NFL commercial trends and the C-System


Dec 15, 2005
I want to start a thread about the role of commercials in the Caste System.

I've noticed several trends in NFL commercials. Some of these trends play right into the palms of the Caste System.
They present unusual characters in real life as norms in our society. They attempt to create tons and tons of false images in peoples minds that extend to racial stereotypes about players and fans.

Here's a list of trends
1) Over 50% of the commercials in some games are for drugs. Within these drug commercials, roughly 66% are for cholesterol and weight loss medication, and 33% are for sexual dysfunction. In these commercials, the overwhelming number of actors are white. I don't think I've ever seen a black actor on an anti-LDL cholesterol or sexual dysfunction ad. You mean to tell me that with all the steroids in the NFL, only white players like Ditka have erectile dysfunction? You mean to tell me that Warren Sapp doesn't have high cholesterol and a weight problem?
2) Many commercials feature a black player dating a white, blond girl.

Hold on, what a return by Welker!
3) On this Toyota Corolla commercial, a bunch of nerdy whites are losing things and girls, but the black guy is happy about something.
4)Peyton Manning never cheers for a black or mexican regular worker. I like this commercial, as there is an increasing divide between fans and players; but I've just noticed that Visa is targeting a white audience.
5) Beer commercials often feature athletic-looking black men aroung worshiping whites.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Peyton Manning cheers for a black mover in one of those commercials ("They weren't saying 'boo,' they were saying 'moooovers'.") The most offensive commercials I've seen of late are those ones for Capital One featuring the white family with the ultimate loser father taking the family on different "vacations."

I observe the media from the standpoint of a detached critic, and believe that commercials are now as important as movies and TV shows in promoting "politically correct" ways of thought and action, perhaps more so. First, viewers watch literally hundreds ofcommercials in a given day, maybe even thousands some days. Second, they are far more professionally put together than previously with many promoting cutting edge humor and attitudes, along of course with promoting the cults of irreverent beautiful young people, deracination, mindless consumerism, and patriotism. Pro sports, especially the NFL, is tied in with all of this.

As far as the drug commercials, they should be taken as a very real reflection -- and as a warning signal to racially aware whites -- of the rapidly aging white population in the U.S. that they are directed to, an aging white population that's being systematically replaced by a much younger, non-white population. Watch the evening national news programs if you want to see a constant barrage of drug commercials purporting to help or cure various ailments. Who still watches the evening news programs? It's an overwhelmingly older, white audience.


Dec 15, 2005
Was another reply deleted?

What does everybody think about the Chevy commercial with the "this is our country" song? I find it kind of disturbing in a way because of the blind patriotism it suggests.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Those Chevy commercials are a little disturbing. Take a look at the images that flash every 2-3 seconds. Most of them to me appear to be negative, which is glossed over by the patriotic music.

I deleted a post earlier. The gist of what I said mirrored Don's thoughts almost exactly, re: the targeted demographic of those ads and the fact that nothing in those commercials is done by accident. I believe every actor, every line, every item in the background has a purpose: to convey an idea or an image no matter how subtle.


Aug 6, 2006
Capital one commercials will teach young White males of today that they are completely hopeless,and helpless.
The Geico insurance commericials,"so simple,even a caveman can do it",are loaded with subliminal messages also.

The first one showing a White male being shamed by two cavemen at lunch saying,"i'm sorry,I had no idea you guys were still around"!He made the statement that the call to Geico was so simple that,"even a caveman could do it"! It appears that the White male can even offend mythical characters!

The cavemen heap it on when one says,"yeah,well next time,do some research"!,and the second one glares at the offending White male,and tells the waiter that he has lost his appetite!


Oct 20, 2006
Next time you look at one of those multi-racial ads, notice how they make
the black male the tallest in any grouping, especially next to white men.
That's another cute trick by the gay-run new media and advertising industry.
I wonder why that is? Also, in multi-racial groupings, they try to make the
black male younger than the white man.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
PitBull said:
Next time you look at one of those multi-racial ads, notice how they make
the black male the tallest in any grouping, especially next to white men.
That's another cute trick by the gay-run new media and advertising industry.
I wonder why that is? Also, in multi-racial groupings, they try to make the
black male younger than the white man.

They also sit him next to a white female, too.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
I could go on all day about the real intentions of commercials but here are just a couple that go along with the commercials you guys mentioned.

1. Peyton Manning - After he cheers the movers a black kid throws Peyton's newspaper through his window and Peyton tells him he has the best arm in the neighborhood. I think we all know who really has the best arms.

2. In a follow up commercial for Geico the caveman is walking through an airport and sees his picture on the wall and lingers to admire it. The white man has appeased his hostility by giving him a job/money/prestige, which is how white government and business handle minorities.
Edited by: GWTJ


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
GWTJ said:
I could go on all day about the real intentions of commercials but here are just a couple that go along with the commercials you guys mentioned.

1. Peyton Manning - After he cheers the movers a black kid throws Peyton's newspaper through his window and Peyton tells him he has the best arm in the neighborhood. I think we all know who really has the best arms.

I see the Manning comment as a shot at Michael Vick and black QB's: yeah kid you can throw hard but you can't hit your target!!!

I like the Manning commercials because 1) a white superstar is getting an endorsement finally and 2) it paradies the over the top worship of sports that goes on today.

I recently saw a TV special that was supposed to be the funniest commercials of the year (they weren't) and it had one with Wade talking to Charles Barkely and Barkely telling him that we was a legend, then a cute white waitress walks up and gushes all over Wade (I'm surprised she didn't drop to her knees, it was so sickening) and then look at Barkely and say "oh is this your father?" wasn't funny and was sickening too.


I love the Chevy commercials. They are in no sense mindless jingoism like pro-war propaganda, but they are about the people who make this country. Yes one of them mentions MLK, but even my sensitive anti-white radar does go into overload when I view it. Besides the MLK image does more for the conception of white moral superiority than it relates to anything blacks as a whole have created.
Apr 22, 2005
There's one erectile dysfunction ad with a black guy, when he and his wife are coming home to get it on, but are interrupted by a surprise birthday party or something. But it works for 72 hours! So later, inexplicably, he and his wife are sitting in separate bathtubs on the beach?
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Don Wassall said:
The most offensive commercials I've seen of late are those ones for Capital One featuring the white family with the ultimate loser father taking the family on different "vacations."

Those are, by far, some of the worst and most offensive commercials to ever grace my T.V. screen. However, I did like the Capital One commercials with all the big, mean, White vikings, barbarians, and warlords who would plunder and pillage in the commercial. They should bring those back.

On a side note, here's a Capital One commerical that we'll NEVER see:

Father screws up and takes the family on a vacation and ends up in "the 'hood" instead. Blacks surround the family car and say, "Hey Whitey...Whats in YOUR wallet?".
Edited by: Ground Fighter


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good one Ground Fighter! I am sick of the commercials too. Some are easier to interpret than others, but most are negative toward whites in some way.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
During the Fiesta Bowl Taco Bell kept running commercials with a racially mixed couple(black male obviously) and their dorky white friend who went out with Carmen Electra because of hsi Taco Bell purchase. Pathetic!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
GWTJ said:
During the Fiesta Bowl Taco Bell kept running commercials with a racially mixed couple(black male obviously) and their dorky white friend who went out with Carmen Electra because of hsi Taco Bell purchase. Pathetic!

I've seen that one. They also have the white girl seated next to the black guy in that commercial. The white guy is sitting alone by himself on the other couch.


Dec 15, 2005
That sucked but imagine if it were a black man in that position. I'd be digging up info to try to destroy that wetback chain. Maybe I'd be throwing rocks at the walls. Or maybe I'd just never eat their again.
Yeah, keep rioting for non-whites.

Carmen Electra part Cherokee.Edited by: Freedom
Jan 19, 2005
The WORST commercial ive ever seen was a ESPN one.I forgot how exactly it went but white guy after white guy fell down or got tackled and at the end the BLACK GUY walks away with the WHITE GIRL. I literally wanted to throw my t.v. out the Fu**in window.What a piece of sh*t commercial.Edited by: onewarrior5
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
We (the CF crew) can't be the ONLY men in America who see what the media is trying to do in these commercials. Can we? I mean, come on, I'm sure that there are cliques of White guys all over the country, just like us, who see a commercial like that and go, "Now would you look at this Commie horse-sh*t." Commericals like that none-the-less have got to stop, as they are dangerous to young, still-developing minds. I don't want my 4 year old little cousin to see a White girl with some homo-thug in a Taco Bell commercial, and then think that its normal.


Oct 20, 2006
Lots of people see what's going on. They don't like it any more than any
of us here. But they don't know what to do. My solution is to not watch
television at all. All advertising is garbarge. Al they do is pander to this
group or that, to get people to watch, and then tell you what's wong with
you or what you don't have to sell you this or that product.

The real solution is to get rid of affirmative action and for those who got
the AA jobs. You may laugh at this, but its true, that the advertising
industry is filled with queers who hate white men and love to push this
stuff. Getting rid of AA would put a crimp in their game too. There aren't
as many minorities in the advertising industry as you might imagine--its
very competitive, so incompetence is really costly. The big race-mixing
pushers are the queers in these shops. Believe it. They think its funny to
offend us. They sell it to the sixty year old CEO's as "edgy", and as a way
to attract minority spending money.

Anyone with kids has to keep them away from the television and tell them
how it really is all the time. Separate them from minorities as much as
possible so they don't feel COMFORTABLE around them. Put them in a
private school, homeschool, do whatever they can. Move farther out from
the city--what do you think is behind the flight to the exurbs from the
suburbs? Most of all, you have to teach them to be proud of themselves
and their own group. I don't know anyone who has this kind of strong
identity who isn't race conscious, white, black, hispanic, asian, or

I listen to games on the radio (If possibe, so I don't see any commercials),
and I can also get work or other stuff done and not be tied down to one
spot. To me, seeing the game isn't that important. I just follow stuff.

white tornado

Oct 5, 2005
Separate them from minorities as much as
possible so they don't feel COMFORTABLE

Are you sure its not the other way around.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
PitBull said:
You may laugh at this, but its true, that the advertising industry is filled with queers who hate white men and love to push this stuff.

I wouldn't doubt it one bit. Nothing suprises me anymore. But what I am more concerned with, is how WE are going to re-gain control of the media. I just can't understand how some of the worst kinds of people in society, are in control of what gets televised and what doesn't. Its scary.Edited by: Ground Fighter


Nov 26, 2004
The Geico caveman commercials aren't anti-white. Rather they parody the aggrieved minority who is soooo sensitive. The ad in the airport scene defines the mindset perfectly. Fashionably sloppy caveman (read 'minority') with expensive sporting gear, on his way to exclusive resort, on top of his game, passes insensitve ad. 'Oh, the horror. No matter how hard I try, no matter how far I've come, they still view me as less than human.'

Ads work when they instill feelings of inadequacy in the user or attribute status to the buyer. Insurance is usually sold on the basis of 'what kind of bastard are you?, not taking care of your family in case of your death?' 'What kind of bastard are you, having a big ol' mean cop give you a ticket for not having auto insurance?'

Alternatively Geico goes the status route by presenting ads that require a certain worldview and level of intelligence in order to get the joke. 'I'm a Geico customer because I'm a smart cookie with a quirky sense of humor. Nothing to do with Geico being cheap.'

Ads which feature blacks invariably seek to highten feelings of inadequacy which only the product in question can heal. 'Hey white guys. Not cool, virile, spontaneous, or fashionable? Take a clue from your African-American friends and buy Panther Malt Liquor - The Smoothest Cat in the City.'

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
When Geico started off their prodigious advertising campaign, their commercials were blatantly and virulently anti-white men. It was commercial after commercial with a white man acting as an ultra-buffoon (e.g. putting an entirecan of lighter fluid on his grill, then setting off a mushroom cloud-sized fireball when lighting it). The cavemen and salamander commercials are original and racially neutral.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
White Shogun said:
PitBull said:
Next time you look at one of those multi-racial ads, notice how they make
the black male the tallest in any grouping, especially next to white men.
That's another cute trick by the gay-run new media and advertising industry.
I wonder why that is? Also, in multi-racial groupings, they try to make the
black male younger than the white man.

They also sit him next to a white female, too.

I've noticed the height-trick-stunt that they pull in commercials, but they do the same thing with muscular builds as well. White guys in multi-racial commercials are generally built like marathon runners, and the blacks are always cast to be more robust. Funny thing, because there are plenty of "big White guys" in society, and at my gym in particular. But you wouldn't know it by watching "the ol' Communist Mindbender"...a.k.a... T.V.

I bet the networks must really cringe, when they have to show a UFC or a MetRx World's Strongest Man commercial, with all those jacked White guys in them.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Ground Fighter said:
White guys in multi-racial commercials are generally built like marathon runners

Or they're fat and pasty, and look like slobs.