Negro Crime Rate-1958.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Very interesting.

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<DIV align=left>Time Magazine, April 21, 1958

THEY are afraid to say so in public, but many of the North's big-city mayors groan in private that their biggest and most worrisome problem is the crime rate among Negroes.

In 1,551 U.S. cities, according to the FBI tally for 1956, Negroes, making up 10% of the U.S. population, accounted for about 30% of all arrests, and 60% of the arrests for crimes involving violence or threat of bodily harmâ€â€murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. In one city after another, the figuresâ€â€where they are not hidden or suppressed by politiciansâ€â€reveal a shocking pattern. Items:

New York (14% Negro). Of the prisoners confined in houses of detention last year to await court disposition of their cases, 44% of the males and 65% of the females were Negroes.

Chicago (15% Negro). In 1956 twice as many Negroes as whitesâ€â€1,366 to 679â€â€were arrested on charges of murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape and robbery.

Detroit (25% Negro). Two out of three prisoners held in the Wayne County jail are Negroes. Last month 62% of. the defendants presented for trial in Recorder's Court were Negroes. Of last year's 25,216 arrests resulting in prosecution, excluding traffic cases, Negroes accounted for 12,919.

Los Angeles (13% Negro). In 1956 Negroes accounted for 28% of all arrests, and 48% of the arrests for homicide, rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, larceny and auto theft.

San Francisco (7% Negro). The victims in 896 of last year's 1,564 recorded robbery cases reported that the assailants were Negroes. (snip)
Nov 8, 2006
How much money has been wasted on trying to somehow alchemize them into white people since 1958? The same negro problems, the same liberal excuses, the same end result.
Oct 24, 2005
This is an eyeopener. I always that that the social changes of the 60's was the cause of their increase in violent crime. They were that way all along.
Southern cities were not mentioned. Did they have less or more crime by blacks? Anyone know?

web toughguy

Jun 29, 2008
Hello my point in this crime epidemic is that alot of the reason is lack of consequence for the criminals who victimize there hosts in western societey even to point out the injustice to the european in the west is seen as hatefull. Under jim crow laws the former slave population had endured far greater poverty than today and suffered the indignitys of not being alowed to use the same water fountains as the evil southerners. But strandely enougth the level of violent crime against the europeans of that time was far less. This begs the question why in todays enlightend soictey does the most felt contribution to our multicultral experiment be the increased level of barbaric behavior exhibeted by the common animalistic behavior found by the non caucasian in the west. The goverments in the majority caucasian nations should be ashamed of themselves for allowing there subjects in particlur there woman and elderly to suffer at the hands of this savage behavoir of our [guests}. Where im from in england there has been several attacks on young females by minorites and it frankly makes me sick that nothing is realy done by our treacherous goverment to protect its citizens. I have read a little about the klan in the usa of former years and these brave men did there duty for there own people and where respectable in there general behavoir towards woman each other and there christian heritige while fiercley defending there peoples vunrable members aganist the barbaric impulses of people barley away from the savagrey of there ancestrol home in the jungle . Can a soictey like that of the usa realy be described as civilized if 30,000 of its caucasian woman endure the degragation of extreme sexuel assault in the name of diversity frankly i think the degenic effect on the white race across alot of areas is going to go down in history as the most cowardly act of a people in the history of humanity . The remaning europeans in the land of there forefarthers are going to suffer the most for this period of inactivty by our own people in crime and political suppresion in the late part of the next century i wouldnt be supprised if there is still a demorcracy that we will wont have the right to vote. Now ive got that of my chest i might go and get my cricket bat and play a little street cricket after all i am english