More SPLC Demonization


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The PTB enabled, ultra Marxist SPLC has demonized legitimate groups such as the JBS, Constitution Party, We Are Change, etc. No doubt, the anti-Christian, anti-White SPLC is feeding this contrived, biased "intel" along to their pals at the DHS...

"Patriot groups define themselves as opposed to the "New World Order," engage in groundless conspiracy theorizing, or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines."

SPLC Demonizes Freedom Loving, Constitutionally Minded Americans!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Feb 5, 2010
According to Revilo Oliver the JBS is a Jewish front, actually.Edited by: Anak


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Anak said:
According to Revilo Oliver the JBS is a Jewish front, actually.

I seriously doubt that, but it's not "impossible". I think Oliver didn't like that Welsh wouldn't attack Zionism and race-minded/orient issues (as aggresively as did Oliver). Whilst Oliver made valid points on the Zionists, he also demonized Christianity (which I personally take issue with). I've been a JBS member for years, and there's much talk & exposure of the (Rothschild hatched, jew controlled) Central Banking Cartel and these endless (empire building) wars. One of the area leaders (who's home we held monthly meetings at) had a huge library of books on Globalism/the NWO, bank$ters...and also a big CSA flag in his basement.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
I remember the JBS kicked out a very honorable Southern gentleman - Tom Dover - for being the president of the Council of Conservative Citizens. Tom had given much money to the JBS and even recruited for members at his factory. The JBS said the CofCC was ...wait for it ... "racist." In fact, the Council is simply a civil rights group for the only group in Amerika that has no voice - whitey.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
LL, that's where I part ways with the JBS. I support the CofCC and any organization that stands for White rights and against the endless targeting of Whites (via the promotion of minorities or other avenues). I like much of what Alex Jones does, BUT his failure to constantly "call out" Zionism is a big negative (to me).


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Southern Poverty Law Center Takes Aim at Camp FEMA & Others

By Debbie Morgan, staff writer,, March 12, 2010

Is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) running damage control for the Federal government? In Popular Mechanics denial fashion, its Spring 2010 newsletter and newest article are all but rejecting the widespread evidence about FEMA camps and they are taking potshots at a new documentary that includes information about FEMA. Considering the plummeting approval rating of the new President and Congress, the government must be feeling the pressure of anxiety among US citizens, especially with the outright anger caused by last year's "leak" of the now-infamous MIAC (Missouri Information Analysis Center) report, the CNN attack piece on the Oath Keepers, and the fall 2009 release of the new film Camp FEMA, it seems likely that damage control is exactly what is going on.

After reading the recent rhetoric by SPLC, I think one has to ask, "What is an organization that is 'dedicated to fighting civil rights and bigotry' doing suppressing information about the interning of US citizens and FEMA's roll?" After all, "FEMA camps," as they are endearingly referred to by many, are for relocating US citizens from their homes in cases of Government-declared national emergency. Shouldn't the "civil rights" group be advocating the rights of free US citizens to STAY in their homes, if they so chose? Also, how does the film, Camp FEMA, figure as a hate or bigotry-filled film? For that matter, how does the position of the Oath Keepers and Restore the Republic fall into that category?

The William Lewis Films/Gary Franchi production opens with newsreel footage from the World War II era explaining the internment of Japanese Americans. At that time, the facilities were not referred to as "FEMA camps" (for those with questions, research REX 84), but were called War Relocation communities, as there was no Federal Emergency Management Agency at the time. What is revealed by the first two minutes of the film, however, is that of those relocated to these "communities," more than two-thirds were American citizens, a fact that sets the stage for the rest of the well-documented film.

In its March 11, 2010 offering, the SPLC also takes aim at Denver Public Television's KBDI for airing Camp FEMA during its most recent fund drive. The station's Executive Producer, Shari Bernson, told SPLC that calls about the controversial documentary were "overwhelmingly positive." Bernson and KBDI are known for presenting programming that is not your typical public television fare. But then, shouldn't "public television" be about informing the public rather than "government approved" programming? Again, the film is well documented.

Camp FEMA boasts a collection of interviews with several in the forefront of revealing government corruption and sheds light on legislation and other information about FEMA. And, while the mainstream media would have you believe that some of the guests are "wacko conspiracy theorists," more than one mainstream news talk show host has had to admit that these people have been right on the money with some of their information. In fact, many of these people are well ahead of mainstream news outlets at getting important information to the public.

SPLC's spin is less than impressive, however. From FEMA's inception, its mission statement, its absorption by the Department of Homeland Security to the National Guard ad seeking Internment Specialists (all exposed in Camp FEMA), it is really mind-blowing how the SPLC is able to overlook the interesting array of information readily available to the public.

SPLC also claims that William Lewis Films, Oath Keepers, Restore the Republic and a host of other "patriot-minded" people are militia and conspiracy minded, and, by planting the suggestion in the minds of their readers, that they might even have their roots in "white supremacy" (directly from SPLC: "Though some Patriot movement beliefs have roots in white supremacy"); yet they are nothing of the sort. If the Center had done their proper homework they would find that these people and groups only want the government to be held accountable for its egregious legislation and actions AGAINST the American people and to RETURN to a government that is aligned with our Founding Documents: the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. How, may I ask, is that "militia or conspiratorial minded" or "white supremacist?" Readers need to realize that these are the tools our government, and apparently SPLC, is using to create doubt in the minds of people unfamiliar with what is truly going on.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, the federal government and anyone else who thinks liberty-loving people looking out for their best interests are a threat need to re-read the Bill of Rights (including paying special attention to the Second Amendment) and the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence clearly states:

"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

What these people and groups want to do is to merely inform the public about reprehensible government activity and keeping the government in line; making the government live up to the dreams and desires of our Founding Fathers...Freedom...Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for ALL.

After the SPLC and anyone else has read that, they need to answer some questions:

* Why DOESN'T the SPLC and our elected-by-the-people government understand our inherent rights as US citizens?
* Why are YOU labeling freedom-loving, law-abiding United States citizens who question your motivations militia-minded or conspiracy theorists?
* Do you need the general public be in constant fear?

Those of us who hold fast to our inherent rights to freedom are no threat to anyone. That is the reason this country was founded...after all, it is our right and duty to watch our government, and to "provide new Guards for [our] future security..." if need be.

My suggestion is that all US citizens do a little research. READ the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and take a look back at our history. Look at the list of questions provided on the Camp FEMA website. Look at the mission statement of the Oath Keepers, an organization that merely wants to ABIDE by its oath to protect and defend the Constitution (something Congress and the President STILL haven't figured out how to do!). Look at the information provided on the Restore the Republic website. Ask yourself what you would like to see on your television Public television. All that will be left to do after that is to ask yourself why the SPLC weighed in on this debate.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Exposing the Southern Poverty Law Center"¦ Now It's Personal!

By Debbie Morgan, staff writer,,
Edited by Gary Franchi

March 19, 2010 â€" After recovering from the "news" that the new film Camp FEMA is somehow racist, I thought it might behoove me to take another look. Maybe the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) knows something I don't about "racism." After exploring their interesting site, it has become even more clear that they are not on the side of We-the-People. In fact, they may have been founded on some very sound principles, but their present-day agenda is profoundly more nefarious.

Indulge me for a minute please"¦my family has fought racism throughout our generations. My grandfather preached equality for ALL in churches in the South. How easy do you think that was to do? My parents did not allow us to use derogatory words, even going so far as to not allow us to use a person's skin color to describe them. I am still scarred from a battle I had at a United Methodist church in Louisiana, as a seventeen-year old girl, trying to fight racism and politics. Did the Southern Poverty Law Center bother to ask me any questions? No, they didn't. Believe me, growing up in the South in the ‘60's and ‘70's, I know a thing or two about racism!

Many news outlets use the Southern Poverty Law Center to comment on racial issues. There are several; CBS, FoxNews, CNN, the New York Times, Newsweek, the Washington Post, the Associated Press, and more. A group that focuses on hate, The SPLC issues quarterly "reports" about hate"¦groups, actions, people. In its Spring 2010 Intelligence Report, they claim to have identified 512 "Patriot" groups in the US. (What is wrong with a "Patriot" group?) In their defense, the SPLC does say that being categorized as a "patriot group" does not mean these "groups" advocate violence or hate. Why, then, list them at all? Are they trying to put something in the public's mind about these "groups?"Â

The SPLC, the MIAC Report and the Federal government have perverted the true definition of patriot. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a "patriot" as someone "who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests." The SPLC says that these groups "define themselves" as "opposed to the ‘New World Order,' engage in groundless conspiracy theorizing, or advocate or adhere to extreme antigovernment doctrines."Â

Shouldn't Americans be opposed to a "New World Order"Â? A "New World Order"Â would be against our sovereignty as both a free country and free individuals. It has also been presented time and again by US officials, as well as foreign leaders, including Gordon Brown of England, who alluded to, and outright commented on, the New World Order many times. In 1991, Former President Bush, Sr. gave a speech in which we would be "forging for ourselves and others a New World Order,"Â where, oddly enough, he says the "rule of law"Â will govern. He further talks about the United Nations. The United States has a great "Rule of Law,"Â the Constitution, yet our elected officials ignore, circumvent, and issue "Presidential Signing Statements"Â to avoid that law, and have, since the beginning of our country. This idea is not as far-fetched as the SPLC would have you believe and the SPLC would have you look the other way while they defame the true defenders of the "Rule of Law"Â.

Engaged in "groundless conspiracy theories" is the SPLC's opinion and lacks the journalistic integrity to be included in an "intelligence report"Â. Plus, exactly to which "conspiracy theories" do they refer"¦or are they referring to ANY questioning of the Federal Government as conspiracy theories? I hate to point it out, but in the United States, we are governed by the consent of the people, so the people are supposed to be in charge, and it is our duty to question what we 1) think does not add up, 2) do not understand, and 3) anything else that threatens our inherent rights granted to us by our Creator.

Of course, one of the "theories"Â to which they refer has to be the questions surrounding September 11, 2001. There are legitimate questions surrounding that particular event, and if the government wanted to shut up these particular "conspiracies,"Â all they would have to do is provide answers. In a BBC production from several years ago, Former Florida Senator Bob Graham (who co-chaired the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11) said, "I can just state that within 9/11 there are too many secrets, that is information that has not been made available to the public for which there are specific, tangible, credible answers and that withholding of those secrets has eroded public confidence in their government as it relates to their own security."Â Graham was/is right, of course, as the numbers of those who have honest questions about 9/11 are still growing.

Another "groundless conspiracy theory"Â is that surrounding the afore-mentioned New World Order. At the Spring 2009 G20 Summit, England's Brown pushed the global community into a New World Order. The discussion of our financial system coming under the regulation of the International Monetary Fund had Dick Morris and Sean Hannity realizing that one of the concerns of the "New World Order conspiracy theorists"Â was actually happening. In affect, these "theorists"Â had been "right"Â all along.

Yet another "conspiracy theory" was "Gulf War Illness." Since the first Gulf War, veterans have been extremely ill and the government steadily denied "gulf war syndrome," favoring to diagnosing these extremely ill men and women with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). But the government could no longer deny the existence of "Gulf War Illness," almost 20 years later, when a federal report published in December 2008 acknowledged that there was, indeed, an actual illness related to the 1990/91 Gulf War. From an article revealing the report: "The 452-page report states that ‘scientific evidence leaves no question that Gulf War illness is a real condition with real causes and serious consequences for affected veterans.'"Â

Let's move on to the SPLC's claim of "antigovernment"Â extremism. One of the things that those so-called "antigovernment"Â agendas have in common is their love for country, love for freedom and love for our "Founding Documents,"Â which includes the Constitution. One must wonder how the SPLC can possibly think these groups are antigovernment when they hold so dearly to the Constitution! What these groups are against is an over-reaching, power-grabbing, intrusive government, a government that will not uphold the "rule of law!"Â What these groups are looking for is the government as defined in the Constitution of the United States of America. What is so wrong with that? It's what our Founding Fathers fought and died for! Isn't that the government that spurred the forging and forming of our country?

It is worth mentioning that maybe the SPLC got its definition of "antigovernment"Â or better yet, "patriot"Â from the government itself. In 2001, a pamphlet originating from the Phoenix FBI Office shocked people everywhere. This pamphlet tries to make us think that those who "defend the US Constitution"Â or those who "make numerous references to the US Constitution"Â are potentially dangerous. Even so, can't an organization that is looked to for information make an educated decision about who could be dangerous without relying on an out-of-control government?

This brings me to what happened last summer. While the SPLC was investigating organizations like the Oath Keepers, the Liberty Restoration Project and We are Change, or people like Alex Jones, Gary Franchi and others, why wasn't the SPLC "investigating"Â the FBI? Did they forget about radio host Hal Turner? Turner was a white supremacist that happened to be an asset to the federal government. When is the SPLC planning to investigate Federal government? If there is one "Hal Turner,"Â there must be others. Who are they? How many more "Hal Turners"Â are inciting hate and violence at the Government's direction? Does the SPLC know the answer? Are they "investigating"Â that?

Recent comments made by Dr Heidi Beirich lead me to now ask, is the SPLC going to investigate one of their own? Dr. Beirich took the "opportunity"Â to call Gary Franchi "insane"Â and Alex Jones a "lunatic"Â and accuse Jones of "inspiring"Â the murder of three police officers in Pittsburgh last year. In response, Franchi says, "It is irrational to assume that because you are unhappy with the government you encourage people to become violent towards individual government employees."Â When did questioning the government make you racist or a promoter of hate, and, now, someone who inspires murder? AND, what did Turner inspire, BACKED BY the government?

What is SPLC's real agenda? They obviously do not promote freedom of speech unless you agree with their rhetoric. Maybe I will borrow words from readers of SPLC's Spring article slamming Camp FEMA and Colorado's KBDI: "How does wanting a new 9/11 investigation equate to hate speech?"Â or "What does Camp FEMA have to do with hate? It actually exposes hate"Â or "Those who feel this is hatred must also feel our founding fathers were bigots"Â or better yet, if you "don't like programs that edge towards the truth keep listening to your elected officials and the mainstream media!"Â (Remembering that the approval rating for both is EXTREMELY low!) People should demand that the Southern Poverty Law Center come clean with their new agenda of pushing hate, because it is clear the SPLC has strayed far from the sound principles of their founding.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer