bigunreal will like this.
Rasheed says NBA "wanted'' Cavs, LeBron in finals
It may have only been the end of the exhibition season, but Detroit Pistons forward Rasheed Wallace was in mid-season form.
"I still don't think they (Cavaliers) beat us, we beat ourselves," Wallace said. "And I think we also fell victim to that personal NBA thing where they are trying to make it a world game and get (television) ratings. They wanted to put their darling in there (the NBA Finals) and they did, and look what ended up happening.
"This game ain't basketball anymore, it's entertainment," Wallace said. "It's starting to get like the WWF. There ain't no real wrestling anymore either. It's all fake."

Rasheed says NBA "wanted'' Cavs, LeBron in finals
It may have only been the end of the exhibition season, but Detroit Pistons forward Rasheed Wallace was in mid-season form.
"I still don't think they (Cavaliers) beat us, we beat ourselves," Wallace said. "And I think we also fell victim to that personal NBA thing where they are trying to make it a world game and get (television) ratings. They wanted to put their darling in there (the NBA Finals) and they did, and look what ended up happening.
"This game ain't basketball anymore, it's entertainment," Wallace said. "It's starting to get like the WWF. There ain't no real wrestling anymore either. It's all fake."