Music Producer Declares War on Pop "Sleaze"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Children 'at risk from pop charts porn' from the likes of Lady Gaga says Kylie Minogue's former producer Mike Stock

By Ben Todd
Last updated at 12:53 AM on 11th August 2010

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The man who helped launch the career of Kylie Minogue yesterday condemned modern pop culture for 'sexualising' youngsters.

Mike Stock, one third of the legendary pop factory Stock, Aitken and Waterman, said: 'The music industry has gone too far. It's not about me being old fashioned. It's about keeping values that are important in the modern world.

'These days you can't watch modern stars - like Britney Spears or Lady Gaga - with a two-year-old.
Lady Gaga

'Not suitable for children': Lady Gaga in concert in St. Louis, Missouri, last month

'Ninety-nine per cent of the charts is R 'n' B and 99 per cent of that is soft pornography.'

He continued: 'Kids are being forced to grow up too young. Look at the videos. I wouldn't necessarily want my young kids to watch them.

'I would certainly be embarrassed to sit there with my mum.'
Kylie graphic

Mr Stock, 58, pictured below, was behind the rise of Miss Minogue in the late 1980s when she stormed the charts with I Should Be So Lucky.

In the accompanying video, she wore a simple black cocktail dress. The lyrics were similarly innocent.

In contrast, 24-year-old Lady Gaga, who burst on to the scene two years ago, has regularly used crude metaphors in her lyrics as well as posing in revealing outfits.

Mr Stock believes that today's children are being 'sexualised' as a result of images put out by the pop industry of stars such as Lady Gaga.

He said: 'Mothers of young children are worried because you can't control the TV remote control.

'Before children even step into school, they have all these images - the pop videos and computer games like Grand Theft Auto - confronting them and the parents can't control it. Talking to mothers' groups, they were saying that even they have lost faith in brands like Disney.
Mike Stock

At risk: Mike Stock from famous 1980s production team Stock, Aitken and Waterman says children are now being 'sexualised' by pop

'They were quite happy to put their kids in front of the telly to watch Hannah Montana but recently Miley Cyrus [who played Montana] has shown off her maturing body.'

He also attacked the launch last week of the Material Girl clothes range by Madonna's 13-year-old daughter Lourdes, which features short skirts and slashed tops.

'I'm being told by mothers of young kids they're worried by the pressure on them for their children to wear clothes and make-up at a young age.'

'Lourdes is a 13-year-old girl. Madonna may have been happy but I bet about 90 per cent of parents wouldn't be happy with that.'

As a result of these concerns, Stock has written and produced a new musical, called The Go! Go! Go! Show, which is playing in London.

He said: 'It's born out of my frustration with the way the music industry has gone.

'We've written a family-orientated show. They [the mothers' groups] have been telling me what they want - and we have been trying to deliver it.'


Oct 31, 2009
Lady Gaga is just another sold-soul illuminati puppet...a cross between Madonna & Marilyn Manson...she's plain weird! And preforming a satanic ritual on the stage ofAmerican Idol a while back; yet most ofthe sheeple had no idea.... Sad!


Jun 28, 2010
"'Mothers of young children are worried because you can't control the TV remote control. "

Then get rid of the TV. That is the best way for your kids to not have this shoved in their face 24/7. Also have some type of blocking program if they want to use the internet. It should be for educational purposes and only clean fun.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
snow said:
"'Mothers of young children are worried because you can't control the TV remote control. "
<div>Then get rid of the TV. That is the best way for your kids to not have this shoved in their face 24/7. Also have some type of blocking program if they want to use the internet. It should be for educational purposes and only clean fun. </div>

Great points, snow! Also, the parents SHOULD have control of the TV remote. Parents are too irresponsible and passive these days, but that goes without saying.
Nov 8, 2006
I was at a shopping mall (I know, I know) the other day and one of the stores was blasting some negro noise (you could hear it 200 feet away) where this negro was just mumbling "I was getting some head" over and over to a beat. It was noon on a weekend and there were children everywhere.

I think I was the only one who had a problem with it. The soccer moms with cell phones glued to their heads, the throngs of sullen "people of color" and the assorted sawed-off invaders from the south certainly didn't seem concerned.

Today's music has zero artistic value. It's just jewish pornography designed to attack the White family and encourage miscegenation, sodomy and other degeneracy. The "family values" con-servatives from our one party system are strangely silent. As a result I had to listen to some marble-mouthed negro scumbag brag about getting oral sex. It almost makes me welcome the coming collapse and the blood-bath that will follow.


May 10, 2008
Run Stuffing LB said:
Today's music has zero artistic value. It's just jewish pornography designed to attack...
The more I learn about this topic, the more a seemingly hyperbolic statement like this seems just about right.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Spot on post Run Stuffing LB. I had the unpleasant experience of listening to that songby the apartment pool courtesy of an hispanic woman's blaring radio. It represents the lowest form of "art" and is shocking to thinkthat art of that kind is what is informing society.Edited by: Alpha Male