More Pro Sodomite "PC" BS


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Pure cultural marxist horse manure...

Lesbian Insults Get Comic Fined

Updated: Thursday, 21 Apr 2011, 8:48 PM EDT

(NewsCore) - VANCOUVER -- A Canadian comic has been ordered to pay CA$15,000 (US$15,745) to a woman he taunted along with her same-sex partner during a show in a Vancouver restaurant three years ago, the Vancouver Sun reported Thursday.

Stand-up comedian Guy Earl was ordered to pay the money to Lorna Pardy, 32, while the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal also ordered the Vancouver restaurant owner, Salam Ishmail, to pay her $7,500.

Pardy said Earle directed homophobic and sexist insults at her when she was a patron, and he was the master of ceremonies at an open mic comedy show at the restaurant in 2007.

Earle said he will appeal the ruling and that all he did was insult audience members who insulted him first. He also denied that he said some of the things he has been accused of, said Pardy threw a drink in his face and argued that the tribunal had no jurisdiction to hear the case.

Tribunal member Murray Geiger-Adams said Earle repeated vulgar language in public and attacked Pardy's identity and dignity as a woman and a lesbian and ordered the payment for lost wages and for injury to dignity, feelings and self respect.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Soon coming to a U.S. state near you!
Nov 8, 2006
I'd suggest creating a list of people you're not allowed to make jokes about, but it would be probably easier to list the ones you are allowed to mock: straight, White, Christian males. Edited by: Run Stuffing LB


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Don't forget to add White Southerners to that list, RSLB.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Cultmarx AJC hack Jeff Schultz implies termination should be warranted for Braves pitching coach Roger McDowell after he dare show backbone to some "San F@gsissyco" sodomites.

Roger McDowell lucky to be suspended only two weeks

1:15 pm May 1, 2011, by Jeff Schultz

Braves pitching coach Roger McDowell will escape with only a two-week suspension.

Braves pitching coach Roger McDowell will escape with only a two-week suspension.

This would be a good day for Roger McDowell to play the lottery. He'll never be luckier than he is right now.

McDowell has been suspended for two weeks without pay and fined an undisclosed amount for alleged anti-gay slurs and his inappropriate conduct toward fans in San Francisco last week. He also has been ordered to take sensitivity training.

Say thank you, Roger.

Baseball commissioner Bud Selig â€" who last week suspended Ozzie Guillen two games for something as trivial as Tweeting â€" could have slammed McDowell.

I've heard from several readers who believe the Braves should have fired him. I wasn't in that camp, but I do believe a suspension of at least 30 games was in order.

"I understand the decision made today by the commissioner,"Â￾ McDowell said in a statement. "I am embarrassed by my actions and I plan to give a personal apology to Mr. [Justin] Quinn and his family. I would also like to offer a public and heartfelt apology to the fans of San Francisco, to the Atlanta Braves organization, my family and to Major League Baseball."Â￾

The official news release did not give specifics of McDowell's exchange with fans. But neither did it dispute anything that has been reported or brought out at Quinn's news conference last week. Allegations include various homophobic slurs, a crude joke involving a baseball bat and an exchange with Quinn, a father of two, who claimed McDowell said to him, "How much are your teeth worth?"Â￾

A story in Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle quoted another fan that corroborated many of Quinn's claims.

In short, it is alleged McDowell spewed anti-gay remarks and made a quasi-threat to a fan. Whether he was joking or not, that can't be tolerated.

Certainly, nobody was coming to McDowell's defense Sunday. Even Braves team president John Schuerholz said, "We are clearly disappointed in Roger's remarks and actions and the Atlanta Braves organization does not tolerate that kind of behavior."Â￾

McDowell's two-week suspension is retroactive to last Friday, which means he can return on Friday the 13th (go figure) against Philadelphia. It's a little sooner than some might have expected.

Say thank you, Roger.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Canadian interpretation of hate crimes laws are very, very liberal. If you are a Holocaust denier you can be prosecuted for that "crime". If you say certain ethnic groups control the media, you can be prosecuted for that "crime". This however is even crazy by that interpretation.....
Edited by: white is right


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The USMC is collectively demoralized by the cultmarx pro-sodomite propaganda & agenda...

Marines get trained on accepting gay recruits


Jay Milinichik AP â€" United States Marine Sgt. Jay Milinichik asks a question during a training session to familiarize Marines "¦

By ELLIOT SPAGAT, Associated Press Elliot Spagat, Associated Press â€" Thu Apr 28, 6:08 pm ET

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. â€" Marine instructor Maj. Daryl Desimone stood before an auditorium filled with fatigue-clad troops, carrying an unequivocal message: It's OK to disagree with letting gays serve openly in the military. It's not OK to disobey orders.

He explained that the impending repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" is an order, one heard by generals and rank-and-file alike as the military tries to change the culture of a traditionally conservative institution.

Only a few of the roughly 150 Marines stepped up to ask questions.

One stood up from a back row and demanded to know why his religious beliefs were being "put aside" in favor of gays, forcing him to "basically grit my teeth and bear it."

"It's not really open to discussion," Desimone said. "Nobody's trying to change your mind."

Sexual orientation will now be a private matter, just like religion or politics, he said.

Sgt. Jay Milinichik of Tulsa, Okla., stood up to ask what would happen if a Marine refused gay roommates.

Marines won't have separate barracks or showers based on sexual orientation, Desimone said. He added that signing up for the Marines comes with an expectation of less privacy.

That said, officers may decide to separate roommates to preserve peace, just like they do now when roommates argue.

Marines will not be allowed an early discharge for opposing the policy but exceptions will be considered, Desimone said.

"You can't just walk up and say, `I don't like this. I'm outa here,'" he said.

Classes like Thursday's for the Combat Logistics Regiment 17 of the 1st Marine Logistics Group are being held at military bases around the world. The Marines expect to finish training by June 1, with all military branches done by summer's end.

The repeal of the 17-year "don't ask, don't tell" policy would go into effect 60 days after the president, defense secretary and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff certify that lifting the ban won't hurt the military's ability to fight.

Gen. James Amos, the Marine Corps commandant, testified last year that permitting gays to openly serve could disrupt smaller combat units and distract leaders from preparing for battle.

When he appeared this month before the House Armed Services Committee, he said he had been looking for problems that might arise under the new policy and hadn't found any "recalcitrant pushback."

"There has not been the anxiety over it from the forces in the field," he said.

In small group discussions, Marines are being asked to consider their reactions to a wide range of scenarios, from seeing a member "hanging around" a gay bar to hearing locker-room jokes from others who refuse to shower in front of gays.

There is nothing wrong with "hanging around" a gay bar, the training materials state.

The officer who witnesses the loud locker-room banter aimed at gays and lesbians should remind the Marines any discrimination or harassment is inappropriate.

If a Marine spots two men in his battalion kissing off-duty at a shopping mall, he should react as if he were seeing a man and woman, according to the training materials.

If he turns on the television news to see a fellow Marine dressed as a civilian and marching in a parade with a banner that reads, "Support Gays and Lesbians in the Military!" he should accept it as a free right of expression.

A top-notch Marine recruiter opposed to the new policy cannot refuse a promising applicant because of sexual orientation. The recruiter might be considered for another assignment or, at the Navy secretary's discretion, might be granted early discharge.

Chaplains who preach at base chapels that homosexuality is a sin are entitled to express their beliefs during worship.

At Thursday's class at Camp Pendleton, there were several questions about benefits.

Desimone said Marines must follow federal law that only recognizes marriage between a man and woman, disqualifying gays from housing allowances and other benefits afforded to married couples.

But he pondered a scenario in which a gay couple would be allowed to live in military base housing because they have children and the partner is a custodial parent.

"There are inconsistencies," he said. "Anyone who looks at it logically will see there are some things that need to be worked out."

After class, Petty Officer William Evans of Riverside, Calif., said he was a bit "blindsided" when the repeal was announced. The hospital corpsman lives off the base, but said he would feel uncomfortable sharing barracks with a gay man.

"Of course, it's not something that everyone's going to be comfortable with, but we'll have to deal with it," he said.

Cpl. Vannessa Huff of Spring Valley, N.Y., said she was confident of a "smooth transition." Sexual orientation of other Marines is irrelevant in combat, she said.

"It would matter that I would save their lives, and they would save mine," Huff said. "We all wear the same uniform."

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I bet Cpl. Vannessa Huff couldn't carry a 250 pound man off the battlefield after he was shot. Who the heck is she to be saying what does or does not matter? Just like every other national institution, the USMC has gone to the PC, cult-marx dogs. Sickening!