NCAA Wrestling Championships


Oct 19, 2004
The "Medal Round" of the NCAA Division 1 Championship is tomorrow (3/17) at 10:00 am on ESPNU, and again at 7:00 pm on ESPN. I saw the semifinals tonight and I'm pretty sure that no non-white wrestlers got through to the finals! In fact, I only saw two non-white wrestlers: a Hispanic guy named Vasquez and a black guy named Phil Davis. They both lost. So just like last year, it looks like we're headed for another sweep!
JD074 said:
Well Joshua Glenn just won at 197. He appears to be a very light-skinned black. Damn.

From pics I've seen, I think he would be considered white. I know he wouldn't be considered a brutha. It was another great NCAA result for our people. Wrestling is a sport that is decided on the mat - not with referees whistles unlike "March Madness". A couple of years ago some on this site thought blacks were overtaking wrestling as they had a couple of NCAA champs. I didn't think so. It's a sport that cannot be flawed by a coaches decision or a refs whistle constantly blowing. Wrestlers win their spot on the team by challenge matches. It's good to be right.
Good Point-Kaptain Poop-Wrestling is a sport that is decided on the mat.World's Strongest Man is another sport that you win or lose by your merits-either you can lift the stones or you can't and like wrestling,MMA fighting,Heavyweight Boxing and the World's Strongest Man Contest the best men are White!!!
Kaptain Poop said:
From pics I've seen, I think he would be considered white. I know he wouldn't be considered a brutha.

He actually looks like Tito Ortiz, IMO, but with curly black hair.

A couple of years ago some on this site thought blacks were overtaking wrestling as they had a couple of NCAA champs.

That was me!
Actually, I didn't think it was being "taken over," it was just that I had never followed the sport before, and the first year that I checked out the NCAA championship, whites only won six of the ten championships (three blacks and one Asian.) That did worry me. Also, I saw guys like Mo Lawal do well in other venues (like the US National Championships, I think it was.) But last year it was a clean sweep and this year it was 9 or 10 out of 10. So I'm not too worried now.
The last two have been banner years for College Wrestling. This is one sport where whites continue to excel.

Whites excel at wrestling because it takes intelligence and discipline. Two traits mostly lacking in black athletes, as they try to rely only on their natural talents.
It takes a crap load of natural talent to wrestle. I was a pretty good footbal player in high scholl but only a so so wresteler.

Wrestelers are defenatly as a whole the toughest of high school ncaa athletes.
cleverone said:
The last two have been banner years for College Wrestling. This is one sport where whites continue to excel.

Whites excel at wrestling because it takes intelligence and discipline. Two traits mostly lacking in black athletes, as they try to rely only on their natural talents.

Of course whites excel because it takes intelligence and discipline. It obviously has nothing to do with strength, flexibility, agility, dexterity, 'explosiveness,' balance, etc, etc.

I'm glad there is at least 'one sport where whites continue to excel.' Too bad whites are dropping out of hockey, track and field, powerlifting, tennis, boxing, MMA, swimming, etc. We'll always have wrestling! Even if it is WWE!!


I'm glad there is at least 'one sport where whites continue to excel.' Too bad whites are dropping out of hockey, track and field, powerlifting, tennis, boxing, MMA, swimming, etc. We'll always have wrestling! Even if it is WWE!!

I know your joking but it might be hard for some people to tell over the internet.
white tornado said:
It takes a crap load of natural talent to wrestle. I was a pretty good footbal player in high scholl but only a so so wresteler.

Wrestelers are defenatly as a whole the toughest of high school ncaa athletes.

All of the sarcasm aside, it's very hard to succeed in wrestling just based on natural talents ... especially at the collegiate level. Many times you will see the top seed place under the top three. Why? The difference between the eight place guy and the champion is sometimes razor thin. Having wrestled and coached at that level, you will find that strength and conditioning is the most important factor.

If you watched the Championships you'll see that these guy don't do a lot of funky moves. It's all about the basics and the discipline to practice them over and over again until they're mastered. Natural talent is useless when conditioning fails.
I'm sure the black wrestlers are out all night, eating twinkies and ribs and never go to the weight room or running, and are too stupid to understand the moves and strategies of wrestling, as opposed to say, boxing.
THAT'S the only reason Whites dominate the sport.
White savage. Wrestling is definately a sport where the ability to analyze your opponent plays a significant role.
I wrestled in High School basically on reflexes and the fact that for my size I wa unusually strong. In college my opponents wiped the mat with me until I learned to watch, analyze and plan strategy and last but not least modify strategy as the situation changed. East Asians may challenge the White dominance of this sport but I do not believe blacks ever will.
Wrestling demands the most physically & mentally, no doubt. It also builds alot of natural strength & explosiveness. I want my oldest son (6) to start within a few years (he already does martial arts & will start football in the fall).
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