More H1N1/Swine Flu Propaganda


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
No way I am getting a swine flu shot, I just got very sick a few months ago from a tetanus shot and my shoulder and neck are still not 100%. I almost died from the small pox vaccination I got in the army about 20 years ago and came down with a 105 degree fever and hospitalized for a week smack dab in the middle of my basic training. So I pretty much don't trust vaccines of any kind even a flu shot which by the way made me sick the last time I had one of those.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
guest301 said:
No way I am getting a swine flu shot, I just got very sick a few months ago from a tetanus shot and my shoulder and neck are still not 100%. I almost died from the small pox vaccination I got in the army about 20 years ago and came down with a 105 degree fever and hospitalized for a week smack dab in the middle of my basic training. So I pretty much don't trust vaccines of any kind even a flu shot which by the way made me sick the last time I had one of those.

I am always skeptical of shots or vaccines as well and would certainly fight any mandated by the government. Thanks guest for sharing your personal experience with these things as I am curious to hear more opinions.

Hopefully, it will never come to the day where I must convince my family and friends not to take these deadly vaccines.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
I was talking with someone yesterday who has two children that came down with swine flu. Both are pre-school, so she was naturally highly stressed. Well, within 3 days they were over the illness and were only mildly sick. She said the doctor told her the typical seasonal flu is worst than the swine flu. Still, I thought the big concern was about the young without much previous exposure to flu viruses.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Freethinker said:
guest301 said:
No way I am getting a swine flu shot, I just got very sick a few months ago from a tetanus shot and my shoulder and neck are still not 100%. I almost died from the small pox vaccination I got in the army about 20 years ago and came down with a 105 degree fever and hospitalized for a week smack dab in the middle of my basic training. So I pretty much don't trust vaccines of any kind even a flu shot which by the way made me sick the last time I had one of those.

I am always skeptical of shots or vaccines as well and would certainly fight any mandated by the government. Thanks guest for sharing your personal experience with these things as I am curious to hear more opinions.

Hopefully, it will never come to the day where I must convince my family and friends not to take these deadly vaccines.

Your welcome, freethinker. The more people that share personal experiences like that the less the goverment can get away with these scare tactics.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I don't think they fine for not taking the vaccines but for refusing a quarentine.

I seriously doubt there will be any jail time, there's no room in jails right now and they won't want to put sick people in jail.

Also none of these laws have been passed but it's good to stay on watch so that they DON'T get passed.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Maryland Governor calls taking toxic vaccine "patriotic duty"...more outright (Orwellian, eugenics minded) propaganda.

Maryland Gov Says Taking Toxic Vaccination is "Patriotic Duty"Â￾

Kurt Nimmo
September 3, 2009

Government demands on the people never end. Once you give in to government, you may as well lay down and let them walk all over you. In fact, you may as well let them kill you.

Democrat Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley wants to kill or make seriously ill the subjects of his state, although he may not realize it. On Wednesday, according to the Washington Post, O'Malley said it was residents' "patriotic duty"Â￾ to take the toxic and deadly fly shot. Maryland residents are to serve as guinea pigs. O'Malley says taking a worthless seasonal flu shot makes it easier for health officials to determine if outbreaks are related to H1N1.

If residents do not get vaccinated against seasonal strains and later get sickened by them as a result, there will be little way to determine if those falling ill this fall and winter have been infected by less worrisome strains, or by the more contagious H1N1 virus, O'Malley said.

In other words, for the efficacy of the state and the sake of bureaucrats, you will line up and get injected with triton X-100 (a detergent), polysorbate 80 (a carcinogen), formaldehyde, dangerous microorganisms, gelatin (causes allergic reactions and anaphylaxis) and the ever-present neurotoxin thimerosal, that is to say mercury. There is plenty of evidence that flu shots are linked to brain injury, autoimmune disease, and Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

"You'll be doing your patriotic duty to get your seasonal flu shot this year,"Â￾ O'Malley said. If you've never received one, "by golly, this is a very good year to do it for the first time,"Â￾ he said.

It would seem O'Malley is taking his marching orders directly from the insidious vaccine cartel and Big Pharma. He is either completely ignorant of the dangerous side effects of vaccines or he is involved in the criminal plan to make seriously ill and kill untold number of Marylanders.

Maryland's swine-flu vaccination campaign is like a "military operation,"Â￾ according to John M. Colmers, secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene. He told the Post the state is waiting for "precise directions"Â￾ from the CDC before injecting pregnant women, school-age children, toddlers and others. "If it's pregnant women, we'll send those initial doses directly to OB/GYN and others who specialize in their care. If it's children less than 4 years old, we'll send them straight to pediatricians' offices,"Â￾ said Greg Reed, head of the Maryland Center for Immunization. Seasonal flu shots are not just for seniors anymore.

"Vaccination of healthy adults only reduced risk of influenza by 6%, and reduced the number of missed work days by less than one day (0.16). It did not change the number of people needing to go to a hospital or take time off work,"Â￾ the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews reported in 2006. In a review of 64 studies in 98 flu seasons, for elderly living in nursing homes, flu shots were non-significant for preventing the flu. For elderly living in the community, vaccines were not significantly effective against influenza or pneumonia. In a review of 51 studies involving more than 294,000 children, it was found there was "no evidence that injecting children 6 to 24 months of age with a flu shot was any more effective than a placebo. In children over the age of 2 years, it was effective only 33% of the time in preventing the flu.

In fact, children who get the flu vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than children who do not get the vaccine, according to the American Thoracic Society's International Conference, held May 15-20, 2009, in San Diego.

There is evidence flu shots actually spread influenza. "Not only does the shot manipulate the immune system, it contains foreign microorganisms that can easily replicate in the body. It is ridiculous for the CDC to say that none of these germs are contagious. There are many well-respected health experts who believe that the number of people coming down with the flu would be drastically reduced if flu shots weren't administered. One of the best ways to avoid the flu is to stay away from people who have it. This includes staying away from those who have recently received a flu shot,"Â￾ writes Greg Ciola.

Both the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security take orders from the United Nations. The UN's Biodiversity Assessment on Sustainable Human Population calls for a massive reduction in world population.

Canadian doctor Ghislaine Lanctôt, author of the Medical Mafia, takes this one step further. She says the coming H1N1 shot is a biomedical weapon of mass destruction. The virus will be used in a pandemic concocted and orchestrated by the WHO, an international organization that serves military, political and industrial interests, warns Lanctôt. The virus will be used specifically as a eugenics weapon for "massive and targeted reduction of the world population."Â￾ A pandemic will also be used to further establish martial law and a police state.

In the weeks ahead, expect more government officials to exploit the patriotism of the American people in order to line them up like complacent cattle for their toxic eugenics shots. As more and more people learn about the serious dangers of ineffective flu shots and refuse to take them, the government may resort to vaccination at gunpoint.

Massachusetts is leading the charge. It is steamrolling a bill through the state Senate and House that will force vaccinations on state resident and allow the government to declare martial law in the event of a pandemic. The bill would allow the government to quarantine people against their will and permit the state to enter property without a search warrant and destroy the property without a court order

***Reference article...Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Great post Dixie Destroyer. Thanks for the information.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More sheer (bogus) UN propaganda, claiming H1N1 to kill millions and result in anarchy...

Swine flu 'could kill millions unless rich nations give £900m'

UN report says pandemic may result in anarchy unless western world pays for antiviral drugs and vaccines

Rajeev Syal
The Observer, Sunday 20 September 2009

The swine flu pandemic could kill millions and cause anarchy in the world's poorest nations unless £900m can be raised from rich countries to pay for vaccines and antiviral medicines, says a UN report leaked to the Observer.

The disclosure will provoke concerns that health officials will not be able to stem the growth of the worldwide H1N1 pandemic in developing countries. If the virus takes hold in the poorest nations, millions could die and the economies of fragile countries could be destroyed.

Health ministers around the globe were sent the warning on Thursday in a report on the costs of averting a humanitarian disaster in the next few months. It comes as officials inside the World Health Organisation, the UN's public health body, said they feared they would not be able to raise half that amount because of the global downturn.

Gregory Hartl of WHO said the report required an urgent response from rich nations. "There needs to be recognition that the whole world is affected by this pandemic and the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. We have seen how H1N1 has taken hold in richer nations and in the southern hemisphere. We have been given fair warning and must act soon," he said.

The report was drawn up by UN officials over the last two months. It was commissioned in July after Ban ki-moon, the UN's secretary general, expressed concern that the H1NI virus could have a severe impact on the world's poorest countries.

It paints a disastrous picture for the world's most vulnerable people unless there is immediate action. "There is a window in which it will be possible to help poor countries get as ready as they can for H1N1 and that window is closing rapidly," it says.

"Countries where health services are overburdened by diseases, such as HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and malaria, will have great difficulty managing the surge of cases. And if the electricity and water sectors are not able to maintain services, this will have serious implications for the ability of the health sector to function.

"If suppliers of fuel, food, telecommunications, finance or transport services have not developed plans as to how they would continue to deliver their services, the consequences could be significantly intensified," it adds.

The 47-page report provides a detailed breakdown of the basic needs of 75 vulnerable countries with the weakest capacity to withstand an escalation of the virus. Six countries from Latin America, including Cuba and Bolivia, 21 countries from Asia and the Pacific such as North Korea and Bangladesh, and 40 countries from Africa such as Congo and Eritrea are included in the survey.

UN officials say in the report that £700m should be spent on antiviral drugs and vaccines to protect health care workers and other essential personnel as well as cover those suffering from severe illness. They have identified 85 countries that do not have the ability to access vaccines from any other source and intend to cover 5-10% of each population.

A further £147m should be put aside to organise vaccine campaigns, improve communications, monitor levels of illness and improve laboratory capacity in 61 countries, the report claims. The remainder should be used to pay for the WHO and other UN-related organisations to help in these countries as well as an emergency fund for additional antiviral medicines, it argues.

The UN's efforts were boosted last week when nine countries, including Britain and the US, pledged to give the equivalent of a 10% share of their swine flu vaccine supply to help fight the deadly virus's global spread. In Britain, Douglas Alexander, the development secretary, pledged to give £23m.

Some officials within WHO believe, however, that this will not be enough. One said that richer countries were reluctant to pay out all of the money that was needed. "The downturn means that governments countries are reluctant to give," he said.

Another said: "The money is a trickle, not a flood. It is going to be a struggle. If we are not careful, the virus could destroy a burgeoning economy or democracy."

The UN's request for the money comes as the virus begins to establish itself in some of the world's most vulnerable countries. On Wednesday, health officials told one website that the African continent had recorded 8,187 confirmed cases of swine flu and 41 deaths.

Swine flu was declared a pandemic in June and has since been identified in 180 countries. Pandemic experts believe that the western world, including Britain, is facing a second wave of the virus.

***Reference article...Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
DixieDestroyer said:
More sheer (bogus) UN propaganda, claiming H1N1 to kill millions and result in anarchy...

Swine flu 'could kill millions unless rich nations give £900m'

What does needing money from 'rich' nations have to do with America?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Looks like the castrated sheeple are being duped by the Eugenicists' propaganda...and receiving their mercury/neurotoxins like good little slaves...

CVS, Walgreen Have Spot Flu-Vaccine Shortages as Demand Surges

By Carol Wolf and Tom Randall

Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) -- CVS Caremark Corp. and Walgreen Co., the two largest U.S. drugstore chains, are experiencing spot shortages of seasonal-flu vaccines because of increased demand.

CVS MinuteClinics in Austin, Texas, and New York ran out of the seasonal-flu vaccine within the past week before restocking, according to calls to 13 stores by Bloomberg News. Calls to eight Walgreen stores in Manhattan on Oct. 5 determined none had it at the time. There are also shortages in the South and Southeast, said James Cohn, a Walgreen spokesman.

Demand for seasonal-flu vaccinations has soared because of public awareness of the H1N1 virus, known as swine flu, Cohn said. Walgreen administered twice as many doses in September as in the entire 2008 flu season, he said. CVS's clinics have vaccinated a "significantly higher number of people"Â￾ than last year, said Michael DeAngelis, a spokesman.

"We are experiencing very high demand for seasonal-flu shots and we are working closely with multiple suppliers to meet this demand on a day-to-day basis,"Â￾ DeAngelis said in an e-mail yesterday. "When we experience isolated shortages of vaccine supply, we do all we can to replenish these locations."Â￾

Seasonal-flu vaccines don't prevent swine flu, according to the Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The first doses of swine flu vaccine in the U.S. were given to health-care workers and children this week.

Walgreen administered 2.5 million seasonal-flu vaccine doses last month, more than twice the 1.2 million it gave out from Oct. 1, 2008, through Feb. 28, Cohn said.

Working With Suppliers

"We are encouraging consumers to get vaccinated early,"Â￾ Cohn said by telephone.

CVS, based in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, rose 29 cents to $36.48 yesterday in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. Deerfield, Illinois-based Walgreen, the second-biggest drugstore chain, fell 19 cents to $39.45. Rite Aid Corp., the third- biggest, declined 4 cents to $1.56.

CVS shares have gained 27 percent this year, compared with a gain of 60 percent for Walgreen and a more than fivefold jump for Camp Hill, Pennsylvania-based Rite Aid.

While Rite Aid hasn't had any seasonal-flu vaccine shortages, it also hasn't yet received all its ordered doses, Cheryl Slavinsky, a company spokeswoman, said by telephone.

Shortages at doctors' offices and health clinics have also been reported in Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Vermont, according to the Web sites of local newspapers including the Addison County Independent in Vermont, the Grand Forks Herald of North Dakota and the Star Tribune in Minneapolis.

A Few Weeks Behind

Paris-based Sanofi-Aventis SA, a supplier of seasonal-flu vaccines in the U.S., said delays are causing shortages in some areas. Sanofi is "a few weeks"Â￾ behind schedule, and has distributed more than 30 million of its allocated 50.5 million doses to the U.S., spokeswoman Donna Cary said.

"Everyone wants their vaccine now,"Â￾ Cary said by telephone. "Whether everybody is trying to get the vaccine early this year or if there's truly an increase in demand has yet to be determined.

"Every single customer that we have has gotten at least their initial shipment from us."Â￾

Five vaccine suppliers -- Sanofi, London-based AstraZeneca Plc and GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Basel, Switzerland-based Novartis AG and CSL Ltd. of Australia -- are making 114 million seasonal- flu doses and 251 million swine flu doses for the U.S., according to the Health and Human Services Department.

More Vaccine Available

"The good news is that we have more seasonal-flu vaccine out than we typically would this time of year,"Â￾ Anne Schuchat, head of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC, said on a conference call yesterday. "The bad news is that more people want it than can seem to be able to get it."Â￾

More doses are being shipped, and over the next few weeks, there will be enough for everyone who wants to get vaccinated, she said.

"We wish we had more vaccine for everybody who's looking for it and for providers who are trying to get it,"Â￾ said Schuchat.

Some manufacturers have shifted their efforts to focus on making the swine flu vaccine available, Schuchat said. Almost all of the flu circulating in the U.S. is the pandemic H1N1 strain, the CDC reported on its Web site.

Swine flu continued to sweep across the country last week, with widespread illness reported in 37 states, the CDC reported. About 4,500 people have died of swine flu since the virus emerged in April, the World Health Organization said yesterday.

The first H1N1 vaccinations this week were administered as part of the world's biggest influenza prevention program. About 6.8 million doses were available as of Oct. 8, the CDC said.

***Reference article...
Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
CBS had a video report ((H1N1 Cases Overestimated?) with some attention-getting figures concerning H1N1. Only a small percentages of tested cases of illness with flu-like symptoms are actually swine flu the report reveals, and the CDC advised states to stop testing for H1NI back in July.

Dr. Joseph Mercola has been on top of the situation. He is anti-vaccination, so you might say he is biased, he does present a good case that the government is involved in a misinformation campaign.

CBS Reveals that Swine Flu Cases Seriously Overestimated

<a href="" target="_blank">"The New 'Twilight Zone' --
Obama Declares Swine Flu Emergency"</a>


Apr 13, 2005
From Lew Rockwell:

What's Behind the False Flag Flu Emergency?

by Bill Sardi

Recently by Bill Sardi: Where Are the Vaccine Pied Pipers Leading Us?

On Friday I stood before an audience in Phoenix, Arizona and attempted to shock them with something similar to a repeat of Orson Welles' War Of The Worlds radio broadcast, a 1938 Halloween night radio announcement that said, in a series of news bulletins, Martians had landed on the earth. The public cowered in fear then, even when Welles announced it was just a radio drama, not reality.

The contrived crisis I created was the President of the United States had just announced a national emergency because of a massive number of deaths attributed to a fast-spreading strain of flu virus that had combined with a mortal form of flu virus. My hand was shaking as I read the announcement. People in the audience thought it was real. The audience began to squirm and wonder, before I finished my melodrama, just how they were going to return home without having to undergo forced vaccination at the airport.

They were relieved when I told them this crisis was purely fictional. I added the announcement for just such a contrived crisis was probably already programmed into the President's teleprompter. Little did I know how true these words were to become.

To my surprise, on the afternoon of the following day (Saturday), the President of the United States had indeed declared a national emergency due to 1000 reported flu deaths, 100 of them among children. These deaths had occurred over the past eight months.

But 1000 accumulated deaths would be far fewer than the mortality figures the Centers for Disease Control distributes â€" estimated at 36,000 annual flu deaths. Federal health authorities lump pneumonia deaths among the elderly with flu-related deaths to falsely inflate flu mortality figures. My own guesstimate is that only about 6000 flu-related deaths actually occur each year, but even using this figure for comparison, this year's flu outbreak appears weak. An estimated 20,000 hospitalizations have been reported since this pandemic flu strain began in March of 2009, which amounts to only about 625 hospitalizations per week spread among more than 5 thousand hospitals.

Earlier in the week CBS News reported that, five months after this unique strain of the flu had begun to spread in Mexico in March of 2009, the H1N1 pandemic flu strain only comprised 1â€"2% of the flu viruses in circulation by July. Yet there were massive preparations being made for a major flu pandemic without sufficient justification. Today the Centers for Disease Control says the H1N1 pandemic flu strain represents 99% of the flu cases that are typed laboratory confirmed. Just exactly which numbers are correct, if any, now come into question.

According to CBS News, only 11 million doses of flu have been administered, with millions more to arrive late, sometime in mid-November. Time Magazine reports about 30 million available doses, so that could mean up to two-thirds of the currently available vaccine is going unused.

A reimbursement crisis, not a health crisis

A follow-up report, published in the Sunday edition of the San Francisco Chronicle, says the emergency declaration issued by The White House has more to do with Medicare and Medicaid regulations dealing with hospitals. With the national emergency declared, hospitals have more flexibility to set up separate or even outdoor treatment areas.

The emergency appears to deal more with hospitals and their ability to get paid by federal health authorities. An article in the New York Times confirms that federal rules do not allow hospitals to establish treatment areas more than 250 yards from emergency rooms. "Tents are 300 yards or more away, typically federal dollars won't go to pay for treatment."

So the emergency appears to be financial â€" making sure hospitals meet federal requirements so they can get paid by Medicaid or Medicare, rather than any true health crisis.

The San Francisco Chronicle article said "White House officials were quick to note that the emergency declaration does not signify an increase in severity of the national H1N1 outbreak." But the article kept referring to all the deaths, when there appear to be fewer mortal cases of the flu in the past 8 months than prior flu seasons.

Journalists and health officials sound more duplicitous as they attempt to explain the need for the emergency declaration. Here is how the San Francisco Chronicle described it:

"Art Reingold, head of epidemiology at UC Berkeley, said the declaration doesn't mean that the national outbreak is 'any worse than it was yesterday or last week'."

"It's difficult to get the right message across to people," Reingold said. "There's this balance between the flu is important and people should be vaccinated, but you don't want an overreaction."

But once again, according to federal officials, there is little or no vaccine available.

Civil liberties threatened?

An article in the Christian Science Monitor (ASM) was more concerned that such a contrived emergency could be a veiled way to overrun civil liberties. The ASM article quoted Harold Relyea, a specialist in national government with the Congressional Research Service, who said:

"When the President formally declares a national emergency, he may seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law, seize and control all transportation and communication, regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel and, in a variety of ways, control the lives of United States citizens."

Few news sources were critical of the declared emergency, but expect more reporters to express skepticism over its need and to question its intent.

An article in the New Hampshire Union Leader said: "But the way the U.S. government has been handling the new flu strain, technically named H1N1, has been less than reassuring."

What to do now?

Misdirection, overreaction and lack of preparedness by public health officials is a clear indication to the public that they cannot totally rely upon potentially problematic vaccines or anti-viral drugs to defend themselves against the flu.

An ignored approach to controlling infectious disease is to address the immune status of the population. The public should utilize bona fide immune boosters such as vitamin D and vitamin C, and take nutrients that are documented to reduce the duration and severity of the disease which include vitamin E, the trace mineral selenium, the sulfur compound NAC, and elderberry.

In 2005 researchers in Rome, Italy wondered what backup treatment could be used in the event vaccines were unavailable or were ineffective against a fast mutating flu virus that had developed resistance to vaccines or anti-viral drugs like Tamiflu or Relenza.

Flu viruses require a host cell to replicate. The Italian researchers report that resveratrol, known as a red wine molecule, completely blocks entry of flu viruses into the cell nucleus in animals at a human equivalent dose of ~70 milligrams. [Journal Infectious Disease 2005 May 15; 191(10):1719â€"29] So the virus would enter the lungs, antibodies would still be generated to produce long-term immunity, but the virus could not duplicate into millions of daughter virions as it normally does. Resveratrol works on closing the cellular doorway rather than destroying the virus itself. Therefore it is a totally non-toxic approach to control of influenza viruses. Furthermore, resveratrol does not provoke viral resistance.

In contrast, anti-viral drugs like oseltamivir (Tamiflu) allow viruses to enter cellular machinery to produce copies of the flu virus and then inhibits their exit from the cell via inhibition of the enzyme neuraminidase. So host cells are flooded with copies of the virus. This approach is not ideal as it can lead to drug-induced side effects which have been widely reported.

October 27, 2009