New British PM Brown Lauds Globalism!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Bilderberg Group selected, new/incoming British PM Gordon Brown openly hypes the "New World Order"/Globalism. Fyi, the article url/link below includes a video clip of some of Brown's lauding of the "New World Order"...

So Who Is Gordon Brown?

Blair and New Labour on Steroids

Steve Watson / | May 17, 2007

Many might not have noticed but Britain has a new Prime Minister. It was announced yesterday that Gordon Brown will enter number 10 uncontested.

Recently, as he senses power coming his way, Brown has been making speeches announcing the coming of a new world order and triumphing the virtues of globalization.

The British people have long had it drilled into their minds that the Prime Minister after Tony Blair will be Gordon Brown. It has been widely reported by every major media outlet for years and is well known within government that the pair had established a "working assumption" that would enable Mr Brown to take over the reins. A television drama was even made about the so called "deal" made between the two before Blair became Prime Minister.

The deal has now been done. The current chancellor of the Exchequer, Brown has been the financial brainpower behind the New Labour agenda since it was kick started by globalist connections in the early 1990s. He is and always has been personally determined to be Prime Minister of Britain though, many believe every decision he has taken as chancellor has been with his prime ministerial ambition in mind.

As a young politician Brown was a staunch Socialist within the Scottish Labour party. When John Smith became leader of the Labour Party shortly before his premature death, he appointed Brown as Shadow Chancellor. Smith was a member of the steering committee, the inner core of the Bilderberg Group. He got Gordon Brown invited to the 1991 Bilderberg meeting where he was effectively groomed along with Blair as the next big thing in British politics. Incidentally this was the same meeting at which Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was in attendance, he became President a matter of months later.

Brown has also, as far back as 1998 been listed in the "Global Leaders group" at the World Economic forum (otherwise known as the DAVOS group) . He has often been touted for high ranking IMF positions.

Brown was a traditional Labour figure, the economic spokesman who doesn't¹t know much about economics. He took on an advisor - Ed Balls, a Financial Times leader writer - an ideologist for globalization, in effect - who learned his economic trade at Harvard. Balls is a regular Bilderberg attendee, his name can be found on the attendance lists almost every year since 2001. Brown soon started going to New England regularly for his summer holidays and became a true believer in the the neo-liberal line from Harvard - Globalization, the Washington consensus.

Brown's Bilderberg connections were most recently highlighted by Norman Baker, MP for Lewes, who officially requested that Gordon Brown provide details of Bilderberg meetings he has attended.

Brown's takeover from Blair has been in effect for the last two years. He began concentrating less on his role as chancellor and more on over all policy a long time ago. Recent major speeches have seen Brown demonstrating his "personal commitment" to tough anti-terrorism laws and methods to reduce crime and make the country safer.

Brown has called for police to be allowed to hold terrorist suspects for longer than 28 days, a move that was rejected by Parliament in 2005. He has also championed the Big brother state, suggesting that biometric technology be implemented in banks and supermarkets, and that it made sense to extend the use of the technology into the public sector for use in an ID scheme.

Brown even quoted George Orwell, to equate these authoritarian ideas with the struggle for freedom: "writing in the thirties, at democracy's darkest hour in Europe, when the threat was fascism, "the thing that I saw in your face no power can disinherit, no bomb that ever burst shatters the crystal spirit".

Brown has continually equated 7/7 with 9/11 as historical turning points, even though on 7/7 the attack in London was on a very small scale with only 52 fatalities.

In perhaps the most hypocritical fashion you can imagine, though continuing the Blair like use of newspeak and spin, the next Prime minister is also heavily drawing on British heritage, defence of hard earned freedom and dignified British military history. Yet he is doing so in order to tout prison without trial, biometrics, ID cards and citizen databases.

As Chancellor Brown has introduced more forms of taxation in Britain than anyone who has gone before him, often by stealth. Interest rates have sky rocketed under Brown and continue to rise.

Last month it was revealed that Brown disregarded advice from the Bank of England before he sold off more than half the country's gold reserves at the bottom of the market. Since then the price has almost trebled, meaning the decision cost British taxpayers an estimated $4.8 billion.

Brown has long been in the pocket of the globalists and has pledged to overhaul the IMF, the World Bank and the UN into a new order through which the "final goal must be to offer a global new deal".

Columnist Brendan O'Neill sums up the shift from Blair to Brown and the turn in British politics quite neatly,

"Brown wants to go a step further than Blair in ratcheting up fear of an overblown terror threat and reorganising British politics and society around suspicion and security. In short, he plans to apply the accountant's instinctive caution to life, liberty and politics in the twenty-first century, which is likely to make even the Blair era look like a hotbed of political principle."

***Reference article link (includes video clip)... by: DixieDestroyer