to challenge someone to a duel with pistols at dawn or what?

I feel your pain, and I assume that you read my above post. lol. The most "non-wiggerish" player to handle business against a mouthy black, was Bill Romanowski, when he broke Maurice Williams face (literally) in practice. Williams got feisty, and Romo punch him in the face, hitting him so hard, he broke his cheek bone and ended his career. Now, I wasn't there, but I highly doubt that Romo just cracked him one because he felt like it. More than likely, he was antagonized by Williams. But, to put it bluntly, Willaims f#*ked with the wrong whiteboy. I think this is a message that more White players need to make very clear to their black counterparts?: "If you 'F' with me...its your ass." I'm not necessarily saying that White players should "headhunt" and purposely injure other players, but they should in some way stand up for themselves. It sounds childish on paper, but come on guys, I mean how much further are White athletes going to be pushed?

However, I'm sure well all remember the crap that Romo had to go through because of this nasty fiasco. He had charges filed against him, and he had to pay fines. And, once again, Romanowski was the #1 most demonized and hated player in the NFL (next to Bill Schroeder of course).

Its definitely a two sided coin. On one side, he's a hero to every young White kid that got disrespected or pushed around by some black thug on the field (or off the field for that matter). BUT, on the other side, he went through some serious scrutiny and lost money because of it. Its a decision that the athlete is going to have to make for himself.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Unfortunately Romo had to be roided out of his mind to stand up like that. Is that what it takes for white players to have any cajones??? Sad.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
jaxvid said:
Unfortunately Romo had to be roided out of his mind to stand up like that. Is that what it takes for white players to have any cajones??? Sad.

Nah, I don't think so. Hockey players "step-up" to anyone, including blacks (players). And as a fellow hockey player, I can tell you firsthand that we are known to have very clean systems. Drugs aren't really tolerated in the hockey world. For any of you who follow hockey, you should know that when the few black players in the league challenge other players to fight, they NEVER back down. Peter Worrell (a black NHLer) used to challenge Tie Domi to a fight every time his team played Domi's. Domi was so eager to fight him every time, that his gloves would hit the ice faster than Worrell could finish the sentence, "Let's go."

As for football, the White players are not playing in 'their' world anymore...they're playing in blacky's environment now-a-days.. In other words...they're seriously outnumbered. So, its only natural that they would feel more hesitant to make a move with thirty-some-odd blacks around them. Or have you guys forgotton how blacks fight when their "homies" are around? You know, the old "ten against one" routine that blacks are so well known for. Whitey isn't scared of blacky one-on-one...it's the fear of getting jumped and possibly killed that make us think twice. So, I can see how a White player would have second thoughts about challenging Tyrone to a scrap, because once the other bruthas see a brutha in a fight...its curtains for Whitey.

Edited by: Ground Fighter


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Ground Fighter said:
You mentioned Shockey, but I don't necessarily consider Jeremy Shockey to be a "wigger".... But as long as he stands up to blacks and gets his fair share of playing time, then more power to him.This goes against everything I stand for, but I'm going to have to go with the more brash-style player. My reason for thinking this way is that the White players of today have not gotten anywhere by being "polite and humble".

Very interesting posts. Being humble and self sacrificing has done nothing for us. Leonard was demoted to blocking for the black afflete and got what for it?A slap on the back and and a truck load of attaboys! Forget his previous season, it was justa blip on the radar screen, soon to be forgotten. I agree with Shogun, standing up for yourself doesn't make you trailer trash or a wigger. Roy Rogers and The Lone Ranger arerelics of the past and long dead. The rules of the game have been changed, whether we like it or not.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Bart said:
I agree with Shogun, standing up for yourself doesn't make you trailer trash or a wigger. 

Whoa, whoa, you guys must have misunderstood me when I said that about Shockey. I didn't say that because he stands up for himself. I just said that because, well, I mean he is a little "rough around the edges". I mean, he does spike the ball in the endzone and dance around in front of the camera, which I don't approve of. I only made the "Oklahoma trailer trash" statment about him because he is sometimes loud and obnoxious in situations that don't call for it. In other words...off the field, in public. If he's going "get rowdy" in a black opponents face, then I approve of that. But, if he's just going to act like a loudmouthed ass for no reason in a public enviroment, then I don't agree with that.Edited by: Ground Fighter


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Ground Fighter said:
I mean, he does spike the ball in the endzone and dance around in front of the camera, which I don't approve of. .

You make lots of good comments, I'm not ripping you in any way.I have a theory about why white fans seem to go nuts when white players get too demonstrative. I have noticed this quite often when viewing games with relatives or agroup of people. We -HATE- it when black players do those stupid, childish dances in the end zone after scoring a TD. We also can't stand it when some clown struts around beating his chest after making a routine tackle. But we don't say a word, because we don't want our family members and other folks to think we are racist. So then, when a white player does something as non-descript as spiking the ball or signals for a first down, we go bonkers and unleash our fury on him. We finally have the opportunity to release our pent up anger and rage by taking it out on the only permissible object of disdain... the white guy.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Nah... I just hate it when black players do it.

Seriously though, when was the last time you saw a white guy actually 'dance' in the end zone? Or use the football as a prop in some kinda 'night at the improv' demonstration? White guys spike the football, jump around, and high five their team mates. They don't hide pens in their socks, point the football and 'shoot' with it, or act like a backup dancer on Solid Gold. Edited by: White Shogun
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Bart said:
But we don't say a word,  because we don't want our family members and other folks to think we are racist. 

Oh believe me...I say plenty...lol. Public place or not, my opinions come out, regardless. I've had it up to here with the typical spineless, neutered, White person that just sits there like an idiot when Slappy Johnson tapdances in the endzone. And you'd be surprised, as to the kind of response you might get from the people around you. A lot of times there are people with the same opinions as yourself, sitting right next to you somewhere. But you'll never find out, unless you test the waters. A simple comment (it doesn't have to be racial) can do it. For instance, say you're at a game and some "uber-thug" cornerback dances over a reciever after making a tackle. Just mutter the words, "Oh come on, theres no need for that." to yourself, and you'll probably be surprised as to how many people may agree with your opinion. I've made a lot of acquaintances and struck up a lot of "racially conscious" conversation this way.

Historys most notable people didn't achieve their status by following the herd. Neither do I.Edited by: Ground Fighter


Dec 15, 2005
I didn't mean to label Shockey, a "wigger."
I applaud his efforts and toughness. He made it at UMiami.
He is not in that category. Urlacher is in that category however.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
What makes Urlacher a wigro? I'm genuinely asking, not being sarcastic or combative. Is it that he fathered a child with a black woman?

I don't know what music he listens to, how he dresses, if he is into bling bling or has a crib instead of a place, if he talks like a thug rapper or what.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
jaxvid said:
Unfortunately Romo had to be roided out of his mind to stand up like that. Is that what it takes for white players to have any cajones??? Sad.

Romo was a big supporter of supplements and he took, along with many black players, an "upper" type supplement from Balco that was not band at the time, but he never took steroids. You should read his book to find out all about his theories on training and recovery.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Alpha Male said:
Romo was a big supporter of supplements and he took, along with many black players, an "upper" type supplement from Balco that was not band at the time, but he never took steroids. You should read his book to find out all about his theories on training and recovery.

I read his book, and its pretty informative, if you like reading about ex-players careers and supplementation.

Alpha, did you read the back of his book, where he explains the different supplement programs for different level of athletes? The stuff he recommends is all safe, but following the entire program is expensive. I remember last year, I tried to follow the supplementation program that he posted in the middle of the book. I got about two weeks into it before the ridiculously high dosages of vitamin C caused chaos in my stomach...lol. From that point on, it worked out and I made some nice gains in the gym and broke past some plateaus. With lower Vitamin C dosages of course...lol.
Edited by: Ground Fighter


Apr 22, 2006
does anybody remember when Jeremy Shockey jumped over Brian Dawkins for a touchdown catch, and then looked over at Dawkins (who was laying on the ground) and looked right in his face and just shook his head up and down


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Alpha Male said:
jaxvid said:
Unfortunately Romo had to be roided out of his mind to stand up like that. Is that what it takes for white players to have any cajones??? Sad.

Romo was a big supporter of supplements and he took, along with many black players, an "upper" type supplement from Balco that was not band at the time, but he never took steroids. You should read his book to find out all about his theories on training and recovery.

C'mon I like Romanowski as much as the next guy but get real:

Romanowski admits steroid use on '60 Minutes'

NEW YORK (AP) â€â€￾ Bill Romanowski used steroids and human growth hormone supplied by Victor Conte, the former NFL linebacker tells CBS' 60 Minutes in an interview to be broadcast Sunday.

Romanowski said he took illegal steroids for a two-year period starting in 2001 and got them from Conte, the former head of the Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative, which has been at the center of a steroids controversy in several sports.

"I took (human growth hormone) for a brief period and ... I definitely didn't receive what I got out of THG," Romanowski said, referring to another drug he got from Conte.

In November 2003, the NFL notified Romanowski that he tested positive for the steroid THG.

Romanowski played linebacker for the San Francisco 49ers, Philadelphia Eagles, Denver Broncos and Oakland Raiders in a 16-year career that ended in 2003.

Last May, he agreed to pay former Raiders teammate Marcus Williams $415,000 in damages for a hit to the face during a practice drill in 2003. Williams' career ended after his eye socket was broken.

Romanowski played for the Raiders during their 2002 Super Bowl season.

He writes about his NFL career in a soon-to-be-released book, Romo, My Life on the Edge.

This is also a guy that made a "tearful" apology for his


Dec 15, 2005
Urlacher does appear to identify as a white but rather a black. I have never heard him comment on his race and he has fathered a child with a black girl. Unless he speaks does something for his heritage to cancel this out, he should be considered a white man that wants to be black.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
he has a kid with a black girl, that doesn't mean he wants to be black...

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
He dresses and talk pretty white.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Just because he might date someone of a different race,he still is the best defensive player in the nfl.I don't care who he dates.I do care how he changes the way people look at white athletes.Rex Chapman dated a black girl in college but ended up marrying a beautiful white girl that he has had several lovely kids with.Let's give Brian Urlacher a break here.He is as good as it comes on a football field.He owns the game like very few ever have.He makes offenses go crazy trying to figure out how to stop him from changing the game.Forget the girl & the kid,watch what he does on the field,how he carries himself in interviews,etc. He is not a wigger.Not even close.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Bart said:
Very interesting posts.  Being humble and self sacrificing has done nothing for us.  Leonard was demoted to blocking for the black afflete and got what for it? A slap on the back and and a truck load of attaboys!  Forget his previous season,  it was

As a Jersey boy, I could not agree more about what happened to Leonard. Instead of being the "coaches gopher" type, he should have been like, "Ray Rice? Taking my spot? F#*k that!".That would have been my attitude if I were him. Either that, or I wouldn't block for him, and I'd just let Rice get clobbered by linebackers all game, every game. However, that is the "black" way of thinking, and you know us White guys...we always put the team first, instead of ourselves. But I think that Leonard's situation calls for some drastic measures on his part.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
That is very true guys.Leonard is too humble.That is why I like guys like Shockey and Urlacher.Say what you want about them,but they don't ever back down from anyone.We need that in some running backs and wide receivers.More attitude.Demand the opportunity to play.Demand the ball and then go kick some ass!
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
backrow said:
he has a kid with a black girl, that doesn't mean he wants to be black...

Minoritiy females are fertile as hell. And being that I live in a predominantly hispanic area, this was the first thing my father warned me about when we had that special father-son "talk" when I was eleven. Black females are not only fertile as hell, but are notorious gold-diggers to boot. Urlacher should've known this, and being that he's a pro-athlete with a lot of money, he should have been even more careful.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
white lightning said:
We need that in some running backs and wide receivers.More attitude.Demand the opportunity to play.Demand the ball and then go kick some ass!

Yeah we do. But I was actually planning on asking Santa for some mean, nasty, blatently racist, White linebackers for Christmas...lol. That would be my gift to the NFL. "Hacksaw Reynolds-style" players. The kind of White man that can really RUIN a "shuckin' & jivin'" black runningback's day...lol.