

Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Nationalism is Natural!"

Precommentary by Dr. David Duke â€"The latest scientific research shows that ethnic loyalty is deeply ingrained in our biological makeup. Some may decry this fact, bemoan it, but it is a fact of nature and it is natural in the truest sense of the word. That is why muliticulturalism, no matter how idealized with words such as love and togetherness â€" inevitably leads to discord, turmoil, hatred and often even war and genocide. The UN commissioned an extensive study on civil wars and conflicts around the world and found that the vast majority of them were ethnically rooted. If we understand that human differences are innate, natural and beautiful and accept that fact rather than trying to ignore it or overcome it, there will be a world of far greater harmony, peace and true brotherhood. Every people must have the right to exist, to construct a society on their own particular expression of life, their own soul and spirit. These differences should not be bemoaned, they should be celebrated. Policies of immigration must be made with an understanding this fundamental human reality. If not we a doomed to a world of war and strife.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Don't be Colorblind, Embrace Race."

Finally, people would be less happy. According to the New York Times, the hormone responsible for kindness, love, monogamous commitment, and trust also causes organisms to identify with their ethnic group. This may explain why infants prefer to associate with genetically similar infants. A study in the National Library of Medicine concluded that acculturation stress is a cause of suicide.

"... kindness, love, monogamous commitment, and trust..." all too rarely found in society today, and even when we look at just the Whites the divorce rate is high and the ensuing battles clearly show a lack of love, kindness and trust! This same situation seems to develop when civilizations fall. As the saying goes "the best bleed and the worst breed" Could it be that be best have a high level of this hormone and the worst a low level. It seems that racially aware White males are more likely to join the military, could this be because they want to defend their nation? If racial nationalist turnout to be high in this hormone and "egalitarians" low in it, it could explain a lot. Like the increase in greed and selfishness that appears to increase after each war.Those with high levels would be more willing to defend their country and even give their lives for their nation but in turn each generation with wars these numbers drop and those with lower levels breed and takeover until society falls apart, because of selfishness and greed.