Obama picks Biden


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Biden is the quintessential Washington insider. He's full of himself, loves the camera, hogs the microphone, and never knows when to shut up. He'll be good for a few choiceplagiarizedlines. Might put his foot in his mouth and make the race more interesting. His role will be to do the dirty work of attacking McCain. Obama will keep his distance and pose for holy pictures while the mud flies.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
What a totally lame pick. If a contest were held to pick the ultimate Washington Insider, Biden would be among the finalists. He's nothing but a safe pick from the tyranny's perspective, much like the selection of former CIA head George Bush to be Reagan's VP effectively neutralized whatever small chance the Reagan "movement" had in 1980 of enacting real changeother than making well received conservative sounding speeches.

This is the final piece of evidence, as if any was needed, that Obama will faithfully enact the policies of the sameeconomic, social and racialforcesthat have been hollowing out America from within for quite some time now, whether nominally titled "Republicans" or "Democrats." Both are but arms of the overarching one-party rule which has had a stranglehold on the U.S. political system ever since the conclusion of the War to Prevent Southern Secession. Whichever one is in power the other is its "loyal opposition." No questioning of the basic premises or the m.o. of the system itself is ever allowed through governmental mechanisms or through the controlled media. Perpetual war abroad and perpetual police state/surveillance control at home will remain the agenda no matter what trivial issues the two candidates of the one-party system decide to argue about. Edited by: Don Wassall


Jul 30, 2005
What a weak pair, Obama and Biden.

Let's see if McCain can trump this by picking Leiberman. I bet he does, effectively making it 4 liberals running for president.