Oh Happy Day! 2nd Amendment Defended....for now


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
The 'left' (PTB puppets) are none too happy when the anti-2nd Amendment bill is shot down in the Senate today.

- Ob0ng0 calls it a 'shameful day'...


- NYC nanny-stater "Jewmberg" rages...


- "Bloe Bite'n" joins the weeping wussies...

A rare "win" in the political realm. Don't worry though, like the bad guy in a horror movie they'll be back again and again and again....


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
A rare "win" in the political realm. Don't worry though, like the bad guy in a horror movie they'll be back again and again and again....
Yes, the totalitarian statists never give up, on anything. The latest angle is to focus on "mental issues". While it's true that a very small percentage of our population is too mentally unstable for gun ownership, the authoritarians want to expand this definition to virtually everybody. Yelled at your kids lately in a pique of anger? YOU'RE MENTALLY UNSTABLE! Just lost your job and you are feeling a bit of angst and depression? YOU'RE MENTALLY UNSTABLE! Etc., etc.
After the Newtown tragedy, most "conservative" groups responded that we need to make sure that the mentally incompetent could not get guns. The response of the left to this is to take the conservatives at their word, but expand the definition of mentally incompetent to include EVERYBODY, thereby achieving their goal of disarmament through the backdoor.
Dec 10, 2012
Yes, the totalitarian statists never give up, on anything. The latest angle is to focus on "mental issues". While it's true that a very small percentage of our population is too mentally unstable for gun ownership, the authoritarians want to expand this definition to virtually everybody. Yelled at your kids lately in a pique of anger? YOU'RE MENTALLY UNSTABLE! Just lost your job and you are feeling a bit of angst and depression? YOU'RE MENTALLY UNSTABLE! Etc., etc.
After the Newtown tragedy, most "conservative" groups responded that we need to make sure that the mentally incompetent could not get guns. The response of the left to this is to take the conservatives at their word, but expand the definition of mentally incompetent to include EVERYBODY, thereby achieving their goal of disarmament through the backdoor.


These are good points.. what will be the Liberal standard for 'mental illness' (?) Thats a really subjective measure.. and my thing is, if you are mentally ill why does that mean you should forfeit any of your Constitutional rights. People in fragile, compromised, or minority positions, are the ones who usually need their Constitutional protections most.
A person with depression is still protected by the 2nd amendment right (?), & aren't they still entitled to the basic right of self-defense.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO

These are good points.. what will be the Liberal standard for 'mental illness' (?) Thats a really subjective measure.. and my thing is, if you are mentally ill why does that mean you should forfeit any of your Constitutional rights. People in fragile, compromised, or minority positions, are the ones who usually need their Constitutional protections most.
A person with depression is still protected by the 2nd amendment right (?), & aren't they still entitled to the basic right of self-defense.
Statists care nothing for rights. Control is all that matters. The subjective "mental illness" argument is just and end-around to take away guns from as many as possible, then round up the rest later.
Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
A rare "win" in the political realm. Don't worry though, like the bad guy in a horror movie they'll be back again and again and again....

The problem is that the left is always on the march to take away more freedoms and institute more and more of their Marxist agenda at every turn. In this instance we simply managed to stop them from progressing. But there will be 1000 other areas they keep pushing their agenda.

I've long maintained that the left will always be in control of our societies until conservatives stop playing defense and start going on offense to actively dismantle the Marxist agenda that's already in place. Although I'm happy with the defeat of their anti-gun legislation, it doesn't change anything. The Marxists are still in control of nearly everything in this country. Conservatives need to start pushing their agendas aggressively in every area they can instead of just trying to stop the Marxists here and there or claiming to be better stewards of the welfare state, which is essentially an endorsement of the Marxist agenda.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004

These are good points.. what will be the Liberal standard for 'mental illness' (?) Thats a really subjective measure.. and my thing is, if you are mentally ill why does that mean you should forfeit any of your Constitutional rights. People in fragile, compromised, or minority positions, are the ones who usually need their Constitutional protections most.
A person with depression is still protected by the 2nd amendment right (?), & aren't they still entitled to the basic right of self-defense.

I agree. I also think that ex-felons should still have constitutional rights. If you have done your time why are you still not a regular citizen? I don't remember it being in the Constitution that your rights go away forever after a conviction.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
This lady is on the ball:

Publius Huldah Powerful Speech: All Federal Gun Control Is Unlawful



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Don't worry, they'll be staging a bigger and better Sandy Hoax massacre so that they can use it as an excuse to disarm the American people.

Notice how Schumer and Bloomberg and Emanuel and Feinstein et al aren't interested in gun control in their country, only in the colony.


No gun control in Israel