NYC Pushes Sexual Deviancy


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The Global Elite gets a "2-for-1" here, as they're able to advance their key agenda items of spreading rampant immorality AND population control/reduction (eugenics, etc.). It's a sad sign when our nation's largest city openly promotes sexual promiscuity.

New Yorkers Encouraged to Get Busy with Free Condoms
Health Department Unveils Ad Campaign, New Condom

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has released a series of new posters, Web banners, and videos to promote safer sex practices and the availability of free condoms. NYC Condom

Here is more on the "Get Some" campaign about free condoms from New York City.

By Arun Kristian Das
MyFox New York

NEW YORK ( -- The city wants New Yorkers to "get some" this Valentine's Day. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene unveiled its 2008 safer sex awareness campaign with new posters, banners, and TV ads featuring a colorful and sexy message. The city also unveiled a new look for the wrapper of its free condom.

The slogan is -- wait for it -- "Get Some."

Street teams from the health department will meet commuters around the city Thursday to hand out the new NYC Condom for Valentine's Day, officials said.

Hand-out locations include Times Square, Wall Street and near City Hall.

Yves Behar, founder of the San Francisco-based design agency, fuseproject, designed the new condom package and its dispenser, which will be placed in 200 venues around the city.

"Good design can help bring condoms out of the closet," said Behar. "The brand's friendly design and the dispenser's approachable shape convey openness and acceptance. They say condoms are nothing to be embarrassed about."

Watch the TV ads, which are set to hip hop, Latin and jazz beats.

The new video ads feature colorful images of city landmarks and are set to hip hop, jazz and Latin beats. They will air in English and Spanish on cable and broadcast TV as well as radio, according to health officials. Display ads are also appearing in more than 1,000 subway cars, as well as on phone kiosks and in check-cashing outlets.

"The NYC Condom has shown us what a sexy brand can do for safer sex," said Dr. Monica Sweeney, the Health Department's assistant commissioner for HIV prevention and control in a statement. "We gave out more than 36 million of them last year. I hope the fresh look will help even more New Yorkers protect themselves from infection and unintended pregnancy in 2008."

The city has distributed more than 36 million condoms since first introducing the NYC Condom on Valentine's Day in 2007. The new wrapper holds the same brand of condom inside, from Lifestyles.

Any New York City establishment -- whether it's a health club, coffee house, bar, barbershop or clothing store -- can order NYC Condoms in bulk by calling 311 or visiting

The Health Department will deliver free NYC Condoms as needed to meet demand. Telephone and online orders are for organizations only. But individual New Yorkers can call 311 or visit for updated information on where to find NYC Condoms.

***Reference article...

[url];jsessionid=21 9DA96967F51FE1BDF1F3DEE66159ED?contentId=5766205&version=9&l ocale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1 [/url]
Nov 8, 2006
DixieDestroyer said:
Watch the TV ads, which are set to hip hop, Latin and jazz beats.

The new video ads feature colorful images of city landmarks and are set to hip hop, jazz and Latin beats. They will air in English and Spanish on cable and broadcast TV as well as radio, according to health officials.

Not just sexual deviancy, but let's throw in a little "multi-culturalism" as well. I can imagine some negro rapping about killing whitey and "getting some" from white women followed by a Taco Bell dog-style voice in Spanish explaining the program.

Would the last aware White person in America please turn off the lights on the way out?


Apr 14, 2005
Dude people are always going to have sex no matter what you say to them or tell them otherwise. It's just what we're hard wired to do as human beings; which is reproduce. I'm sorry if this isn't the "Christian" thing to do but oh well:( At least they're attempting to tell young people, who are going to have sex anyways, to do it in a responsible manner. The campaign is not intended to boost sexual behavior but rather cut down on the spread of STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Yes, abstinence is the best alternative to all of this but come on lets get real here. Who the hell practices that crap! So I'm sorry this isn't about pushing sexual deviancy like you so wish it would be and this does bring up a question. Who the hell defines what deviant behavior is in the first place? Certainly not any of us. So why don't you live and just let live brother.Edited by: whiteCB
Nov 8, 2006
From this article on cultural marxism comes the story of where this sort of thing originates:

"In 1919, Georg Lukacs became Deputy Commissar for Culture in the short-lived Bolshevik Bela Kun regime in Hungary. He immediately set plans in motion to de-Christianize Hungary. Reasoning that if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the hated patriarchal family and the Church would be dealt a crippling blow. Lukacs launched a radical sex education program in the schools. Sex lectures were organized and literature handed out which graphically instructed youth in free love (promiscuity) and sexual intercourse while simultaneously encouraging them to deride and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority. All of this was accompanied by a reign of cultural terror perpetrated against parents, priests, and dissenters.

Hungary's youth, having been fed a steady diet of values-neutral (atheism) and radical sex education while simultaneously encouraged to rebel against all authority, easily turned into delinquents ranging from bullies and petty thieves to sex predators, murderers, and sociopaths."

Yes, I'm sure some of the people involved in these sort of programs are decent "do-gooder" types who think they're stopping the spread of disease, etc, but the truth is there's a very clear agenda behind these programs and that agenda is the destruction of conventional morality so we can more easily be ruled by jew marxist elites like Bela Kun (real name Aaron Cohen). Edited by: Run Stuffing LB
Sep 24, 2006
Christian morals are a good idea, whether you agree with the religious aspect or not.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
The campaign is not intended to boost sexual behavior but rather cut down on the spread of STDs and unwanted pregnancies.

I agree with White CB

but the truth is there's a very clear agenda behind these programs and that agenda is the destruction of conventional morality so we can more easily be ruled by jew marxist elites like Bela Kun (real name Aaron Cohen)

So this program is part of an ongoing effort to destroy "conventional morality"so that we canbe ruled by jew marxist elites? Bash Jews all you want, but I don`t see the connection here, you`re just grasping at straws.

May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Once again, I am NOT surprised, and I live five minutes from the city. Everyday I become more and more ashamed of the place, and reasons like this are exactly why. Although, what else would you expect? NYC is the most liberal major city in the country, with the exception of San Francisco. I'd expect nothing else.

I can't even remember the last time I went to a bar or club in NY, thats how much I'm starting to hate the place. Oh wait, I went to a Ranger game a few months ago. I still hate NY though...the multi-cultural, rat-infested hellhole that it is.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
whiteCB said:
Dude people are always going to have sex no matter what you say to them or tell them otherwise. It's just what we're hard wired to do as human beings; which is reproduce. I'm sorry if this isn't the "Christian" thing to do but oh well:( At least they're attempting to tell young people, who are going to have sex anyways, to do it in a responsible manner. The campaign is not intended to boost sexual behavior but rather cut down on the spread of STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Yes, abstinence is the best alternative to all of this but come on lets get real here. Who the hell practices that crap! So I'm sorry this isn't about pushing sexual deviancy like you so wish it would be and this does bring up a question. Who the hell defines what deviant behavior is in the first place? Certainly not any of us. So why don't you live and just let live brother.

It's not just about a "Christian" thing partner. It's about breaking down the moral foundation of our nation through (not-so) subtle "marketing" ploys as this. While I personally believe the Bible is the what defines proper behavior, I also feel that Christian ethics are a great measuring stick for decency...even for the nonbeliever (atheist, agnostic). On the surface, the Globalist Elite always pushes these ideas as "practical" (whether it be fighting STDs, saving Africa, protecting us from "terrorists" via an RFID chip ID, etc.). However, if you look beyond the thin veneer, you can plainly see it as a greater agenda to break down the traditional values this country was founded on to better destabilize society. When values & morals are buried asunder, it's easier for the Globalist Elite to mandate their agenda. In the end, God gives all of us a choice, so to each their own indeed.However, I suggest everyone research the methods that the Elite have used for decades to push their agenda & destroy our Constitutional Republic. We owe it to our children & future generations to educate ourselves on the truth (beyond the propaganda spoonfed by the "mainstream" media, government indoctrination centers & the "Sheepletainment" industry).

The Marketing of Evil

Edward Bernays' oft-utilized book "Propagnda"


Apr 14, 2005
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
Christian morals are a good idea, whether you agree with the religious aspect or not.

Oh I totally agree Bowen. Christianity has many great values, morals, and virtues to live by. I think it would be great if everyone had responsible sex and what not. Though that, as we all know, is not always the case.
Nov 8, 2006
Van_Slyke_CF said:
So this program is part of an ongoing effort to destroy "conventional morality" so that we can be ruled by jew marxist elites? Bash Jews all you want, but I don`t see the connection here, you`re just grasping at straws.

Yes, it is. I don't know how you could believe otherwise, after I gave you historical documentation that clearly shows this.

Turn off the TeeVee and do a little research into the origins of political correctness, feminism, marxism, etc.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Yes, it is. I don't know how you could believe otherwise, after I gave you historical documentation that clearly shows this.

Your post presents iron-clad proof of your assertions, does it, RSLB?

There could be no other possible way of interpreting the ultimate goal(s) of this program in NYC other than to have the "jew marxist elites" rule the world?

Sorry, butother opinions expressed here have some merit, yours is simply one based on a giant leap of the imagination. Good day to you, RSLB.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I don't subscribe to all the "Jewish boogeyman" theories out there, but you would have to be pretty blind not to see that there is an agenda, especially in the schools to sexualize our children. I believe that the breakdown of Christian morals is promoted in order to dumb down the general public. A stupid populace with no morals is one that is easier to control and manipulate than one that is brought up in the ways of the bible and that rejects the type of filth that MTV and the media shove down our throats on a daily basis. Look at all these "bisexual" teen girls out there. Do you really think they would be doing this if the media and the schools didn't promote this type of behavior? I think not. I detest public schools and thats why I advocate sending your kid to either private school or having them homeschooled.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Lance Alworth said:
I don't subscribe to all the "Jewish boogeyman" theories out there

Really? Shame on you Lance. I thought you were a bit wiser than foolish of me. lol/jk. Never under-estimate the cunning, sneaky, manipulitive ways of "them". They will go no end to destroy White, Christian society and everything that encompasses it. A perfect example is the porn industry. Look at the credits at the end of any porno (especially "inter-racial" pornos). Its got so many hymie names in it, that it looks like a page right out of a Tel-Aviv phone book.

They are truly the "disciples of satan". I have many reasons for thinking this way. But in more simple terms...I just hate them. Being that I'm Ukrainian and a Christian, as history points out, I HAVE my reasons. Different variations of Russians have a deep disdain and hatred for jews. Its been going on for years. I'd try to explain it to you guys, but its difficult. Those of you who are of Russian decent (Russian, Ukrainain, Estonian, etc.) know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Lets put it this way, they have done a lot of damage to my native country politically, socially, and economically. Its no surprise that to this day, they are STILL not welcome in Russia.

Lance Alworth

Nov 18, 2004
Portland OR
I just don't think the Jews are entirely to blame for the breakdown of society. I think constantly pointing the finger at them and saying "its the jews" is sort of taking the easy way out and it makes us look like paranoid nutcases. While I do agree that there are a disproportional amount of Jews that run the media (especially in the porn industry) they wouldn't be able to do their damage if it weren't for their gentile collaborators. Evil gentiles (like Ted Turner) are just as much to blame as evil Jews.

My native country also suffered extreme damage due to Marxism. The Jews weren't as prevalent in society as they were in Russia, but Enver Hoxha was a communist Jew arse kisser. One good thing he did was he squashed the spread of radical Islam but thats about the only positive thing that came from his regime.

But back to what we were talking about. I just don't like blaming the Jews for all of society's ills. Thats not saying they don't need to be accountable, but I really don't think all of them are bad. I know a few of them that are actually conservatives and would probably like a site like Caste Football. They might be in the minority, but I've never really had a problem with them.


Feb 15, 2008
I couldn't agree more. Iam gettingtired of constantly of hearing about every problem is realted to the jews. It's like if the wind blows to the west it's the jews fault. Really I am tired and even bored about seeing and hearing the same old thing. Tom Metzger saidit right when he said get rid of these richtreasonous whites then you will solve the jewish problem. I couldn't agree more. America is ruled by transnational corporations who care aboutnothing butprofits.To them that is the bottom line at all costs. We


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
darthvader said:
I couldn't agree more.  I am getting tired of constantly of hearing about every problem is realted to the jews. It's like if the wind blows to the west it's the jews fault.  Really I am tired and even bored about seeing and hearing the same old thing.  Tom Metzger said it right when he said get rid of these rich treasonous whites then you will solve the jewish problem.  I couldn't agree more.  America is ruled by transnational corporations who care about nothing but profits.  To them that is the bottom line at all costs.  We&nbs p;&nbs p;

Where do you hear that "every" problem is related to the Jews? Here on this site? You certinly don't hear it in the MSM because they avoid that issue like the plague. Jewish people exert a tremendous amount of control over sociey through their great wealth and control of information systems. With such power comes resposibility. They should be held resposible for problems in relation to the power and control they have over them--which is great, and they are not, not at all. No wonder so many people are frustrated that white males are treated as the font of all evil and the ones who really pull the strings get no blame at all.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Folks, it's much bigger than just the Zionists. The Globalist Elite is compromised of many levels and roles. Of course, you have Zionists influence & funding at the top (ie - Rothschild family funding of The Knesset, home of the Israeli parliament), but the "Ruling Elite" is comprised of a various array of power-hungry meglomaniacs. We can't get tunnel vision and allow ourselves to be side-tracked by the deception & evil agendas of the Elite. It's bigger than just the (pro-Globalist) "Zionists" they are part of the New World Order, but not the only part.

***I suggest everyone watch the following informative documentary...

"EndGame : A Blueprint for Global Enslavement" Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Feb 15, 2008
It seems like almost everypro white website that i go to there are always so many complaints against the jews.I am certainly not defending them but it seems like the common theme among these pro white organizations is that the jews are responsible for alland any damage that has to been done tothe white race. Sure they have done plenty to cause the decline of the white race but they are not as responsible as these super rich traitorouswhites who have done more damage with their greed and lust for more power. This is coming from a guy who lives in this cesspool called Jew York sh*tty. SoIwitness firsthand what the jews are about. But Ialso witness that these rich white elitistsare even worse than the jews byselling out their race.& nbsp;


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
darthvader said:
It seems like almost every pro white website that i go to there are always so many complaints against the jews.  I am certainly not defending them but it seems like the common theme among these pro white organizations is that the jews are responsible for all and any damage that has to been done to the white race.  Sure they have done plenty to cause the decline of the white race but they are not as responsible as these super rich traitorous whites who have done more damage with their greed and lust for more power.  This is coming from a guy who lives in this cesspool called Jew York sh*tty. So I witness firsthand what the jews are about.  But I also witness that these rich white elitists are even worse than the jews by selling out their race.  & nbsp;

All true, I agree with you completely. I would make a difference between sites that obscess about the issue over ones like this where we don't duck it. But it does use up a lot of energy that could be focused elsewhere.


May 20, 2005
For those with high levels of I.Q. and foresight, the possible consequences of promiscuity (and other actions) are easy to foresee.

For those with lesser I.Q.s, the tradition of "Don't do it because it will make God cry" or some such is actually highly useful. That is why the ebbing away of traditional Christian morality has been so much more detrimental to the ******** than Whites. By contrast, the Japanese, despite having no sexual morality in their religion and basically being atheist these days anyway, still manage to have a fairly low incidence of illegitamacy and other problems related to the sex drive.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
They have these ads plastered all over the subway walls and I'm just sick of them. I saw one the other day of two men embracing each other with the the word CONDOM painted in rainbow color.

They also have ads that tell people to stay in between 2AM and 7AM because this is when the pollen count is highest. I don't know about pollen count Mr. Orwellian society, but I do know the criminals are out and about at that time. Edited by: Alpha Male