Onward Christian Zionists


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Here's a good documentary on the foundation & major players of fallacious "Christian" Zionism. One of the commentators correctly sums it up as..."to the Jewish Zionist, the Christian Zionist is a useful idiot, & to the Christian Zionist, the Jews are sacrificial lambs". As a fundementalist (non-Zionist) Christian who embraces the Supercession doctrine, I thought this was a solid documentary.

"Onward Christian Zionists"


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Should Christians Support Israel? 15th Most Favored Video in the World!"

Many Christians are now told that Christians must support Israel and even support Jewish power in America because “God has a covenant with the Jews.â€

In fact, this goes against the fundamental teachings of the New Testament!

In the first place, the Covenant talked about in the Old Testament was always “Conditional.†That is, God said that he would honor it to the 1000th generation, BUT, that IF they did not keep the commandments of God, or rejected him, that God would requite them and “destroy†them.

The traditional and correct Christian view is that by hating and rejecting Jesus, the Son of God, they have rejected God and broken the Covenant. The New Testament says that very clearly! The New Testament gives us the very words of God himself in the clearest of language.

‘Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by the hand out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.’ (Hebrews 8:67, 910)

Christianity from its founding has always held that Jews hated Christ, caused his crucifixion, rejected God’s son and have rejected Jesus every since. Therefore, they broke God’s Covenant. God made a NEW Covenant for those who accept Jesus Christ.

Dec 29, 2011
I really am not trying to be divisive here but religion is for the weak - minded. I also think 99 % of scientific theory is bogus too. Its probably because I do not have the intelligence to understand what the bloody " heck " they are talking about.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I really am not trying to be divisive here but religion is for the weak - minded. I also think 99 % of scientific theory is bogus too. Its probably because I do not have the intelligence to understand what the bloody " heck " they are talking about.



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Back to the thread topic....This is another one of those things that has gone 180 degrees in direction since I was younger. Christians as Zionists?? When did that happen? Did I miss a memo? Not get copied on an email? As the quotes above from the bible illustrate the classic understanding of jews by Christians was that they were damned. Damned. Damned to hell.

They clearly surrendered any hope of going to heaven because they had violated the basic principle of Christianity as laid down by Christ himself. The basis for being a Christian is the belief in Christ as the Son of God. Don't want to believe it? Fine. You are not a Christian and you are going to Hell. It's very simple.

Now there are other matters of religious interpertation that can cause differences of opinion but this one thing is non-negotiable. Or at least I though it was.

Apparently everything in the bible is wrong from a "contemporary" view. Homosexuality, no not an abomination--it's fine. Women as priests--not a violation of biblical teaching--it's now fine. Jews? Not the ones who turned their back on Jesus--they're now fine. How and when did this happen? It's not like these views have been evolving. This is what my father was taught, his father, and his father, going way back. But now it's different. Huh?

I don't think jews should be killed or treated differently by the govt for this. Nor should anyone who has different beliefs. But for Christians themselves this has to be the way they think or they will cease to be Christians. Which is what is happening.

I notice jews still understand this. They berate Christians all of the time insinuating that there are large amounts of Christians out there that view them in the old way of thinking. They do that to browbeat the few remaining ones into being zionists. But really Christians need to stand up against this. I don't think they will however. Not enough anyway. They are going to roll over and surrender on this like all those other things White people are surrendering on. So it's probably pointless to talk about but it still amazes me how far things have changed in such a short time.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
JaxVid, it's seems to be a growing trend over the last 20+ years. Most pro-z10nist churches also embrace the pre-tribulation rapture....which wasn't a commonly held belief by Christians 125-150 years ago.

FYI, here's some good insight from Biblically learned IFB preacher Steve Anderson (who's vehemently against the police state too)...



***Here's Pastor Anderson calling out apostate, arch-z10nist "Pastor" John Hagee...
