mixed - kids


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Many White Nationalists, myself included are hoping our bretheren wake up to the plight concerning us as a people. Our side has had more avenues of expression opened largely because of the internet. But I've noticed something during this long hot summer. In every family event I've been to,whethera birthday party, wedding or any large gathering, there is ALWAYS a number of children and babies who are mixed racially. Usually, it's an unmarried whitegirl with a Negro or Mexican child but more and more you'llsee affluent white men with Asian wives and mixed offspring. Another common sight is that of a grandmother pushing along a baby stroller, beaming with pride over the Negro her drug addicted, beaten up Ho daughter has vomited from her womb.

These people will not be inclined to listen to the message much less be of any help. I speak from experience. Everyday there are more and more mixed children being born to foolish white women who dump their litter off at gramma's house to be clothed and fed, while Suzie Slut does a few more brothers. It's pathetic.
Low birth rates + massive non-white immigration + miscegenation = the end of our race....
I can't worry about the choices other people make because I cannot control them. But from my experience every white woman/black man relationship I know has ended poorly. It is an unforgiveable sin that society shields this fact from young white women so they can make an informed choice.

It points out the necessity of a racially aware society so that true information, even if painful, is available. Also a social stigma against that sort of thing protects young women, who are certainly liable to make poor choices regardless of what information is available.

Oddly our government warns us all of the time to avoid bad behaviors, nagging us like a nosy nanny. But in this case where there is tremendous social benefit to be gained they are, of course, silent. The additional cost to society from all of these poor interracial couplings is staggering. This is another example of the human suffering caused by the racial policies of our society. This is another reason we must stand strong against this sort of thing even though we may receive tremendous criticism for it: to help stop suffering and save lives.
I wouldn't say the end of our race is near, but its just a numbers game. A lot of white couples just aren't having kids while asians, hispanics, and blacks reproduce at a very high rate. It doesn't help whenever an interracial couple produces a child that 9 times out of 10 the child is no longer considered white. (save for maybe Johnny Damon
The race will survive. Not necessarily in the United States, but somewhere in the world there will be an awakening. The fall of the U.S. may be the catalyst for this. The world's police will then be out of the way. For instance, if a race war erupted in South Africa AND whites began to win and expell the blacks despite being vastly outnumbered, who do you think would be the first to drop bombs on our kinsmen? That's right, our traiterous govt. would begin sqauwking about "ethnic cleansing" and "Nazis". Maybe something major will happen here, after an economic collapse or something, but it's not looking good at the moment.
KG2422 said:
For instance, if a race war erupted in South Africa AND whites began to win and expell the blacks despite being vastly outnumbered, who do you think would be the first to drop bombs on our kinsmen? That's right, our traiterous govt. .

We don't need to speculate about a futuresituation in South Africa. Our government didn't do a thing to help the besieged whites. In fact we orchestrated the destruction of that regime. Do you remember the economictrade sanctions levied against that country when whites were in control? We did our best to destroy thembecause of apartheid. Now the blacks are in control and massacring the remaining whites. Of course , we now turn a blind eye to the savagery and genocide.
There is a rumour that has been going around in SA for a while that when Mandela dies the blacks are going on the attack.
Maybe because people see we have many white leaders. They don't consider these leaders would actually work against them. A lot of people don't take the time to think beyond that. Whites have been a majority so long, people don't think this is an actual threat.
The race will survive. Not necessarily in the United States, but somewhere in the world there will be an awakening. The fall of the U.S. may be the catalyst for this. The world's police will then be out of the way.

It's hard for a lot of white Americans to accept, but the US government really is our biggest enemy. Of course the fall of the US may simply result in more corruption and oppression from the govt, not the "white awakening" that many WN's predict. As you said, others will have to carry the torch. Perhaps some Eastern European countries can avoid the massive non-white immigration and other anti-white policies that are infecting North America and Western Europe.
I think white people will get Greenland and part of Antarctica for a white home land, then all of the non-whites will move there because it will be the only place worth living.
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