Misandry on Madison Avenue


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good article on the growing man/husband (particularly white men) bashing pushed by Globalist Elite controlled Madison Avenue & the "Sheepletainment" industry...

Misandry on Madison Avenue

by Marc H. Rudov
Moronizing & Marginalizing Men

Your spellchecker doesn't recognize misandry, the hatred of men, because the developers at Microsoft, when creating Word, weren't conscious of it. But, they sure knew about misogyny, right? HR sensitivity programs ensured that. Bashing women is so verboten in Corporate America that people can lose their jobs over it. Excoriating men, on the other hand, is so infused  and apparently profitable  that, like breathing, most people accept it without question. And, nowhere is misandry practiced more than on Madison Avenue, the advertising capital of the world, the source of the male-bashing TV commercial.

Today's TV spots are moronizing and marginalizing men, with impunity. Why do they persist? Quite simply, most Americans  including a lot of self-hating men  approve. The genesis of every TV campaign begins by matching an advertiser's sales objectives with an assumption about the zeitgeist. The advertiser bets that a TV campaign's message will resonate with its targeted customers, who, hopefully, will respond by purchasing the promoted products or services. When earning my MBA at Boston University, I obviously missed the lecture on how to boost revenues of cameras and mutual funds by alienating men and fathers.

Sony & Fidelity Investments

That explains why I was incredulous when Sony aired its "Father Is a Horse's Ass Commercial," believing that insulting men would boost sales of the Cyber-shot® camera. The campaign didn't last long, but I have yet to read about any Sony marketing execs or any BBDO advertising execs who lost their jobs over it. Imagine what those child actors thought about their own fathers as they were learning their lines, reciting them on camera, and watching the finished commercial. What were the impressions on their young minds and souls?

In another misandry-for-profit example, Fidelity Investments and Arnold Worldwide, both of Boston, teamed up to produce four spots designed to lure female investors by denigrating men. When you watch them, ask yourself this question: Why would women feel good about doing business with a company that trashes men?

Fidelity's Moron: Misusing the Leafblower
Fidelity's Moron: Parking the Car with Wife

Fidelity's Moron: Playing with Child's Toys
Fidelity's Moron: Playing Pingpong with Daughter
How do you feel when you watch Fidelity's spots? Are you enraged? Are you indifferent? Are you amused? Are you motivated to send a check to Fidelity? Your answer reveals a lot about you and your attitudes about men.

Fidelity's Advertising Assembly Line

For Fidelity's misandrist TV spots to have seen the light of day, they had to move through an assembly line of steps and associated approvals:

VP of marketing has a "vision": portraying men as marginalized morons will successfully lure female investors without alienating male investors. Time to convert this "vision" into a TV campaign
VP of marketing gets funding approval from superiors and chooses staff members to execute vision  all are "mad about misandry"
VP of marketing and team meet with Fidelity's ad agency, Arnold Worldwide (AW). AW's creative staff and execs love the man-as-moron angle, pitch their ideas, and can't wait to begin
Combined Fidelity/AW team conceives, writes, storyboards, staffs, funds, shoots, produces, post-produces, and greenlights four male-bashing spots
AW buys time on TV networks to run man-as-moron spots. Network execs don't object to or even notice spots' misandrist content. The spots air as scheduled.
The NoNonsense Bottom Line

Numerous people  men and women  on the aforementioned advertising assembly line participated in, condoned, and approved the moronizing and marginalizing of men. Worse, the American public  men and women  gave it a giant thumbs-up. Corporate America, emboldened by this direct and tacit approval, takes the cue and runs with a new trend in advertising.

As a test, imagine the Sony commercial airing with the mother as a horse's ass, or the Fidelity spot on primetime TV featuring a woman playing with toys in a doctor's waiting room. You know as well as I do that such an "equality" test wouldn't pass the first step in the assembly line above. Furthermore, we also know that anyone even suggesting equality in advertising would be summarily fired.

Boys seeing men and fathers constantly portrayed as morons cannot possibly look forward to marriage and parenthood  or even manhood. Moreover, frequent male denigration is encouraging girls to develop a deep disrespect of boys and men, and false senses of superiority. Alas, when these boys and girls become parents, they will repeat and continue this cycle of misandry.

Whether at home or at work, women who trash men to gain self-worth and profits are worthless. And, likewise, men who trash themselves and their fellow men to gain female approval and profits are as well worthless  and pathetic.

Men will make people conscious of, and utlimately end, misandry by refusing to tolerate it: from advertisers, ad agencies, and the women and self-hating men in their lives. Misandry on Madison Avenue will continue only as long as it does on Main Street.

(**Link includes videos of the male-bashing ads)

Reference article Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Apr 14, 2005
Nice article. It reminds me of all the sitcoms out there such as The Simpsons, King of Queens, Family Guy, Still Standing, and many others that have the dumb stupid dad and the smart well respected mother. The article brings up the valid points of how can girls possibly respect men when all they see on tv are stupid guys. However, as long as the public remains blind to this nonsense Corporate America will continue to shove it in our faces over and over again. Then we wonder why now more females are going to college than males and what sex is more mature.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
The fat, stupid slob husband who somehow manages to be married to a slender, somewhat-attractive-yet-shrill self-righteous woman dynamic is a cornerstone of the media's war against the concept of respecting white males.

A recent example is an utterly hateful, repulsive General Mills Whole Grain Cheerios commercial, where this typical b&^tchy wife informs her dimwitted husband that Whole Grain Cheerios are good for you.

Agreeing with her, he reads off the box that they're low fat, to which she immediately replies "so you think I need to lose weight?"

Long story short, the commercial ends with the husband learning his place and saying something along the lines of "I know, I know, I need to sit down and shut up."

If there were ever any commercial where in some man told a woman to sit down and shut the hell up and learn her place, there's be a hailstorm of protest.