No comments on white Irish Catholic ref?

Apr 22, 2005
I think it's shocking that somebody actually thinks an NBA ref fixing games is news. Edited by: White Shogun
GreatLakeState said:

What's not shocking is you showing up to take a shot at a white guy.

Is your standard of evidence and proof of guilt the same for Vick?

At least you didn't ask if this was a "genetic" trait of white refs.

I notice you usually only post when you can drop a turd on a white person, why don't you change your name to "turd-dropper".
Lol, he's not an athlete. This site celebrates white ATHLETES, remember?

What is not shocking is your lack of intelligence to realize this fact.

Does anyone really watch the NBA much anymore, anyway? Or is it no longer a sport to be taken seriously(like boxing) now that whites have won the MVP the last three years?

P.S. See the NBA is the WWF thread, moron.Edited by: InfamousOne
who gives a damn about NBA anyway
I don't give a damn about the NBA, but I have noticed this story. Saw them interviewing some retired ref (black) this morning. He blamed everything on the NBA for not paying their referees enough. "When a referee with 28, 29 years experience is making only 300,000 a year," he said with all due seriousness, "something's wrong."

Yeah, they grab an honest? black ref to contrast him with the crooked white one (they never miss a chance to show how much they care) then he says something stupid like that. It was disgusting and funny and typical.
Even though this story is about a white F-ing up, I am glad this happened because it brings shame to the NBA and the quicker the NBA's demise comes, the better
Shows the difference between blacks and other races. No whites defend this ref or airheads like Paris Hilton or Lindsey Lohan.

But look at how blacks defend their lowlifes such as Michael Vick and OJ Simpson.

For blacks, race trumps everything. That is why they are the most racist people in America.
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