Obongo Pushes Amnesty for Illegals


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
True to (cultural marxist) form, Globalist shill "Bacrock Obummer" is pushing for amnesty for the illegal invaders (encroaching on our sovereign soil).
***Notice limp-wristed RINO/PTB puppet "Flimsey Gayham" is in the thick of this pro-amnesty push.

Obama endorses immigration blueprint

By Stephen Dinan

President Obama on Thursday gave a thumbs-up to the framework of a plan to legalize illegal immigrants and create a flow of low-skilled foreign workers for the future, saying the bill being worked on by a Republican lawmaker and his Democrat counterpart is "promising."

The long-awaited framework, written by Sens. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, and Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, calls for illegal immigrants to be put on a path to citizenship and would create a temporary program for future foreign workers. Maybe most contentious of all, it would turn all Social Security cards into tamper-proof IDs.

"I congratulate Senators Schumer and Graham for their leadership, and pledge to do everything in my power to forge a bipartisan consensus this year on this important issue so we can continue to move forward on comprehensive immigration reform," Mr. Obama said in a statement soon after the two senators published their framework on The Washington Post's Web site.

The senators said their legalization approach would be a "tough but fair" program that would require illegal immigrants to admit they broke the law and make them perform community service and pay a fine.

Illegal immigrants would also have to demonstrate they are proficient at English and pass background checks to gain citizenship.


Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Oct 26, 2008
I wish we could kick them all out. Legal immigration is bad too.They are getting h1-b's and competing against us and lowering wages.

The fact that there are so many products that have Spanish written on them is proof that this country is screwed up.This shows that there are millions of people that can't read English. Are we going to have to pay more in taxes to teach the illegals to read English so they get can Amnesty. This country gets more absurd everyday.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
PROMISES, PROMISES: Obama in immigration dance

Mar 19, 8:52 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama promised to make overhauling the immigration system a top priority in his first year as president. He's now in Year Two, and the odds that he'll get to sign a bill before the November midterm elections appear long.

Grass-roots activists frustrated by the wait for a new system are organizing a rally Sunday on the National Mall by what they hope will be thousands of people from across the country voicing their displeasure at the pace of action.

In meetings last week, Obama sought to assure activists and the two senators who are drafting a bill of his "unwavering" commitment to comprehensive immigration overhaul. But the White House has also signaled that the issue is not among the legislative priorities it wants completed before the entire House and one-third of the Senate face voters in November.

Asked about the priorities after health care, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said financial regulation, energy legislation and watering down a recent Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance are among the "big priorities" - not to mention jobs and the economy.

Gibbs said nothing would happen on immigration without strong bipartisan support. "It's got to be more than the president wants to get something done," he said.

How to handle the estimated 12 million people in the U.S. illegally is a volatile issue, with some interests opposing any attempt to help them become citizens and others insisting on stronger border controls first. Lawmakers failed to agree in 2006 and 2007 when they last tried to overhaul the immigration system, and the political climate this year is tougher than it was back then.

Advocates remain hopeful and say Congress has plenty of time to send Obama a bill by November.

Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., released an outline of their bill Thursday, and Obama pledged "to do everything in my power" to get immigration legislation moving through Congress this year.

The outline calls for illegal immigrants who want to get on the path to legal status to admit they broke the law by entering the U.S., pay fines and back taxes, and perform community service. They also would be required to pass background checks and be proficient in English before working toward legal residency, required before becoming a citizen.

Advocates welcomed the outline, but would prefer an actual bill in Congress.

"Now it's up to Congress and the president to advance legislation that combines these elements," said Frank Sharry, executive director of the immigration advocacy group America's Voice. "Given how long we have been debating the need for comprehensive immigration reform, the American people want and deserve nothing less."

Rally organizer Gabe Gonzalez credited pressure by grass-roots groups for progress on the issue.

Obama has put Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in charge of overseeing the immigration overhaul effort, and she has sought support for it in dozens of meetings with lawmakers from both parties since the beginning of last year.

Her department also has taken steps to improve the existing system by focusing deportations of undocumented immigrants on those with criminal histories and by going after employers who knowingly hire undocumented immigrants, rather than the workers themselves.

But those steps haven't eased the anger and disappointment felt by immigration advocates and Latinos, who voted heavily for Obama in the 2008 presidential election largely because of his promise.

Obama has said the system needs to be fixed to better track who comes in and out of the U.S., crack down on employers who hire undocumented workers and help those people come out of the shadows and contribute to society, including paying taxes. He wants them to register, pay a fine, learn English and not skip ahead of anyone already in the citizenship pipeline.

"It will be one of my priorities on my first day (as president) because this is an issue that we have demagogued," candidate Obama told the National Association of Latino Elected Officials in June 2008. "There's been a lot of politics around it, but we haven't been serious about solving the problem. And I want to solve the problem."

He told the League of United Latin American Citizens the following month: "I will make it a top priority in my first year as president."

Five months after taking office, Obama said after a White House meeting in June 2009 with a bipartisan group of about 30 lawmakers that immigration overhaul would be a difficult undertaking. But he said work on it must get under way that year.

By August 2009, the rhetoric had changed.

Asked about immigration overhaul at a news conference during a visit to Mexico, Obama said changing the system would have to wait until 2010 while he focused on other priorities, such as overhauling the health care and financial regulatory systems.

In appearances after that, Obama promised action but dropped references to any timetable.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Oct 26, 2008
The article says immigration overhaul will be difficult. Why? The large majority of Americans want it to stop, so you think it would be easy to fix. The only people who don't want to change it are the businesses who hire them and many Mexicans who are already here. And even many legal Mexicans want to stop it.Oh, I forgot the white elite who want diversity for some reason even though they don't want to live with these people. They just force the average guy to put up with this.There are also many Eastern European illegals that should be sent back.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Here's another article that I found that makes clear the Obama (and PTB) agenda concerning illegal immigrants. According to Obama and his revisionists, the land belonged to the Mexicans already! Nice comment in here as well in regards to the "indian savages"

<H1>For Obama, Mexico Comes First</H1>By John Bennett

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President Obama did more than just botch American history in his recent speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus; he advanced a racial separatist agenda which undermines our cultural solidarity and insults our sovereignty.

In a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, the president recently came very close to endorsing a radical, race-based agenda. That agenda is best described as geographic reparations -- a misguided effort to correct past wrongs against the ostensible original Americans by committing present wrongs against real Americans today. In his ethnocentric speech, the president had this incredible factual error to share:

Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples. To British and French, to Dutch and Spanish, to Mexicans, to countless Indian tribes. We all shared the same land. [Emphasis added.]

That statement is a falsehood. America was definitely an idea by 1776, if not sooner. There could not have been a single "Mexican" here "before America was even an idea" because Mexico was not a country until 1821. There was no Mexican nation, therefore no "Mexicans" on our land "before America was even an idea."

So what accounts for Obama's eagerness to semantically superimpose Mexican people onto our early territory? There are convincing reasons to believe that Obama meant that today's Mexicans are descended from the rightful owners of part of this country. Allowing them to return via illegal immigration and lax enforcement is simple fairness -- geographic reparations.

The president here is demonstrating a commitment to the precepts of leftist open borders advocates, even La Raza ideology. According to a Tucson teacher who blew the whistle on La Raza ethnic studies courses, La Raza classes cause racial hostility. La Raza literally teaches children that "white teachers" do not want Hispanics to get ahead in life and "that the Southwestern United States was taken from Mexicans because of the insatiable greed of the Yankee, who acquired his values from the corrupted ethos of Western civilization." Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. warned against this "cult of ethnicity" in his classic, The Disuniting of America. La Raza ideology espouses racial resentment and condemns our national sovereignty. Such is the ideological core of geographic reparations.

If the president meant what he said about "Mexicans" being here "
ong before America was an idea," then the president shares with La Raza the belief "that the Southwestern United States was taken from Mexicans." This historical fairy tale is no doubt intended to reinforce the notion that someone else was here first and therefore they deserve a measure of compensation. Factually, there were other peoples here first, but the conclusion that we owe Mexicans a debt does not logically follow. Truly open-minded people would compare our tolerant treatment of illegal immigrants to the frequent bloody intolerance of some the North American natives. After all, our Declaration of Independence points to "the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions." King George III's support for those tribes was one of the charges listed against him in the Declaration. Warfare and ritual violence were, as scholars have noted, an integral part of pre-Columbian indigenous life.

We don't owe a blanket apology to the descendants of the "original" inhabitants in any region of the country. Instead, perhaps the descendants of the more -- to use Thomas Jefferson's word -- "merciless" tribes owe us an apology for butchering our early settlers. At the very least, we don't need to pretend that "Mexicans" were here before America was founded.

The problem with that theory is that the people who were here first were not Mexican. There were warring tribes with no Mexican national identity whatsoever, who had themselves been fighting and displacing each other. The brutal territorial conquests of the Iroquois and Osage long predated Columbus. For the president to say that "Mexicans" were here "
ong before America was an idea" is a historical fable. He is trying to delegitimize our claims to sovereignty and to make us ashamed of our territorial boundary. From these absurd premises the left builds an entire house of cards, including an open-borders immigration policy.

But that's not what the president, La Raza, and the Hispanic Caucus would lead us to believe. This was "a land of plenty," as the president said, and there were people here before us. "We all shared the same land" then. Because they were here first, then we are not supposed to be so jealous of our borders. In a "land of plenty," there is enough to go around. We can't criticize their return (illegal immigration) too harshly, because the "Mexicans" were here first, as the president reminded us. Since they were here before us, the "Mexicans" have a legitimate claim to return. Once upon a time, "[w]e all shared" this land, and we should share now. Does anyone really think that the president meant something else when he said, "We all shared the same land"? That attitude amounts to geographic reparations.

In the same speech, the president went on to make a comment so self-refuting that it would raise Orwell's eyebrows. The president noted that "what eventually bound us together ... was faith and fidelity to the shared values that we all hold so dear." If we have such splendid shared values, then why does a race-based voting caucus like the Congressional Hispanic Caucus exist? It is disingenuous for the president to sound themes of unity while speaking to a race-based voting group.

Anyone who paid attention to the president's explicit call for race-based voting knows that Obama is uniquely comfortable making racial appeals. The president is steeped in either Kenyan anti-colonial ideology, as Dinesh D'Souza argues, or garden-variety leftism, as Jack Cashill insists. Either way, the president's latest act of racial pandering is an indication of his ideology.

The president's remarks to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus were an attempt to use history as therapy-placing ethnic pride above historical accuracy or national unity. This was fundamentally race-based pandering. It stigmatizes our national sovereignty. Worst of all, it feeds into the racially-charged philosophy of La Raza.

The president's remarks reflect a troubling disdain for our national sovereignty and our cultural self respect. He is saying we have something to be ashamed of. We should be ashamed of removing those early peoples, and ashamed for not letting as many return as would like to. We need to make up for our original sin by allowing illegal immigration and celebrating the historical distortions of the Hispanic Caucus, as the president did.

Thankfully, we live in a time when more and more people are interested in maintaining their cultural and national heritage...with pride.