Name this sport

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I'm not sure what to call this. Evidently it is a sport, one at which blacks obviously excel; it requires equipment, some athletic prowess, and is worthy of video coverage.

What is your guess for the name of this sport? Will it eventually make the Summer Olympics? I hear they are already putting teams together in France.

New sport
I wouldn't say it's a sport, more like a hobby or perhaps a latent tendency aquired at birth. It isoftenactivated or brought forth into expression after subduing naturalimpulses for too long a period of time. The stress of acting human for more than a day or two often triggers such episodes. But I would like to know how much terror and damageneedbe inflicted upon most white people before deciding to the bass-turd over?!
Sadly, no one else moved to allow her an escape route, or intervened, either. Edited by: White Shogun
At least he's advanced to the stage where he can use a primitive tool. Whether he could actually make a primitive tool is a debatable question.
Shouldn't law abiding citizens have the right to shoot people like that and be commended for it?
Under Florida's new "Castle Doctrine," yes, he could have been shot. I can find some links later, but if you want Google it for more info til then. Basically, it returns the right of true self-defense to the victim's of crime instead of the perps.
You know, I'm so used to them by now, that it really doesn't surprise me all that much. Reminds me of when orangutans go "ape sh*t", as someone once coined the term.

What would have made it even more interesting, were if the car he decided to bust up, had a marine sitting in it. The authoroties would have been scraping the remains of Leroy off the pavement.
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